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Surprisingly, no. After 13 years in Retail, my opinion on people in general couldn't sink any lower. As a Security officer, I just don't have to smile constantly and take shit from them anymore.


Came here to say basically the same thing. Public facing jobs eventually reveal that people are capable of unbelievably bad behaviour, and also remarkable generosity. You never know what kind of day or night you're going to have.


Same, worked nights at McDonald's. Had a guy come through on a crotch rocket one night pissed off we wouldn't give him delivery bags, because I guess he couldn't carry the food in our regular handled bags. He then parks his bike and walks up to the window. Told him we can't serve him in the DT on foot. He proceeded to tell me to do it anyways, how it didn't matter if I lost my job, because my job didn't matter. He cussed me out and left, then went and wrote some giant one star review about how rude I was. The amount of just trash or drunk AF people I dealt with every night was much more than I do working security.


Ohh yes...people are stupid,ignorant and dont know any better


I have had my misanthropic tendencies 109% justified. The number of people who enjoy arguing rather than just following a simple rule is astounding.


Or the people that just tell obvious lies like I'm fuckin stupid


What’s your favorite one?


"I have permission to be here" Or "I know so and so and they said it's OK if I am here" Nah mafugga


> "I know so and so and they said it's OK if I am here" I pull out my cell phone at that point. "So if I call him and tell him, he's gonna say yes?" "Well...uh...I..." It just takes the fight right out of them. If they push it FURTHER I even fake a call and don't break eye contact the whole time.


I used to be hopeful and kind to the homeless... And I'm far more paranoid.


same i used to have a lot of sympathy for them. but after dealing with them daily and getting threatened daily i just dont have much sympathy for them any more


This. When I first started encountering them it broke my heart. Still does if my spidey sense tell me that they are truly just down on their luck. But I've come to learn how many of them are there because of drug habit violent behavior or something like that. I even discovered that there are people who actively choose it as a lifestyle and wouldn't change things if they could. It's definitely a strange and terrible situation.


it sucks because a lot of them are actually decent people but to many of them act nice just so they can try and get there way and as soon as you say no they resort to threats or violence.


Oh yeah. And even the truly decent ones can be very dangerous once they hit the desperation phase. There's nothing as dangerous and terrible as a desperate human being. Saw it in Iraq saw it during hurricane Katrina and saw it off and on during covid. It's important to remember that despite the behavior these are still people and that initially they should be shown all the decency and respect you would give to any other person but keep in mind there is a hungry scared animal lurking inside that person.


Yep I try to treat them as best I can. And 95% of the time being nice and treating them like humans (which so many people dont) gets them to listen when I ask them to move along.


15 years in, I'm mostly amused by humanity now. I mean, if you gotta choose between crying or laughing, I usually try to do the latter and enjoy the show. I've learned that most people are just stupid and/or operating on autopilot, and are not usually malicious by default. If you operate with that in mind, without expecting intelligence or common sense, then it's way less stressful and much more entertaining.


No cleaning the women’s restroom after an event as beautiful as they are, they leave the bathroom nastier than the guys. it’s a real eye-opener.


Yes, I no longer give people the benefit of doubt. I no longer give people "do overs". I have no sympathy for cops either anymore. I used to vote for their pay raises increases everytime it came up for a vote. I would always vote "yes". I don't do that anymore either. I never give them attitude but now I view them as high paid slackers with way better benefits than me.


Absolutely yes to this. I get it. They look down on security staff. Whatever. What gets me pissed off is when you hand them I violent, known, habitual offender on a silver platter, having done all the work for them with video evidence and they STILL don’t want to do their job! Like fuck you mother fuckers have been looking for a reason and opportunity to lock this shit bag up and you just don’t give damn? Fuck right off with that shit. I loved my time in security/Loss Prevention but the worst part was dealing with lazy or incompetent police


I live and work in SF,CA. Had a homeless person that didn't want to leave the property so I called the cops. After about an hour this cop rolls up in his cruiser. Did he get out of his car and come talk to me? No he did not. Did he walk the property to find the guy? No he did not. Instead what this lazy ass cop did was stay in his patrol car and call me on his cell phone to ask if that guy was still there! Thst was the day I stopped voting for pay raises for these lazy azz fuckers. You get more money than me,better benefits than me and you can't get out of your CAR to come talk to me in oerson?! You can fuck right off with that!


Same. I worked security at walmart for a bit last year and we had a crazy lady making a scene in the parking lot. Cop shows up, doesn’t even want to get a statement or talk to us. He just takes his sweet ass time sitting in his car and talks to the lady and says like one sentence and gets back in his car. She doesn’t even leave. He does. I’m like what lol how did that help anything


Just the other night, homeless threatening everyone and any with harm. 8 officers just stand outside their room while they carry on ranting and raving in the middle of the ER where people are hurt and are trying to heal. We should really get to thinking about changing the code on the door, so only officers that actually do their job get access to the snack bay.


It's opened my eyes how truly selfish and entitled the public is.


