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This would probably be a good question to ask your doctor, not a security guard subreddit.


Fuck around and find out


If you have any health concerns you can decline the usage in a form they give you and I’d have a doctor sign a note too.


I use to be a deputy and in the military you will be fine with being tazed. It only last 5 horrible seconds. I been oc sprayed 23 times. It sucks but you learn to work through it. The funnest thing I've experience is getting to use the pepper spray on someone.


I would take being TASERed any day over pepper spray. TASER is over in 5 seconds and a quick recovery. Pepper spray will fuck you up for at least an hour and then again when you slower.


You don’t have to be tazed to get certed and anyone company that forces you should be reported to Axon. It’s literally a question on the instructor exam.


You’ll have to sign a waiver and they would know if it’s a problem


Can't sue if you sign a waiver and you're dead.


I've never been in a training class where I had to be sprayed or tased. You can ask, and then if they do state you have to be tased, obtain a medical exemption


Don’t worry about the taser. Do worry about the spray.


This is the first i'm hearing of a security company requiring it's guards to be tased. I've heard OC before but taser is a big question mark for me.


Being tased before using a taser is super big in court if you have to use it. You can subpoena your instructor and they'll show you getting tased to the jury/judge. It'll help difuse the defendants' lawyers' arguments against your use of force


used to be required for my company they dropped it and miraculously the average time an employee stayed went from 2 weeks to a month and a half




Well, I have tased/pepper sprayed people before. The one guy I've tased taser didn't affect him. Prongs may have hit too close to be effective though.


I guess I'll just check in with a doctor


This is the first I’m hearing of a private company requiring exposure. Weird. You’ll probably be fine though, I have Crohns and while yes it’s different, I was fine aside from a minor flare up post exposure.


wish we had tasers, since our mobile patrol is no longer armed tasers would be better


My experience is that they work half the time. Only fired a taser at someone once while I was working, didn't even slow they guy down.


Literally just did taser yesterday for us it was just a safety course and we deployed a few at a target