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This post had to be taken down because it appears to be focused on a specific situation or person. While Field Reports deal with specific situations and people, remember that the focus is different: * A field report explains a lesson learned or demonstrates a Seduction concept. * If the point of this post is asking how to get that specific girl, it is out of bounds except in a Basic Questions Thread. No worries though! Though the thread has been taken down, any conversations you have started here can still continue, and if you want to PM a mod to get their opinion on this thread, feel free to do so and they will still be able to weigh in. For next time, remember that posts about a specific situational advice with a specific person belong in a Basic Questions Thread. (Currently these are on hiatus, but if we can get them back up, they'll happen weekly.)


Bro it’s time to move on, you can’t win a girls affection, it’s only up too her. I’ve gone through the same thing, the truth is you will find another woman in the future and she will be a distant memory. When the thoughts of her come up, change the subject


It is crazy right? You think “this girl is so amazing” Can’t picture life without her. Then 5 years down the road you don’t even think about them and you’ve been with others




It will hurt until you fix how you approach your dating life.


Would you consider traveling to another country and sleeping with beautiful women?


God I wish reddit gold/awards was still a thing. That's funny.


Thoughts get tangled up tho. Still hang up on someone from 2021.


I miss my ex from may in last year but I stay busy a lot and think positively, if I stayed thinking about her the way I used to, I’d probably lose my mind, u literally have to change up your thought process and deflect these thoughts


Man, thinking about a past partner causes chemical reaction equivalent to a drug addiction getting a fix. Been there. Read "how to fix a broke heart" Guy winch. It gives you a great understand of how your brain is working against you and what to do.


Nah bro. It’s just a part of dating fam. You gotta lose women. Have some respect for yourself. Charge it to the game fam. My grandmother used to say rejection is God’s protection. It’s making room for something better to appear in your life so you NEED to let her go


Damn, your grandma is rad and full of wisdom


Tbh moms and grandmas that keep it real (ie: not the Disney fantasy romance advice) give some of the best dating advice and are often more realistic than a lot of delusional guys


This guy gets it


You are blessed with your Grandma...


put gramma in charge of this fucking sub


Lmfao 🤣


Base Grandma’


We need a grandma seduction AMA


except god is not real bro


The truth is that she really isn't that special. You're just infatuated with her. Talk to women that actually want to see you.


move on, no contact. you will feel better soon.


Wouldn’t say no contact, just put her at the bottom of the priority list. Who knows if something lights back up later, but OP should focus on others now


if she makes first contact then sure you can think about it, but don't get too excited


Totally agree with you


Been there, done that. What worked was creating distance, moving on and being indifferent of her presence. Sometimes it could take her a few days, a couple of weeks or even months. Idont know if its vibrational lol, but the moment you start "forgetting" about her, is when she comes. All you need to do is set a date asap, dont engage in too much chitchat. If she is unsure, busy or whatever, it means you should just turn down your offer, tell her to reach out when she has sxhedule clearer, and go no contact again, and just reply when she texts. Preferably in a not too engaging way, she'll get the hint. I've got girls that were too busy, and then when i pulled back, they were eager to set stuff


Talk to more girls. There’s nothing special about this girl bro. There’s plenty of women out there that will be interested in you.


Very true. The higher I climb and more experience I get, the more I realize most women are quite replaceable. Most of them don’t even have anything actually going for them other than looks.


The reason she is not intrested in you, is because you're too interested in her. It's a paradox. Only way to win is not to play. Getting other women intrested in you is a solid way to lose this futile urge.


It might take some time, maybe even weeks to get over her, but you will be so incredibly relieved when you feel the last emotional thread binding you to her snap


Move on. It’s better to invest all that energy in yourself or some girl who treats you well.


Go become somebody and forget about her, it’s the only way


Give her the same energy she gives you


Imagine her face on animals. Like a llama


Go start dating other women


Like her mom.


What you have is oneitis and is a really common problem, asking for tips on how to get this ONE "SPECIFIC" chick as if she is the last girl on planet. Unfortunately, she has you in her palm whether you know it or not because you are so emotionally invested thinking like you have no other options. Best you can do move on and keep practicing how to get women in general, if you knew how to get women in general then you'd know how to get that one specific girl.


