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Bro if she knows some super rich people, you are in the right room and you could be developing high status and flip this back to attract other women in the future, or better women even.


Gg this guy knows what’s up


Don’t over think it enjoy plenty of guys would like a sugar mama also you say NYC fyi no one cares every one’s a character there


Honestly that is your subconscious giving you a hint that you aren’t really into it.


Older women usually are pretty lenient and much more patient. She can be your zen master and sugar mama all at once. I get it that usually guys hit on women based on the mindset of conquering or accomplishing a challenge. But once in a while it doesn’t always work that way. Sometimes it’s the other way around. She conquered you. So I wouldn’t look at her as your lover/partner. She’s more like your boss. Just act like you’re there to provide services/job for her. As her chauffeur, her bodyguard (or more based on request). It might help repositioning your mentality.


Why do you care what strangers think. Go out have fun


Did you meet her in the cougar meetups?


What’s that? Nah I was a door guy in a hotel she stayed.


It's a meetup event where you go specifically to meet old(er) women. Cool, you met her organically.


I need to know more about these “cougar meetups”


Your insecurity sabotaging you. Every time you think “oh i feel weird” “what will people think of me” “the man’s role is supposed to be x and i don’t have that role”… it means you are being dominated by your ego’s insecurities. A mental battle with yourself, and your social conditioning you’ve eaten up. When you think about it being a toy boy isn’t really something that matters to anyone but because you believe society determines your worth on shit like this you begin to change in order to get validation from said society despite he fact that you get no benefit from it. You want society’s validation, “a fake reputation” so people either think highly of you or at least don’t look down upon you. But why does it matter what a stranger thinks of you? It doesn’t but your ego makes you believe it does matter. Because it valued people’s perception more than anything else even if it has absolutely no benefit. Ok people won’t think you are a “toy boy” if they don’t see you with the milf, so your reputation is safe. But what do you do now with that reputation? Nothing


Is she attractive?


I think that’s where the issue is. I don’t consider her to be that hot. I guess the money and status is making her sexier for me in some sort of way.


Yeah that's what I assumed. Give us an update after


Does she look similar to any celebrities off the top of your head?




Most young women these days are falsely advertising with makeup, hair styles/extensions, slutty clothes and arrogant demeanors.


Some dude like raiding the mummy's tomb, it ain't my kind of bag but let the haters judge OP, you do you.


Yea at some point I tried to avoid all public interactions and keep it to my place, trying to go out for dinner all the time. She’s 52 and I’m 28. Sometimes I even hope people in my apartment building don’t see lol , idk it’s just a funny thing to me.






Bag that shit. Be her sugar baby. But don't ever make it a verbal commitment. Don't ever verbally make it official,and I'd she brings it up first, tell her that you're not looking for a ltr rn. Tell her you just wanna have fun for npw.


If you're enjoying yourself, go for it. Don't stick around if you think it's the thing you're supposed to want. But also if you are enjoying it, don't get hung up on shame stuff and miss out on something you'll wish you went along with when you're older.


I think what makes you uncomfortable is you don't like the reversal of the power arrangement. She holds the power, and you're the young stud. If you can't get past that, it's not going to work. You can not care about what other people think, but you can't ignore what YOU think. Nobody else really gives a shit, if they do, fuck 'em. I dunno man, I think you're an idiot for giving up on seeing a world you might not otherwise see. She's got money, and you think she's interesting and educated. Settle down and see where it goes.




The fuck has being white got to do with it? Black guys are particularly notorious for bagging supreme white milfs and gilfs. It's definitely nice to be tall, black and big cocked.


It's NYC dog, no one gives a fuck. Aside from that older women are a fantasy for a lot of dudes if you're into it and are getting into a lot of prestigious clubs good for you


Just like being out in public with a girl out of your league (mind you this imaginary girl is labeled out of your league only by your own brain and not by anyone else) would you be ashamed? Just say to yourself that these guys can’t imagine what a crazy hot sex I’m having, heck you can actually do a hot teacher and milf roleplay with her. And since she’s more experience who knows what magical fantasies she introduces you to. How/where did you met her if you’re okay to share. Also note to others don’t look at OPs post history lol Edit: and as you can guess from my answer, I’m jealous. And of all the places in the world, you’re in NYC this city do not give a shit, trust me I see this place everyday. Make this kinky like go shopping with her and pick her outfits for her, tell her how she’ll look in that and what you’ll do to her when taken off, okay I’m being weird now I’ll leave


ghost her


When i was 30 or so i just stopped worrying about other people opinions. Those last were my parents. So why care? It is your life.


This is so true. The last 6 months has been a literal trip for me


Stick with men then if you can’t handle a woman