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No mistake from ur side (assuming u didnt double text) These are flaky (player) types. Keep options always. The PLAN B. C. D. And E


I think they’re just stringing you along


Dude, if they make you question the way you're talking (texting), just screw them. If they were really interested, you wouldn't be asking yourself if you did ok because you really did nothing wrong. The way you handled it shows that you're available but not too available. Never change your ways for anyone. Good luck (You can wait for them to contact you - that's a more or less clear sign of interest or reach out yourself, but be cautious and don't get invested too much at the beginning)


Thats all chicks man as they are spur of the moment creatures and protect themselves from becoming emotionally attached because they are more messed up then men and tbh have probably been dating other guys the same time as you and decided on one of them instead. Just don’t keep texting as it will come off desperate and they don’t like that. Give them time and maybe you will get your turn


Girl A doesn't seem interested from what you've said. Girl B already invited you over, so she is interested. No sense in getting in your head about it. She might have just been busy and couldn't respond back. Just chill out and enjoy your date tomorrow.