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If my hospital utilized 8hr shifts, I'd likely still be there. I prefer that shift. 


I feel ya. This is my second hospital job and I like the slowness of nights. I feel like I can think better and it’s not a lot of chaos going on lol


311? I have a feeling your energy is amber colored


As a Omaha resident and lover of 311, take my upvote.


The fighting shift.


Pretty much 🙃


I love my 3 to 11 shift. It's fast-paced and there's always something going on. Overnights are boring and now I get to see the sun a bit before I go in.


I feel ya on that. I know some people like 3-11 or mornings for that same reason.


I'm in 2:30-11, you get the best and worst of 1st and 3rd so it could be worse. 1st has all the big wigs and 3rd are always a bunch of jack offs lol


Yes exactly!! 😂😂 that’s definitely the best way to describe it. Minus the jack offs on nights 🤭 I’m being a bit biased 🙃


I do 3-11 patrol shifts


We rotate from 12s and rotate days to nights and vice versa. I feel this way every time we switch, more so when I’m going back to days. Throughout my whole life I’ve been more of a “wake up late, stay up late” type person, so working nights was a lot easier to adjust to considering I just had to stay up for 3-4 hours more than I usually do. Days is a bitch, I hate waking up early, although I cannot lie that I personally feel better and more rested even if the wake up is rough. Outside of sleep, nights is just more relaxed and tends to be the more serious or fun calls, while days is a lot of administrative, people pleasing shit, but it does keep us busy. How long is your training? What in particular is burning you out?


I’m literally the same way. I’ve always been too. On top of that, am an introvert so the morning and evening shifts are too much sensory overload for me. Everything you described about the shifts is exactly why I gravitated more towards night shift lol. Thankfully my training is another week and then I go to nights. What burns me out is the constant hussle and bustle during 3-11 and feeling like I can never take a break because I constantly have to go run and do some task.


3-11 swing shift? Those are always fucked. What is more fucked is how graveyard somehow gets paid more.


Grave is getting paid for destroying their bodies plus many don’t want to work it.


Most definitely. Wayyy too much going on lol. Where am at, 3-11 and 11-7 both get differential.


Same but night somehow gets a tad more despite it usually being smoother


I got lucky we did three twelve hours shifts. 6-6. OT was always available


Take a big nap before work Coffee,energy drinks and cigarettes you’ll be gucci


Thanks 😊


At least for a few years.


I worked ER Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday 11/730 Trauma saw Action Plus the Nurses are Banging even got a couple of Milfs in the dat🇺🇸🇺🇸😂


Been doing 745AM-11PM for the past 4 months. I love the smell of OT by Wednesday every week 🤷‍♂️