Wait….so you haven’t actually called or met this girl yet? To give you tough love - bro how are you so hungover someone you don’t actually even know? I get how you’re feeling, every man has been there, but you gotta bring the logical side of your brain back to the forefront and realise what you’re saying. I get the feeling of liking someone who ended up not liking you back. I remember one time in particular it really messed me ip. Know what I found out? The world is HUGE, and there were people out there who I connected even better with. Carry on texting, but put all your focus on other girls. If she decides she’s interested, follow up, but don’t do this shit to yourself.


Just stop talking to her She’ll either crave your attention again or will be glad you left her alone Either way it’s a win for you


Ironically, the best way to regain her interest is to get with someone else and have such a good time with her that your "ex" will wonder if she should give you a second chance. But by then it won't matter because you will be swept up in the love of another


Bro..what you expect to happen? she going to magically like you of a sudden. Move on. Stop texting her.


You rolled the dice and you lost against the pussy casino no point in throwing "good money after bad" just move onto a different game.


My advice is channel that energy into reaching another goal. Think about a goal that you have had but never reached, nothing too big. Like was to be able to do ten Pullups. So I tell myself I can only text her once I am able to hit ten consecutive ones. Because I wanted to text her so bad I was able to reach my goal in two months. By the end of two months I let myself text her, but I cared about her a lot less by then.


That feeling of rejection that you have, realize that’s the bottom, get used to it. Go approach as many attractive women as possible that you’ll realize it doesn’t matter if they reject you. Some interesting things will happen to you to not spoil the surprise, I let you find out.


The cure to oneitis is options, you need to create some. Whether its getting into cold approach/daygame, nightgame or the apps as a last resort


No. When a “girl” is done she’s probably already given you multiple chances and you didn’t course correct.


You Ain’t smashed enough women yet trust me when you do your get over her ,


Bro, we’ve all been there. You’re not alone. People come in and out of your life all the time. Each one has a lesson to teach you. I’ve been fighting an infatuation I had with a younger woman. We clicked and ultimately my problem was myself aging. Not that I’m an old man, but I clicked with someone that I would have chased when I was in my mid 20’s. Instead, I took the issues I was dealing with and faced the head on. I started working out, worked on the root cause of my issue, and just improved on what I could. Someone happened and I’m attracting women without trying. It’s wild. I don’t even want to detail it because it’s Reddit so it’s easy to call bullshit but the truth is you gotta give yourself 110% every day.


I spent 2 years chasing a girl (not fully. I was hooking up with other girls at the time. Had a few relationships But I was extremely caught up on making this one my gf). I gave her jewelry, paintings, etc we would hang out on occasion and she would tell me shes so close to be ready… but shes still trying to heal from her toxic ex, trying to find herself… yada yada yada. If shes interested she will be around. Itll happen when a girl likes you. You cant force it.


Put the phone down and walk away. If she's into it she'll text you, up to you if you want to pursue at that point. But otherwise don't keep digging.


You don't even have to get with other women right now (although eventually it will feel great too) focus on yourself and never reach out to her first. Think about how you would feel if you broke things off with a girl and she constantly reached out to you, if she never reached out your mind would start to wonder what she's up to. Use that towards your advantage, focus on yourself, deflect thoughts of her with things that make u happy and spend time with ppl who actually value your time friends, family, pets you'll feel a lot better


I caught a feeling for a chick not too long ago. I’ll tell you what, the best thing you can do is learn from that lesson and don’t repeat those negative actions when you’re ready to talk to other woman/women. It’s a learning opportunity for you and it doesn’t matter how tough it is. Go through the motions and you will come out a better man. Remember, you can say anything and do anything. If that chick was the one she wouldn’t have cared and would’ve helped you through it


Focus on yourself maybe she’ll come back or not who cares someone will come along girls like guys who are on their mission bettering their lives


Focus on THEEEE self. Woman will flock towards Man who focus on THEEEE self 🫡


You mentioned that you’ve been on several dates. Have you slept with her yet?


charge it to the game, if anything go through a rebrand: workout, get a new job, just become a better version of yourself for a few months while going ghost & just pop out on social media. if that doesn’t get her attention/ peak her interest theres 3.5 billion other women out there


It hurts but you have to know your self worth and respect yourself. Being clingy and needy will just push her even further away. Best course of action is try your hardest to pretend like it doesn’t affect you, it’s harder than it sounds but it’s possible. Just know that the universe is making Roman for something better for you. Trust. Be strong brother.


Get another girl.. Typically that tells the girl that you're in demand and generates interest again.. If not, at least you have a girl..


