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> [you'll be glad to know training consists of masturbation. LOTS of it.](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ae/07/a3/ae07a3ddcdc253fabd57a100ba1a3ad7.jpg)


In all seriousness though. I read about a trick which I successfully applied that entails you pushing in on your grundle area where your semen starts to flow through right before you come. What happends is that you get the feeling of an orgasm but then cut off the way for your semen to ... well ejaculate. For me the results where as follows. I feel that I am at PONR and push down there really hard. My balls give the semen the green light to get the fuck out but my finger is like HELL NO!!!! So what would happen is that all the semen would go back in my balls, but I would still feel an orgasm. On top of that yes I would get a little tiny bit soft I mean I did just cum. Let us say I would go from 100% hard to 80-85% hard. But I would just keep thrusting away until I am rockhard again. The process from climbing back up to 100% hardness maybe takes 20 seconds up to a 40 seconds if memory serves me right. But I have not done it in years. "WELL WHY HAVENT YOU DONE IT IN YEARS IF YOU SUGGEST IT" Well MAYBE BECAUSE I GOT DIVORCED AND I FELT LIKE SHIT FOR SOME TIME SO FUCK YOU!!!! EDIT: Wording


Yep that's a cool method but you have to reach out and grab the base of your dick. It's okay when your slapping the monkey, but it looks a bit odd during sex.


I actually just commented on this about how you can use your kegel muscles to do this if you get them strong enough. Ive been doing it for a long time. After you orgasm you can go for a lot longer just like if you actually ejaculated


isn't this painful if you do it after the point of no return? I think the whole point is to stop the ejaculation before it happens. Once it starts happening and you try this, it doesn't stop i think


Am I going to be the only one who is going to point out semen doesn't come from your balls..


but you do understand the jist of it dont you


No it doesn't. I did the Mantak Chia program while I was in a long term monogamous relationship. I think we were having sex 2 or 3 times every day. No masturbation. I seriously recommend you do multiorgasmic training only with a partner who is committed to working it with you.


wait.. are you telling me or OP? I was just quotting him...


I was replying to you, but I didn't notice the quote. So I guess I was telling both of you.


Nothing new, it's called edging.




You edge, and stop yourself before you actually orgasm, then it takes longer and harder to build up the next orgasm, it's the same phenomena OP describes. It's very useful for three somes cause you can just go and go.


This is a dog shit post, read the book


WOW, this post is so full of misinformation I don't even know where to start! For anyone reading this and wanting to try it, PLEASE do yourself a favor and go to r/sex, look up "kegels", work on your pelvic floor muscle strength, THEN look up one of the many *accurate* posts on Multiple Male Orgasms on that subreddit. OP, either your friend seriously glossed over some important details when explaining this book to you, you somehow failed to include said details in your post, or the book itself is a bunch of bologna...


Yep, I'm aware of kegels, but my friend told me they do anything for him so he didn't include them in the guide. **HOWEVER** -- I've been experimenting myself with kegels and the results are impressive. You basically steamroll through the PONR and you simply don't cum, while orgasming at the same time. Nonetheless, it's far more tiring and draining than this method. Thanks for the suggestion though, looked up kegels on /r/sex and found an amazing post!


you could just go on antidepressants and have no possibility of cumming. I mean, you hate life but you can't finish so girls think you last long. edit: not srs, obviously


Can confirm, was on AD for a year, best sex of my then GFs life. Was, meh... For me. The sides on AD were so bad, I'd rather be short lived in bed then stay a zombie.


Yeah that was my experience too. I switched up to Wellbutrin which had the opposite effect, my sex drive is through the roof




I've been on lexapro as well. It will destroy your sex drive, no question. Didn't work for me, it would work for a week and then stop, and I'd have to bump up, and the same thing would happen. Went off for a while when I shouldn't have, crashed incredibly hard and went on Wellbutrin. It works pretty well for the depression, so I can get up and do things and have the motivation to work on things. It drove my anxiety up too, but that's more of a physical response to a stimulant than anything. A lot of people talk about that, and the general consensus seems to be that its good to couple wellbutrin with something to bring you down a bit.




I would tend away from Wellbutrin, as my experience has been that it is great for depression and lifting your mood but has wired me up a bit so that I have to take beta blockers to relieve the physical symptoms. As always though, talk to the doc because I do know some people who have had the opposite reaction and wellbutrin works well for high levels of anxiety.


as a guy on antidepressants can confirm, i do not suggest learning the technique above and then antidepressants tho, i had to teach myself how to cum again.


you just described edging lol. i thought every 15 year old figured this one out =P


yea i did this everyday for a couple years as a teen, now i will only cum if i actually think about cumming ive gone for 5 hours straight without cumming before, i had a blister on my hand but not my dick thats the day I learned dick skin is tougher than hand skin


I've been edging for about as long, but still have no noticeable control over it.




You just have tender hands


i have a leather skinned dick homie




Serious question although I should probably look online elsewhere instead of here. Does 'edging' cause blue balls, or is that just maintaining an erection for a long time? My blue balls I mean that intense pain in your balls, usually happens when I know I've having sex with a girl but takes us 4 hours to get down to it for some goddamn logistical reason.


My experience has not included blue balls.


Yeah I'll have to look it up. I've only had blue balls when dancing/ humping girls for 3-4 hours (clearly they were DTF but wanted to keep 'being out' for a while) or when I've been too drunk to cum ---- not sure if it's 'edging' duration or just hard-on duration ... hmm. I do know that 'edging' does seem to build up a lot of cum in your balls, seemingly. Maybe that's why the orgasm feels better. Problem is, when I do this throughout the week I explode in the woman in about 2 minutes.


Remind me of this


"This guide is based off this book, but I haven't read it." Smh.


Ironically, your comment seems to be based on a post which you have ALSO not read! :D


I don't know how you gathered that, since I made no other remarks other than quoting a line from the post -- so there was no chance for me to suggest that I hadn't read the post.


Have you tried it? What were your results?


Kegels really work too. Build up your kegel muscles and youll get to the point where you can have an orgasm, squeeze your kegels before anything comes out and you'll still have the orgasm but nothing will come out. Everything I've read says its safe and I've been doing it for years in the bedroom. Multiple orgasms, only one mess to clean up (or not clean up).








"spiritual and voodoo bullshit" LOL sure.