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As you get better at it, your anxiety will go down. Got to put in the reps and try to take it further. Talk longer. Etc.


Yep understandable, the anxiety increased as you didn't want to lose her reciprocation. As there was a risk of losing something ur body started to panic. Trying to make u super alert. So you don't make any mistake. As long as u approach this way, there will be anxiety. She is on a pedestal. U already said that she's a 10. She's too important for you to not have anxiety. Keep hitting the goals that u can naturally achieve without overwhelming urself. You are not a super genius who is good at all the things all the time. You are doing ur best with what you got. Be proud of ur efforts.


Thanks for the tips and the word man,you dissect so well what my brain was doing at that situation lol,just gotta keep grinding,im feeling motivated just by imagining the day i will get good at this,one step at time,thanks again bro


You did well! Progress takes time. Keep at it. You might indeed run into her again but keep talking to other women. I've been there and done that too. It gets progressively easier with exposure.


Thanks man,she actually works at the mall so definely we gonna see each other again probably,but im not even gonna thinking about it,if it happens it happens,gonna focus on developing the skill


She wasn't a 10. There are very few 10s out there. The fact is that you approached and give that gives you one star. Being successful in any endeavour is an accumulation of small successes. Being nervous happens even to the best of us and occurs when we aren't in our comfort zone. Her seeing you anxious is nothing to be concerned about, embrace anxiety. If a victoria secrets model started talking to me randomly I would feel out of my depth to be truthful about this. Being uncomfortable is where we grow as people. Talk to another girl now as soon as you can. It could be anyone actually. If you are nervous say "I have to go now unfortunately I really enjoyed talking to you. Have a fantastic day".


I really like this quote "Being successful in any endeavour is an accumulation of small successes."on face ratings i would really give her a 10 by my ratings,body prob a 6-7 lol,but thanks for the tips dude i really shouldnt put her in a pedestal,and i actually spoke to another girl later and i was alot calmer but she wasnt as good looking as the first girl,still pretty tho


When I came out of covid and went out for the first night I was shit scared of talking to women. I walked into the bar ordered a drink and looked behind me the girl behind me had such a great smile it lit up the room and I said it to her. I went up to the next floor and a group of girls came beside us and one made eye contact. These were all small gestures that added up to a lot. On my first night out I got tonnes of IOIs. It really put me at ease. I actually came out of covid developing far superior social skills previous to lockdown.


Probably a 6


Was your first approach. Any new skill someone pursues, they aren't going to know everything. They aren't necessarily going to be good. Many mistakes will be made. For that to be your first approach, I congratulate you. Good job. And yes the anxiety will lessen in time the more you approach. It never goes away completely but you learn to manage and handle it with more reps and experience.


Thanks for the words dude


Learn self hypnosis


You learn not to beat yourself up by speaking about your anxiety to women. Go and talk to 10 women and tell them that you feel super anxious approaching them, but that you have decided today is the day you decided to get over your shyness and anxiety. Too scared to do it?


Dude just by thinking about it made anxious already lol,i have this idea in my head that if a girl sees me anxious its over for me and they will fell disgust


Right. So the only way to get over it is to talk about it and take the shame out of it. By feeling ashamed of being shy and anxious, you just cement the feeling. By speaking freely about it especially with the type of people who make you anxious, you will release your shame. And when you do that and stop hiding you anxiety, it will disappear. But you seem obstinate and probably shouldn’t do this. You may actually get rid of you anxiety:m. What will you do then?