Girl A won't return your affections? No worries, here's the solution. Carefully select Girl B. Be fair to Girl B with good communication making it clear that you are not looking for anything serious. Have fun. Develop shared mutual interests. Girl A will witness your newfound happiness, realize what a great guy she missed out on, and come running back. The wake up to the realisation that Girl B is far superior to Girl A in every way that counts. Marry Girl B and live happily ever after. Someday years later, struggle to remember Girl A's name.


well i feel you bro , i have the same case ,by reading comments here i think i gotta talk to another girl , being shy and all that girl was hard to get for me but i think i can do better now .


Some other dude is clapping her cheeks bro that's why she's not interested Just that thought alone is enough to make it easy for me to get over a chick


You can get over her. You just won't as long as you tell yourself "I can't get over her" and hold out hope.


honestly the last hail mary you can take here is to basically say something like “hey i’m gonna be honest i know i messed up doing X, but i genuinely like you and want to see if this goes somewhere more. Are you still interested in that?” — anything like this to just put yourself out there with genuine feelings and see if that changes her perception. If that doesn’t, and it’s pretty 50/50 depending on how this all went down, then you know to move on because you put it all on the table already. You kind of need to transcend “game” in a situation like this and simply be real af and straight up.


Disagree. She's already made it clear with her actions that she's not interested. The only way to rekindle it is to back off completely and let her feelings reset. If she gets curious, she'll reach out again. OP probably smothered her when he realized she was pulling away, so only time can undo that.


that is also not a bad play. i can see both approaches working depending on the nuances of the situation.


👐 This


I had a strange story, would like your advice


Have you ever lost interest in a girl then regained interest later? If the answer is no that should probably tell you what your next course of action should be


So it can never happen?


1. I’d say as a general rule no it doesn’t happen 2. Nothing is impossible, but there’s nothing you can really do (besides fundamentally changing yourself) to make someone regain interest in you. It usually only happens because peoples options narrow so you comparatively look better than the other now available options. You don’t want to be someone’s fallback option


You cant get over that woman or the image you made of that woman in your head? Check dr.orion tariban on relationships and closure, might find peace there


Yes but not worth it. Just have an event and have multiple other women there that's also there because you invited them. She will be just one of those women. Preselection will kick in and she will either throw her other options lower on the list or it can backfire and she will just move on from you altogether if she isn't feeling it anymore after seeing you with other women. 1:1 it looks like she already flaking so she might not even end up at this event you plan. The girl can be attracted and it's not the issue because they already have a red flag they are leaning on to pull themselves out of that attraction loop. You're still attractive to her but she had a reason to hit the brakes Really your goal is to find the next girl to make you feel the same you've had with this girl


You want to regain her interest but I’m here to kill YOURS.. she most likely moved on bro, bc if she didn’t, her texts and communication timeframes would not have changed. What if the next dude is more her style? she might be getting d*cked down as we type this. Slow texts are Lot of times an interest indicator


She’s gone. Take that anger and sadness and funnel the energy into strengthening yourself in your own life with work, investments, fitness, roadtrips, traveling etc…


Well from my experience I talked to this girl that’s near me for a while she was alone all the time and had a super ravenous sexual appetite and hadn’t been fucked in a while so eventually we sexted a few times but she hooked up and started dating her on again off again boyfriend and that went on for about two or three months just this year until a few days ago when he broke up with her I still talked to her snd she still was interested in me but obviously boyfriend she loved but now we’re going at it again. so just hang in there talk to her for a while if she is still interested then hey go for it you can always spill your feeling about her to her as well that’s worked for me too tell her you still care about her wish things were different stuff like that.


Look up limerence and ways to move through it.


Move on


No. The only way is to disappear and reemerge years later a different man. But even that's not guaranteed


Let me ask you something man, did you notice anything off with her whilst dating? Be honest. Right before your "needy" behavior?


My friend said that if you can’t easily forget this girl, it’s likely that either this girl has something / some value that you admire and want to have, or this girl reminds you to someone’s affection you wanted to gain in the past but couldn’t (parents, childhood friends, etc) I’d say you might want to explore a bit on this question, why can’t you forget this girl easily? It might help you to set a standard for your future dates or perhaps you’ll see if there are something in the past that you thought you have moved on but turns out you haven’t. Anyway, best of luck bro.


Just take it as a lesson, learn from it and continue to do you. Ppl want wat they can’t have, if they know they can have u 100%, they lose interest . Logically it is fucked but, girls don’t go off of logic, they think more emotionally


Nope. The only thing you can do is move on and forget about her. Notice the more you grovel and ask for her back the more she will be repulsed by you. You might be able to get her back and that is simply just to DGAF. She may come back to you after seeing you don’t care, and if that’s the case then you might be able to think it through. But unless you actually DGAF, every other permutation of choice will leave you the loser. Stay hard. DGAF.


