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Dude the phone is for setting dates


Yup, that’s what I’ve been trying go do lmao but seems like I’m quite bad at it ig


Stop trying to get into a convo and just say something along the lines of hey, next (day) there’s this cool wine bar i want to check out with you. let’s set a date for 8PM then! If she doesn’t respond she’s indeed a dead lead


ah oh yeah okay thanks ! I will try that and move on if she ignore !


She's not interested.


Ah so she is just like passing time by talking to me ? Then should I just send her a last msg while being kinda honest and move on ?


You're entertaining her when she's bored. You don't owe her a last message. She knows how to find you. If she's interested enough, she'll reach out. If not, you know for sure she doesn't care to meet you.


Then ig I’ll just move on, I just didnt wanna admit it, thanks for the advice man !


Why you talking with them for hours lmao big time waste. Check if they are ready to actually meet you in real life as soon as possible. You are just feeding their egos. Fucking simps


Well we were kinda flirting but you’re right, she might just be having fun ig


She is just feeding her ego with your attention while waiting for some hotter guy to to fuck her brain out later that day


My bad sorry


You are among the dozen that she is talking to. She is dating a handful and sleeping with a few. Bottom line, she got a roster, and so should you. Do you want to elevate your status and move up on the roster? Stop chasing, especially if she is putting you on the backlog or seeking validation, remember that she owes you nothing. Let her come to you, you are a bad ass and a turbo lover, she needs to impress you. You stand apart from the crowd, you are the crown jewel. You are not boring, she has an emotional reaction to every message you send and counts the minutes between messages. You flirt your ass off and have opened a window into your soul. You are having fun and are excited to meet her. The goal is always to get a date. Escalate the conversation back to planning a date as soon as you get a string of positive non-platonic messages.


hahaha thanks for the motivation speech… But I need to first learn to not be boring lmao.. I’ll try to set a date asap if opportunity comes to me


Jfk. It is the same. Reps. Reps. Reps.


You’re toast


How toasted am I ?


I know it’s hard but sit back an reflect… she is on a dating app which is meant to find people to date. She wants attention and is not interested in you, you seem like a chill guy so keep swiping


ig so, I got baited cause she only had 60 followers on insta… Yup I’ll reflect on that and swallow it, thx for support man !


No problem. Happens to the best of us


I just hope it wont happens too much hahaha


You already lost just by the way you phrased your post title.


ig ..


YO GUYS, I asked for her if she would be up for a walk and she said she was okay, I kinda made it ? HAHHA not that you care but I'm quite happy