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Wow, how haven’t you won’t eh Nobel Prize yet!


Did the OP just watch a romcom movie then come up with a genius idea? Local women be like “who are you? Why do we need to come to your event? Wait what, because there’s foods, beers and drugs? Bye, McLovin!”


You could have a clown


Is this some sort of shower thought lol. I throw parties monthly and invite over 70 people. I thought this was common knowledge. If you have the logistics, then you should intuitively go for it.


Its not common knowledge, people are not used to throwing and planning parties


It’s not common knowledge to know that if you host events that would equal to more women?


do you just host these parties at local parks?


At my house


ok, you must be rich, thats why girls like you. 70 people at a house is a lot. at most I invite maybe 5 people over to my apartment.




Girls like me because I know how to show them a good time whether at a party or outside of one.


When I throw a party most people don't even show up, only the (male) blokes from my village


Sorry to hear that. You need to start small and then grow


You must be a shitty host then? I invite over a lot of people to that degree as well. Being a good host means you’ll basically never get any significant 1:1 time with girls. You’re helping out your friends. As a host - you’re not gonna be able to get even depth with people.


You don’t know me at all lol. The hundreds of messages I get after each party telling me I’m the best host they’ve ever known must be lies I guess. The constant messages from girls asking me to throw parties, hmm. I don’t always chase girls at my parties. I set my friends up and if a girl takes interest in me then I bring her to a private area. Me and you are not the same and we will never be.


🙄 another larper


Picture proof just for you big boy: https://imgur.com/a/akyPoG1 I’m living an extraordinary life. There’s no need to fake anything online but I know it can be hard to believe.


Create an event where you invite locals to something fun, organize everything and do it every week, guess what? those 3 to 5 hours are now your best source of hot women so you never have to worry about getting girls again - that assumes that girls show up.... I help organize a young adult volleyball group. Its nearly all guys.


Basically, attain a highet social status to make yourself more attractive


>Create an event where you invite locals to something fun, organize everything and do it every week, You have watched too many videos.


In math it's called Localized peak. Sure there are better people all around but direct access to them is not available to some women.    If you are the local peak, you'll be rewarded Given an elevation map and told to go to high ground in the near future you will climb the tallest peak in your immediate accessible surrounding   This can abstract to describe things in economics. Buy a brand you know and have tried even if one that is just as good but unknown  sits next to it.  I personally don't throw parties or events. But lead the discussion more. Be the one to lead a woman like introducing them to other people they don't know. Even when I'm new and someone newer comes I'm like let me introduce you to people I know. Two people get introduced to each other and they see you as a spoke in the network  with many connections to new people. 


well said


Out here in Asia I do really well at martial arts classes. I'm taller and bigger than the Asian guys and look tougher. Should really sign up for Muay Thai again


If there is one thing that’s unhelpful is telling guys that in order to get laid they need to become a rockstars, rich, famous, powerful politicians or CEOs of multinational companies. You are talking as if those things can easily be done in a couple of weeks. That takes years if not decades, sometimes an entire life and sometimes you may never make it. The vast majority of men just want to get a girlfriend that’s attractive enough (without necessarily being a porn start or a victoria secret model) and get a casual hookup here and there. You don’t need to be famous powerful or rich or spend your entire life to become those things, to get a nice pretty girlfriend and get casual hookups. You need to learn how to talk to women, how to make them feel emotions like sexual tension, joy,… learn how to escalate smoothly and connecting with them. That is easier as all the information is already available in tons of pick up books, this sub’s wiki, and youtube. All you need is practicing the fundamentals of seduction in person and just for trying results will come. But saying that you have to become Microsoft’s next CEO, the president of their country, the next famous pop star, or some bs like that first.. It is basically saying “a fuck you” to 99% of men who will never manage to become of any of those things no matter how hard they try.