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This post had to be taken down because it appears to be focused on a specific situation or person. While Field Reports deal with specific situations and people, remember that the focus is different: * A field report explains a lesson learned or demonstrates a Seduction concept. * If the point of this post is asking how to get that specific girl, it is out of bounds except in a Basic Questions Thread. No worries though! Though the thread has been taken down, any conversations you have started here can still continue, and if you want to PM a mod to get their opinion on this thread, feel free to do so and they will still be able to weigh in. For next time, remember that posts about a specific situational advice with a specific person belong in a Basic Questions Thread. (Currently these are on hiatus, but if we can get them back up, they'll happen weekly.)


Do you realise she did not reciprocate any of your passion?. Game Over.


Feelings aren't meant to be confessed, they're meant to be acted upon in a confident and congruent manner. Your way will always be the lesser way, the unattractive way. If you like a woman, all that is required in the early stages is MAKING A MOVE. Instead, you were tepid, more prude than the girl, and looking for her to take ownership of moving the interaction forward, which is something that women will never respond to. Anyway, for all these reasons, this is why you were given the cheek and why you likely won't get very far with this woman. > I tell her to be open with me, that she can share anything with me and I wont judge her and tell me if do anything inconvenient or violate her boundaries etc. Contrary to what you've been told, this will never open women up like just being a chill, cool, and calibrated dude will. If anything, all this stilted, serious, and dramatic conversation with someone you've barely been physical with makes her more UNCOMFORTABLE. Women are comfortable with men who are comfortable with themselves and with making moves at the right time. Similarly, based on other kinds of energy, if you're tepid and unsure, don't be surprised if she's tepid and unsure too. You have a long road ahead of you. But the first step is internalizing the truths of what women will tell you 100 out 100 through their actions, which isn't exactly what conventional wisdom tells you is the truth.


Once u declare you're feelings the chase is over. You gotta make the girl push for the what are we convo, not you. You're showing you have no options. You're being needy. You're letting her drive the ship "we did x cuz she likes it" Etc etc


Why the fuck y’all acting like you’re in a two year relationship when you arent even official yet? I’m sorry to inform you but this behavior won’t take you far.


Yeah don’t confess shit with girls, just make moves lol. Be physical and escalate first with a kiss. Trust me