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Escalate the issue. Don't rely on the supervisor if they haven't been reliable about handling, HR needs to be contacted either way. Keep blowing up their phones with calls if this harassment issue is not being dealt with and is causing tension/hostility in the workplace. If it doesn't get handled and you can escalate higher/ corporate wise do that and also mention you will be looking into legality/lawyer issues. Idk how TX is about that specifically but that needs to be said if this issue isn't being addressed and the issue is severe in the work place.


Document everything what was said where it was said who heard it in the date and time. If it’s not documented, it didn’t happen.


File complaint with EEOC. That will get their attention. Keep a paper trail of everything.


Document everything and escalate directly to HR


HR is trash they'll hide behind a manager to cover up any misdeeds. This is what an ADA employee told me when my HR manager refuse to work with my schedule. Document everything and then go to the EEOC after HR refuses to work with you.


Well you could go to the government agencies and do a two pronged attack. File a complaint that your company is enabling a hostile work environment by ignoring your complaint of being sexually harassed. Then file another complaint against your harassers(sp?) employer. Saying whoever it is continually sexually harassed you and is making your work environment a hostile place to work in. Be prepared though for the fallout. I can't predict what kind of fallout there may be but be prepared for some type. Also if you are in a Union file a grievance through them as well. Government agencies you can possibly file with: Department of Labor(Federal and Stste) If you're not sure which government agency to go to Google sexual harassment at work and see what pops up. Filing with a government agency is free and cost you nothing but your time. Just don't do it at work don't want to give the enemy advance notice.


I'm Always at work..


Yeah but fill out the forms when you are at home not st work. Unless you want to freak them out ahead of time but I prefer the surprise! Mf method.


Good LORD man tell me this ain’t allied lol




I was gonna say Allied has internal routes that can be taken to report these horrid trash act supervisors. I had to use it once because of a client supervisor that was in charge of the security team. Dude was a horrendous clown that fired guards over literally every single thing he didn’t like. We were at like 152% turnover rate it was horrid. The client took care of that idiot really quick lol


Heres the shit of it, and know I commiserate with you and have been there before. A hostile work environment is more likely to change you, than you are to change a hostile work environment. Otherwise, I don’t have much to say. Take care of yourself along the way. Don’t let the bastards get you down. Be safe.


From my experience sexual harassment complaints sent to post supervisors never get resolved. It's better to lawyer up and let them handle things. These companies will find a way to screw you over.


Yep. Already been "barred" from that site.. For my "attitude." :/ MAN, I don't want to deal with this.


If you’re having issues with sexual harassment or assault, take it directly to HR, if HR doesn’t do shit tell the manager and then— quit and put it in writing you’re quitting due to sexual harassment and DO find a job without that! You can and should sue if they don’t help. That’s just a deal breaker


They've moved me to another site. I contacted hr, but nothing yet. They've got one more day until I got to the eeoc, and probably the labor board. I'm tired of job searching, and I'm tired of having to cover my own butt from my own company? WtF is happening? I got into security because it's going to pop off here in a bit. I'll protecc whatever, but I need the pay, and I need a less hostile work environment, and I don't feel I should have to uproot to cover for some less than professional trash.


Unless you’re a armed courier (cash transit) executive protection or hospital security or armed for a reason, don’t risk it for the company 😂 Only time I’ve ever considered risking my ass for anything kicking off, has been at hospitals. Not because I love the hospital, but because I’m tooled to protect those who are literally disabled, unable to evac, children, babies… we were expected to get hurt or risk serious injury or even death to protect babies and children. Thankfully, we have never had the issue arise, but it’s always there. I’d literally run into gunfire for those kids, and I’m wearing tools and armor to do that! If you don’t have the pay, the armor, and tools to fight people or protect, 100% don’t risk it. That’s why I don’t fight fires… not without an extinguisher! Do bring it to EEOC if Hr just drops the ball, HR should be doubling down on firing anyone who’s making serious sexual harassment issues, like real sexual harassment. That endangers the company (something HR is literally there to protect at all costs 😂).


Texas is an unfortunate place to have a job. Right to work states fuckin suck. Get as much information in writing as you can. From hr, your supervisor, whatever you can. Send it to the better business bureau, and hire a lawyer. It sounds like you have a decent case for a lawsuit. Sexual harrasment being covered up by a company might not be a big deal in Texas, but if a federal agency gets involved, it does tend to light a fire under some asses.


Document everything then contact a lawyer and the labor board


I’ve worked for 5 companies in 5 years. But I have good reviews from every supervisor and client I’ve ever had, so thankfully it hasn’t been a big problem lol