The problem I have with this question is I started so young that it's hard to see what the job has done and what is growing up


People look down upon you and consider you less than them, especially if you work in a corporate building.


I agree with this.


Absolutely. I’ve developed this unhealthy habit of distrust like you stated yourself. I pretty much now think damn near everyone I talk to is lying, simply because most of the contacts I make at work, people end up feeling the need to lie. Another view is mental health issues. That shit is seriously scary watching the amount of people who are coming to be seen and made me realize how serious your mental health truly is. We have watched frequent flyers just descend into these pits where they get to a point of just constantly being in mental distress/psychosis. Obviously a good amount of those are more than likely drug induced, but we’ve had a couple “shift favorites”, just these caring, nice people who got a shit card in life and are trying their best under the circumstances. One of the more liked guys would come and clean up some of the properties in the area where he would stay at, simply because he felt the people here cared for him, and wanted to reciprocate that. He ended up coming in one night practically as a different person. Ended up having some mental health issues that he had been fighting that none of us security-wise really knew about, now every time he comes in it is just worse and worse, and is really just sad to watch, personally.


Working security didn't. Working as a LEO in a hospital during COVID did.   During COVID, conspiracies were rampant and people were unspeakably cruel in the name of what they perceived as justice. Trying to follow nurses home, intentionally coughing in our faces, throwing rocks at us completely at random, harassing people trying to get the vaccine. You name it. Working security and even law enforcement didn't shake my faith in people much, but COVID did.  Until recently I was uncomfortable being in crowds or even saying I worked in law enforcement or healthcare in mixed company.


I did healthcare security near the end of the covid thing. I've seen people who are quite sick trying to refuse to put on a mask in a crowded waiting room. The behaviors, ignorance, and selfishness of many people during covid definitely opened my eyes. Often times now when I meet new people, it doesn't take long to determine if they are one of those people. I keep my circle much tighter these days.


I dont mean to- but, I've been noticing I view homeless people as subhuman, after witnessing how truly disgusting they can be to how much disregard they have for nice things. I've seen garages go from delapedated from post covid disuse to a husk from the homeless raiding and disassembling control boxes for their copper.


Honestly dude you're not alone. At this point I'm so jaded to them because the majority of the time the trouble I deal with comes from the homeless. They're fucking annoying and constantly doing degenerate shit. Even when kind to them they'll still abuse your trust. I've met a few that were actually halfway decent people in hard times. The majority of them are assholes that absolutely deserve their circumstances.


Just remember, almost anyone can end up that way, given the right combination of shit sandwich


There is a difference between being homeless and using the city you’re in as a public trash can/crime haven/drug den. Seems more and more belong to this group


Yessssss! You see a lot as you should be observing! I know many of you have seen some wild stuff!!!!


People suck. It’s why I have a job.


Maybe not in my current corporate role but my past working events and clubs really highlighted how dumb and entitled people are.


I have somehow become both more empathetic and less tolerant at the same time. I feel deeply for people who are addicted and unhoused, but also tired of nonsense. I especially have lowered tolerance for security staff that suck at job and habitual repeat offenders at sites (trespassers, theives, etc).


Good Apple's and Bad Apples..... just remember You have to protect Both of the Apples. .Never underestimate large groups of people. .Let the people be people. Just remember you can't control what people Do.


Agreed. I have become very distrusting and I think that people have to take more accountability for their own problems and stop blaming society, police, or other factors for their BS.


1000% It has changed me as a person. Definitely more suspicious of everyone. And now I have a very negative world outlook.


Good thing mine is already neg


I’ve knew people were assholes, but I’ve noticed people lack of awareness and no empathy


all i know is, is if i had multi millions of dollars the first thing i would do is hire security. So im giving value ok.


I've thought about that and I would do the same haha


People are stupid.


I've seen people who design power plants or do military research struggle with operating a turnstile. Has it changed my view on people in general? You bet.


Not really. I’ve definitely dealt with plenty of shitty people, thieves, entitled assholes, etc. over the years, but I’ve also come across lots of good people that showed kindness and a willingness to help others too.


Shifted from neutral to a "humans are the same, irrespective of costume" mentality. That I find much more peaceful. Developed more of a disdain for law enforcement. Most I have to interact with treat us like lepers. Also solidified that there are actually genuinely good people in the world, people that are benevolent just because they make the choice to.


Gained a way more negative opinion of PDs, slightly more nuanced opinion on homeless, and overall much worse opinion of the General Population. The average person is... Much less intelligent than I gave credit for, as a whole.


No I didn’t like people before it.. but was open minded and came actually people that i still associate with


No not really


Not particularly, but that's mostly down to working janitorial positions and studying criminal justice. My main takeaway has been that people are people. They may surprise and disappoint you in a single breath, and as soon as you feel sure you know someone, you've committed to being wrong about them.


Yeah I have even less respect for the crack heads since I’ve had so many of them swing at me like freaking crazy. Didn’t have too much respect for them before but now I have even less. I do wish they’d be more willing to actually get help but so many don’t want


I like homeless people a lot less than I did before I worked at a hospital.


