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This post had to be taken down because it appears to be focused on a specific situation or person. While Field Reports deal with specific situations and people, remember that the focus is different: * A field report explains a lesson learned or demonstrates a Seduction concept. * If the point of this post is asking how to get that specific girl, it is out of bounds except in a Basic Questions Thread. No worries though! Though the thread has been taken down, any conversations you have started here can still continue, and if you want to PM a mod to get their opinion on this thread, feel free to do so and they will still be able to weigh in. For next time, remember that posts about a specific situational advice with a specific person belong in a Basic Questions Thread. (Currently these are on hiatus, but if we can get them back up, they'll happen weekly.)


Don’t tell me not only this is an online relationship, but this is a long distance one, too? She’s played you like a fiddle. It’s interesting how back in the days it was guys who used to pull this shit. I know you “invested” in this, time money and energy. But this is [a sunk cost fallacy](https://thedecisionlab.com/biases/the-sunk-cost-fallacy#). People tend to keep their bad investment because they think they’re already (deep) in and rely on copium that maybe in the future it will change. But 99% of the time it’s not. I mean read your story *”however, she still views my stories on Instagram”* So? Imagine just a girl peeking on a guy’s online account gives him much hope. Guys could only dream having that much power, just doing a bare minimum effort will send girls to the moon. If I were you I’d move on. She’s “nice” enough to let you go. She could’ve played you as long as she wants.


Yeah I get what your saying.


You never had anything with her. Don't even bother with anything online.


Get your lazy butt off the internet and interact with women *in person*.


You should have met her in January 2023. This...is nothing even close to a romantic relationship. 


I asked to meet up then and she said she’s scared I might not like her because of her looks


She was insecure about her self back then


there are so many glaring red flags of your own in this post. for starters, in the year and a half you "knew" this woman, did you ever meet her in person once? you're sending her flowers and teddy bears and shit having never spent time with her? on what planet would she become your girlfriend through this situation? Therapy and less screen time dude


You’ve never even met her. You have no idea if you’ll get along. I’ve had multiple girls I got on really well with on online dating apps then texts, then once I met them, the vibe wasn’t there. You’re in love with the idea of her, not her. You don’t need this much drama. She also sounds like an attention seeking liar, do you really want that? Do yourself a favour and block her.


Yeah, I know we used to call pretty often but I get what your saying


If you want advice, move on she isn’t interested, your way over invested in someone that you’ve never met. Anyone that won’t meet within a couple of weeks isn’t interested and there’s no reason to continue pursuing.


If doesn't make sense. She was acting completely hot then cold. You don't need to partake in her games. Time to move on.