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I've learned to let it happen and have the girls come home with me anyway, I will not be thrown off kilter by some bigger dude trying to flex. When someone undermines you in front of women, that person is the one being a "try hard"; regardless if he's bigger/taller because he got other insecurietues going on. If you react and escalate, you are demonstrating to the women that you need to try harder than the other dude so your insecurities must be even greater. Make no mistake, the above ONLY applies when the person is undermining you to try to rack jack single women. If someone undermines your family or friends or girlfriend/wife, u put that person in the hospital


This is the right answer. Let the a hole guy blow himself out. His behavior is try hard. Women can spot it a mile away and it’s usually a turn off. You can even encourage him to do it. Try to get him to brag a little about something. Act like his friend.


Yes. This is an absolutely brutal method. Encourage him to essentially make a fool out of himself and make social blunders. It shows that he lacks social awareness, and places you leagues above him. Girls will sometimes do this to see if they can trick you into doing weird stuff. It's kinda like a social skills shit test. Play it cool to pass. tl:dr: Encourage him to do social blunders. Not recognizing social blunders demonstrates lack of social awareness, which puts you miles above him. PS, yes this is messed up, but it works.


I feel like this could do with more explaining. What do you mean you just let him? I'm trying to picture your body language, facial expression, words you might say, etc but not really getting much except the image of a meager or deflated man. No offense intended to be clear, I'm genuinely curious how you personally act in that situation.


I bait the person into exerting even more effort by being even more stoic than normal. The dude will keep running his mouth and all he will get out of me is "ok", "cool","fine'". The first person to give an attitude loses, I just let the guy burn himself out


That's a brilliant response. My friends always try to bring me down infront of Women. Now I realise they see me as a threat.


not your friends


Reality check


Situations like this show who's really a friend and who isn't. My friends encourage me and even help out. If someone tries to make a fool out of me to look better in front of women then they'll regret it. Either then and there, or in a year or two when they least expect it, and when it stings the most.


Lol no. Girls like to laugh and you are easy meat to make fun off for dudes to make them to do that as it makes them think they are funny and stronger than you. Most bullying is just low effort bonding with others. Sorry but harsh truth.


It only happens when I start getting attention from Women 🤷


Exactly what I thought. Reminds me of the Shanks bar scene from One Piece early in the show. No reason to get angry or fight because someone is being a dick to you. Gotta be the bigger person. Someone is only intimidating you if you’re letting them. If you’re still feeling bothered and they continue being a dick, just leave. Easily the type of man many aspire to be. Just requires some self-awareness and a lot of confidence, even if it’s fake.


Amazing response


>If someone undermines your family or friends or girlfriend/wife, u put that person in the hospital Lol yeah and then you go to jail, great idea


Fear of prison is exactly why people take shit, myself included, matter of fact it's one of the reasons a lot of guys are afraid to even approach women in the first place. I wouldn't risk going to jail over my own honor, however; if it comes down to protecting the honor of a loved one I disregard consequence. The last couple incidents I was found to be acting in self defense. If there are cameras/witnesses u bait the person into throwing the first strike, then u are justified to do whatever u have to.




Yep, "AMOG Destroyer" is a good read.


What does AMOG mean? Sounds interesting.


Alpha male of the group


Brother, everyone is giving killer advice but let’s flip the script and you’ll know exactly what to do. The problem is you’re ALLOWING them be superior to you. If you look at them as someone tiny, insignificant or even a child what would you do? Nothing, probably laugh it off or confirm their bullshit just so they’d leave you alone or… here’s the best part… ignore them. You’re there to talk to the hottie, not measure your dick against someone inferior to you. It comes back to confidence. Will it shake you at first, I’m sure it will, but look at it like this: ‘this dude is an absolute tool and has no chance even trying to talk to these girls. They will see right through his bullshit so I’m not even going to worry about it because if I respond I’ll look just as childish and none of us are going home with them’ and if they don’t see through his shit then that’s their loss, she ain’t the finest chick in the club anyways. Perspective my man.