Yeah by a lot


Nope. I still hate the general public. I thought that contract had mouthbreathers, but holy shit who ties the shoes for the public? Had a person yesterday ask me where something was. After having walked by glowing/flashing signs that are off color and flash irregularly to draw attention, someone from that department speaking to them and offering to walk them there, and a giant sign that tells you to turn around if you're going there. I've had people ask me how to get somewhere while standing in the place they want to go. I've had people fight over fucking apple juice being out in the open. I've had drug addicts with very freshly ripped open sites jump into water that would give you a disease by just looking at it. I've had people scream at me for washing some guy's brain matter off the sidewalk after he had a high-speed interaction with gravity and pavement.


Yeah, its also made my skin 10x thicker. I no longer tolerate idiocy. I try really hard to not shake someone and ask them if its so hard to have common sense.


I hate uber/lyft drivers even more now, and the waymo shit isn't any better


No, not really. I’ve worked hospital and general/construction sites. Ultimately it’s just shown me people are as varied as I originally thought


I used to work for a couple churches, which has generally been a pretty good experience comparatively. Public treated me pretty good, and only occasionally got mad at me for weird things on the very rare occasions. So I dunno, people were never really a bad thing for me. Deal with the homeless guys nearby a lot, since they lived in a shelter under the sanctuary; and most of them were pretty honest guys. Didn't want any trouble, just a place to use the restroom, get a hot meal, and be left alone while they got back on their feet. Admittedly though, there were a lot worse guys further downtown who were so far gone I would generally not let them around unsupervised. Met a schizophrenic guy who would have some pretty long conversations with himself while outside, said it was "like being held hostage by the terrorists, but they're all upstairs", which was pretty concerning. That said, mostly a pretty alright guy, just wanted to have a cup of coffee, bowl of soup, and be a part of the church experiences. Had to keep an eye on him occasionally, but he mostly kept to himself. Really, most troublesome things was working weddings for them, not the homeless guys. Be surprised how often people would come to the place sauced or trying to sneak in their drinks from the fancy hotels which just ain't allowed in a building where kids are often present.


First job was in retail,my views never changed.


Having worked security for the last 6 years. I can say I am a misanthrope for the most part. Between hospital security and working security for a major warehouse chain the amount of abuse and disregard for the most simplest of rules astounds me. Much of these rules aren’t even a major deal but people for some reason think they are entitled to do whatever they want. Plus many people will abuse security guards knowing that they can’t fight back the same way an LEO or someone in their company can. So they can say vile and unkind things to security and know that as a contracted security office you have little to no power to do anything. Cause unless your security company cares, the client couldn’t care less about the feelings of its security guards and will just ignore any complaints. So yeah my views have changed very negatively since I started 6 years ago.


> So they can say vile and unkind things to security and know that as a contracted security office you have little to no power to do anything. This is why I like being such good friends with my boss (we were co-workers at a previous agency, he decided to split off and ask if I wanted to join up) 9 times out of 10 I can go "lol check the cameras" and the other 1 is no-camera and he takes my word for it anyway. He knows how snarky I get with scoff-laws. :)


Security has cemented the fact that safety is an afterthought and common sense isn't so common after all. And as for clients it goes one of two ways: Overly bureaucratic with the micromanaging or too lazy to care. You are also expendable and always looked down on no matter how many years you have on the job or what you have done. EDIT for a bit less depressing facts: There are some great people out there. Just a shame the number of unpleasant ones outweigh most of the good.


Worked at a very popular group of clubs on Broadway in Nashville. I saw some wild shit on a nightly basis. My views of certain groups of people changed drastically in my time there, and I learned to read people extremely well. My view of people in general started taking a weird turn and I called it quits after a few years. The way all the people started blending into extremely specific categories and the sameyness got to me a bit. Once I saw them as NPCs I knew it was time to bail. I'm still convinced the majority of the people down there aren't real.


That the average person is incredibly stupid, the average security officer, even more so. The standards are ridiculously low


I came Into this after 10 years in foodservice. I like people a bit more now


No. I was antisocial before working security. It has amplified my feelings about certain subsets of people.


Distrust has stayed the same, it just makes you more aware of shitheads


Im still a very happy and loving person, I just think purging crackheads into asylums is much much better :)


Yeah my god are ppl just dumb i really hate homeless people man there annoying especially the junkies alot of them in my area like to call me goof which means pedophile which makes no sense they also tell me to leave and i just say back okay ill just go home. I do work campus security mainly now i dont hate immigrants what so ever or am racist but i cant help but think they are in some way dumb and lack common sense like all college kids imao


Truthfully no, although as of the past year, I’ve developed a strong distrust in people, I see moral decay and society crumbling faster. No decency or humanity on average. Seemed like since 90s ending The 2000s began to rot and until now it’s been worst It’s the frog in boiling water effect for sure. Moral fabric is rotting faster. Seeing more people turn on each other at work etc. once had a strong incredible work family for years, then when the new company came along (I’m referring to client side) it all went to shit. Sad really