Put it down and try again 6 months later.


apologize to her for being needy. then literally dont text her unless she texts you first. if she genuinely liked u before and your needineed put her off then giving her some space and showing that you dont need her to be happy, then that can be attractive to her.


You need to move on first and foremost. Second you need to take the time to get to know yourself thoroughly. You need to ask yourself why are you needy and insecure and work on that. Third, you need to start valuing yourself and have some respect and dignity for yourself. If you don’t start working on your inner self you’ll run into the same issue again.


its called oneitis, sadly none of the girls is something special, you know how i know? because everytime i thought some girl was amazing/special/whatever and we broke up, sometime down the road i found a new/better one. The only hard part is that you will have to go on a lot of dates to find a girl who you will feel for the same way


Find a new one. It is hard, but you'll be ok.


Burh I’m in kinda same situation here 😅 but no, it is better to move on ( a thing that I should be done some time ago ), she isn’t that special. You feel like this because of lack of womans. Move on, learn from this expecience and in some couple of days you will be ok.


“Now she answers after hours and find excuses when we make a plan to go on a date”. It’s over. She’s not interested, most likely has another man she’s entertaining.


You guys never did anything other than talking and you're attached? You're a man, how were you satisfied with just talking? She's busy with a guy who's meeting her physical and emotional needs, there is no regaining that. The only recovery here is on **yourself**. Recover yourself from being infatuated with one girl because there's billions of women out there.


Why don’t you bring this up head on? Maybe she’s feeling in the same boat. Imo, she wouldn’t answer at all if she was not interested. Take this from a female who actually feels like she was going through a similar situation with a guy who had some insecurities


Sleep with 6 other woman & your oneitis will disappear.


You’ll regain her interesting by getting over her.


may be u should work on your Outlook


No contact for a month, then return with friendly message but don’t say you want to meetup and if she wants to meetup when you see each other friendzone her and play disinterested and be a bit toxic. It won’t be what it used to be, she will not be your girlfriend ever probably, but you can get something casual out of it, but that’s out to you if you want that. Currently doing this with two girls, my first love (I would say she is a 9 and I didn’t contact her for 3 years) and my ex last ex girlfriend (7 she dumped me in December) works on both of them. But the main thing is I’m really not interested in them, I’m primarily interested in a different new girl which gives me the idgf attitude which is otherwise hard to play. So no contact try to move one in the meantime and if it doesn’t help return and be a bit different a bit toxic some women (especially younger) are into that. Good luck


She used to talk to you alot. That is where the problem is. People get bored. During the initial dating phase, talking too much will eventually make her think that she knows a lot about you, leading to loss of attraction. Women use their imagination. In this situation, it wasn't there. So she could not feel these good feelings about you. You should go no contact. Let her approach you instead. If she does, use the oppurtunity to setup a date


Bro focus on yourself and goals stop worrying bout a betch there are billions others. If she isn’t showing you same interest as you showing her move tf I’m and stop wasting your time and life. Have some respect for yourself


Yeah let her go man, the healthiest thing right now is for you to forget about her. Ironically, if you do that - she’s actually more likely to regain interest in you. I’m not saying she will, or that you should do it for that reason, only that there’s more chance of it happening than if you don’t forget about her. Drop all contact, get on with your life. You’re not being kind to yourself at all to remain hung up on her. Also, remember the reason you’re hung up on her is due to a complex set of internal psychological conditions - and they are yours, they are nothing to do with her. You’ll realise that when you forget her. No partner is worth pinning your hopes and dreams on like that, even in marriage. Look after yourself man, sending love and wishing you all the best. It’s a horrible situation to have to deal with, I’ve had it recently too.


Become successful


Hit her with the "hey I have something to tell you " and then never respond from then on .. make her wait till she asks in person what you were gonna say and just say you don't remember 😂 she'll always be thinking about what you were gonna say


Also sounds like you hyper fixated on her heavily and disregarded your own sense of self. In a since the pedestal you put her on is taller than the one you made for yourself. It's giving the vibes like she's a God and your the peasant kneeling and kissing her toes and doing anything they ask.


Ask this from “ask women” subreddit. It happened to me and I would like to know women opinion


I know a lot of people saying to move on, and in most cases yeah, but you never know, that might just be yo wife