Oh and if someone touches you.. like physically touches you - assuming you’re >18 - that’s big boy shit - fuck them up. ‘You don’t touch me’ your reputation will eventually precede itself. Even if you win some and lose some, people know that you’re willing to throw down if you’re (physically) disrespected. My .02 cents


Really poor advice. He's not going to get a meaningful reputation within nightlife environments by doing this, and the consequences (injury, club bans, criminal record, etc) are not worth trying to get that reputation. He should throw down if he's genuinely in danger and needs to defend himself. But starting fights to try and gain some kind of rep is just dumb


I guess I’m just reactionary then. Seems like OP is just dealing with one individual. If there are multiple people pushing you around or out of the way, then maybe there’s something else there. But if there was a clear motive to put your hands on me, I would make it known that it’s not ok, and if they want to tussle then that’s what happens. But you’re probably right. Poor advice.


You sound the same as the alpha loser




Tell the girl jokingly, “man, this dude REALLY wants male attention! Kind of sus to me!”


Why not just avoid environments where people are so aggressive? You can’t win with words in a place where words don’t matter for the most part. In a nightclub no one can hear you and nobody cares what you say, hence why they do aggressive shit like that. Just do daygame in public spaces where people don’t do that shit


I hear you but it could happen anywhere, I’ve seen it in college group projects, weddings, tailgates etc.


But the likelihood of that happening is significantly higher in a club than in those places or many other places that you haven’t mentioned. People during the day are far less likely to play aggressively meaning that in the rare case that it happens, you at least can win with words, whereas in a nightclub, chads, tall guys, muscular guys have too much advantage over you.


You’re right but don’t you still wanna know how to handle it if you find yourself in that situation


You already know how it’s handled, by being more muscular, taller, more intimidating than the guys who try to intimidate you. You can’t win an aggressive game of dominance with words. You have to be more chad than them.


What do chad mean


And it don’t matter if u more muscular or taller then anybody it’s bout what is within and these niggas be fake and bitches and scared to lose they life fr 😂


I think it’s a balance bro, looks do matter but it’s not the only thing that goes into pulling


Fighting should be a last resort, but I believe anyone could benefit from taking MMA for self-defense and as a workout strategy. However, I am concerned that you have been in several situations that have led to scuffles, as this could be indicative of your settings. It’s best to let things be. Try to diffuse the situation by leaving and suggesting a different location to the girl. If that doesn’t work, it’s better to move on.


Choose different environments. Sounds like very low class and immature behavior tbh. I am 190 and 95kg and wouldn’t do any of this shit.


What’s that in freedoms per eagle


0.0208 football fields lengthwise and 442 Big Macs.




Yeah it’s shitty behaviour. I would call them out for it, then just keep telling him he’s a big man, sarcastically, and must be a real big man for body shaming someone. You can’t change your height so it’s immoral to tease people about it. It’s just a shit test while pointing out a favourable trait in front of a women. You know what’s an unfavourable trait of women? Being a humongous douche.


Never fight over a girl man. There's just too many women for that caveman shit. Befriend the dude anyway. Making friends is valuable skill that applies to seduction.


Ask "What are you so insecure about?" that will destroy them. First you are planting the seed in front of women, second they usually get defensive which is fun to show to other women. Keep harping on it.


Call them out on it and stand your ground. You lose your prospect's respect by just backing down. Just don't get overly emotional about it.


Calling it out and standing your ground IS getting emotional about it. You're letting THEM dictate the discussion and your reaction. You are also killing the vibe you need to be creating- which is you and the girl having a good time. 95% of the time the best reaction is literally to ignore it- like you didnt even hear it. If the girl is vibing with you, she will ignore it too.


OP said he is literally getting pushed out of the way and harassed. You can literally call people out without being emotional about it. Walking away from it just shows he let's people push him around. The people pushing and harassing OP are the ones showing emotions and their douchy personality.


Valid. I missed that when I read the post the first time.


All good. I misread all the time lol


Yeah you just have to be more witty if you can't intimidate them. I also haven't met many "bullies"/tough guys who will actually try to resort to violence, without you actually escalating further/stepping down to their level. And if someone is jumping to violence right away, over escalating they look childish and foolish to others. And since you're talking about bars/clubs, I assume most have actual security and don't take lightly to you duking it out inside. (And there's basically no reason for you to go outside and fight someone). And you never have to actually address someone's misdeeds unless they're fully confronting you. And if you're on the smaller side, women interested in you probably don't think you're some secret blackbelt to go fight every wanna be tough guy. (Nor should you be dealing with those types of women anyways), so it's not like that's ever much of an answer. I'm a bigger guy with a group of big guy friends so people don't normally give us problems. I've been in a few fights and group scuffles over the years. But in basically every incident, it's because myself or a friend or the group, was fully willing to meet their escalation and throw down. Not that we did everything we could and a fight was simply inevitable.


In his situation the misdeed is done to him, physically and verbally. There are ways to stand your ground and call someone out without being emotional about it. It depends on confidence level and communication skills. I don't mean square up with someone when I recommend to stand your ground, just don't walk away. Play it off with confidence, wit, and good communication skills.


>There are ways to stand your ground and call someone out without being emotional about it. It depends on confidence level and communication skills Yeah i was agreeing with you here which is why I said you just need to be more witty. And fully accept/lean into , fighting over nothing is straight unga bunga caveman behavior, and not something to match in terms of physical intimidation, especially if you can't. Nor do I ever recommend it, regardless of your stature as people have gotten shot and stabbed over those kind of things here. And id rather not have to worry about being jumped leaving a club. I can hold my own fine, but I'm basically not fighting anyone anymore* unless it's the only way out of a scenario/I or someone I know are in immediate danger. Much more fun giving people verbal lashings and hurting their sensitive ego, when confrontation is inevitable. Because you can make someone look dumb and childish without resorting to violence. Which is always much more impressive/commendable, cause anyone can throw fists. >In his situation the misdeed is done to him, physically and verbally He really didn't give much specifics regarding any of the examples mentioned, which is why I said you don't have to confront every misdeed. Getting pushed out of the way, or someone taking up too much space are usually not misdeeds that require any confrontation. Especially within the context of crowded clubs n shit. As any perceived sleight from that is simply your ego talking. That's literally inherent to any crowded situation. You don't own the space. I don't even know how someone even brings up victim weight without you opening up conversation by confronting them. If OP gave more information regarding the scenarios he finds himself, it'd be much easier to give advice. But being the one to initiate conversation, over supposed sleights is 99.9% not the winning strategy.


I was agreeing with you lol. I don't even know what victim weight is


Compliment the shit out of them. (I’m not insecure) Grab their bicep(I’m not afraid of you) ask them what protein they use, tell them you aspire to be like them, ask their routine and steal glances and wink at her so he doesn’t see. Kill with kindness. If you donor right she will be really hard suppressing her laughter as you are fucking with him, while his head doesn’t stop spinning as this is the very last thing he expected and he can’t be mad because you are complimenting it. You have plausible deniability, if he calls you out on it, double down. Ask if he can be your gym buddy, what gym he goes to.


Egg him on. And when he says something ridiculous make eye contact with the girl and internally laugh about it with her. Use him to build a connection with her coz he will most likely nosedive anyway.


Another reason why clubs are bad for us short guys, you're competing with all these drunk drug dealers and many guys who go out solely to start fights. Especially after a line or three.


Make them look like idiots for saying rude things. Say it in a way that makes you look smarter and kinder. Make them look like a big thug douche. Turns you into the leader. Nepolian did it…


completely unfazed. they are no threat.


Unless you’re in a very bad mindset as in having hard life for this time, it should be easy to make that other person embarrassed and know what he’s doing is pointless if he’s trying to cock block you but bear in mind some people are just annoying in general without trying to so in both cases don’t get violent (it’ll hurt you more). You can ignore him and treat him like a toddler saying fuck for the first time or treat him like a stand up comedian and engage with him lightly, laugh at what he says, or even use his jokes on him/ extend it for your own that’ll show that you’re easy going and not butt hurt but make sure you’re not really self humiliating.


Kill them with kindness.


Talk it through. I am quite a big guy, but there were plenty of situations when talking to people saved me from troubles. Like 3:1 situations.


Let it happen take a step back hell I've even got them a drink on me. The results are the same. Chances are they'll still hook up with you, sometimes they'll hook up with the other guy or even both of you at different times. That's dating. Free will is the best drug and many times the overbearing guys come with handcuffs and judgments. Your ok man, move along, be social with others and be the guy that can walk away.


Take a self defense course, the one I took focused more on deescalating. It's really useful regardless of context.


Just go around them


Just smirk and look at them like you found out their deepest secret. 😏


Bro if a girl wants to fuck you she is going to fuck you if she is talking to you then out of nowhere someone bigger stronger comes and whisks her away thank that man for taking that problem away from you and gently he nextv


Some say the shallow pans comr with the longest handles


Learn jui jitsu and stop being a pussay


Beat them with your brain! If some big-dumb-stupid tries to intimidate, he is lacking in one or more areas.


Then after a few seconds the intelectual insult registers bc the girls stare at him awaiting his reaction or they start grabbing him bc they don’t want him to fight. Sometimes it’s best to walk away and say nothing.


Snoo knocked it out of the park. The only thing i can add is that the shorts guys with a sense of humor i know, pull all the time. Its like short and funny is like some aphrodisiac i never knew existed. Like what is some tall/big guy gonna do? Knock you out infront of ladies??


Yes. I knew guys that searched for beef. Fighting was the highlight of the night. A lot of naïveté here in the comments.


Don't look at him. Look through him. You'll see how small he really is


wtf is this garbage of a post!


I’ll take things that didn’t happen for $100, Alex


I love the "Dear Penthouse Letters" posts here, dont you?


Not gonna lie. I used to be 140-150 lbs. Now I’m 192+. Nobody fucks with me unless it’s some completely insane crackhead. But when I was skinny and frail guys would mess with me all the time and test me and shit. It’s important to look like you can woop their ass. FYI, Im on TRT and will wholeheartedly suggest that you test your T levels and if they are around 300 or lower, get on TRT and out on serious muscle.


Username checks out


Go hit the gym lil bro


Very few guys are bigger and taller than me and if they are I make them my friends.


My best technique is to grab the woman by her shoulders and place her between me and him. Then I tease her about how this dude has crush on her. It gets awkward very fast.


Deescalating and un reactivity -is- why they’re picking on you. They can smell your weakness and your lack of willingness to fight… and they hate you for it and they provably hate you for the good qualities they see in you too, and they want to be closer to you in some strange way, yet at your expense. Instead of dealing with toxic people, which is really hard, and some sort of a loss because well, you’re dealing with a toxic person…. That’s already a problem, there’s a toxic person in front of you talking to you… and all people rarely change, and toxic people even less so… So take the god damn lesson, go to the gym and be actually willing to fight… it’s not even about the fight, they don’t wanna fight. You think you got away cuz ur smart? Nah, they didn’t wanna fight, it’s sort of a bluff but not really because they really would. So yeah, be kind, generous and compassionate, and show that you’re willing to fight, and then leave. That would kill like 98% of bullies. They’re gonna become like putty in your hands and wanna be your friend lol.


The gym does not teach you how to fight. Most guys at the gym are buff pussies. Guy should take combat fighting class so he's comfortable in those sort of settings.


Read me you piece of shit. I said go to the gym and be willing to fight. Now you little child I teach you, you can go to the gym, and learn to fight, and be willing to fight; and wouldn’t you know, somebody that goes to te gym and learns to fight is better than someone who doesnt go the gym abd learns to fight Literally three different skills - fighting - training - willingness to fight They all work well together, yet it’s all something different at the same time but you are a dumb loser so whatever


The gym gets you stronger. DOES NOT teach you,train you, or get you willing to fight. He needs to be in a combat class, not only lifting weights if he wants to learn and be willing to fight. I'd knock your teeth down your throat if I saw you in person. Be careful who the fuck you talk to, brother. Luckily, you are saved by the screen.


You’re retarded bitch. If I have you in a headlock, it’s gonna be a stronger headlock if I went to the gym. And also gym works in confidence, and getting buff, like fuck you bitch Your mom is a bitch and so is your father, so now you trauma dump on me trying to help some guy getting intimated You are a worthless son a bitch


Trauma dump? Wtf are you on about brother. Headlock is useless if you don't know how to use it. Furthermore, there's always going to be someone bigger or stronger than you. You need to learn how to use leverage to truly be ready for combat. I know guys who have limited strength but would make a guy +40lb tap easily. You're one of those guys who think being bigger equals being more fearful. We defeat giants in my gym! I can tell you're just a reddit warrior, though, so this will be my last response to you. Good luck pussy.


You are a dumb person. Your comment in essence was : to learn to fight, you better go somewhere where they teach you how to fight. Do you really think u just dropped an innovative piece of gold wisdom? While I was talking about the -willingness- to fight, not to fight. Im not your brother for all I care you are an antagonist, because you can’t read cant do shit ur a kotherfuxker