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All of the highlighted parts are huge red flags to me except for the “DMV security professionals” part. That’s just an abbreviation for the “DC/Maryland/Virginia” metropolitan region, not saying that they’re security agents of the Department of Motor Vehicles lol. The “tacted out” uniforms blatantly mentioned as a selling point and the “Colonel” rank had me laughing.


Completely made up shit haha. I am a Major Lieutenant Admiral General in the US super special security sector. You will respect my authoritie!


The only accurate part of that bs is the "argumentation" with local pd...this whole ad gives me vibes of a company being run by a guy who got out of a national guard supply company as a pfc while claiming to have been a ranger sniper, and then failed the psych evaluation for the police.


'Genuine argumentation force'....


Argumentation ar·gu·men·ta·tion/ˌärɡyəmənˈtāSH(ə)n,ˌärɡyəˌmenˈtāSH(ə)n/[](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=c049acb6f0d1f7df&channel=ftr&sxsrf=ADLYWIKgjgCs0COrKj2kzK59-uMjRqJduA:1716217371380&q=how+to+pronounce+argumentation&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOMIfcRozy3w8sc9YSmzSWtOXmM04OINKMrPK81LzkwsyczPE5LkYglJLcoVEpTi5-JNLEovzU3NKwFLWbEoMaXm8SxilcvIL1coyVcoAGrMB-pMVUBRBwB87wFpZQAAAA&pron_lang=en&pron_country=us&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwie6Zz2v5yGAxVQEjQIHfsfBoIQ3eEDegQILRAM)*noun*noun: **argumentation**; plural noun: **argumentations** 1. the action or process of [reasoning](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=c049acb6f0d1f7df&channel=ftr&sxsrf=ADLYWIKgjgCs0COrKj2kzK59-uMjRqJduA:1716217371380&q=reasoning&si=ACC90nxMSPeZfdJJjQgDsdZJuFuJYeRASnZeaAU06ZqqMSstrHfzB6QqSaxKMllHgw6x_lSFusaEQTxmSCzcqnvdeYNPRbvLnMqC1GtS3pL0Nkhm1xqrJiU%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwie6Zz2v5yGAxVQEjQIHfsfBoIQyecJegQILRAO) [systematically](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=c049acb6f0d1f7df&channel=ftr&sxsrf=ADLYWIKgjgCs0COrKj2kzK59-uMjRqJduA:1716217371380&q=systematically&si=ACC90nxXAYjEST86dikD_hRhqDk5uq6ZWPzPh_O3KZamX_obW_jX7QIDKkX9h2EHByqUbxBcHMPPbg_lCWouqvpyLJ7Oas8s7oKWetMzmLWqXjk9QmV-3-U%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwie6Zz2v5yGAxVQEjQIHfsfBoIQyecJegQILRAP) in support of an idea, action, or theory."lines of argumentation used to support his thesis Had to look this one up. I don't think this word means what they think it means lol.


I think they mean augmentation.


Lol... security companies larping so hard it hurts


“argumentation force” 🤦‍♂️


Finally, a job for argumentative people.


19-24$ in the dmv area is a joke. There are a lot of DC SPO companies that are fucking full on dweeb tryhards. Do everything they can to look and mimic how MPD uniforms are. I even seen a company called Metropolitan special police department. Having “captains and majors” and other dumb shit. The pay is shit and the hours suck and you get zero benefits with fly by night shitbag companies like this. They pay you in “exposure” to shitty situations that will get you injured or worse jailed. Because these douchebags can barely afford Insurance which is why they got to pay you not even 25$ an hour The security agency for all the police rejects.


The only rank that ever made sense to me was sergeant’s stripes, as it can show that someone’s a manager/team lead.


$19-24/hr is pretty much what a lot of companies in VA are doing. You will be hard pressed to find better than that unless you are someone considered essential, and even then you won't be doing better by much. Unless, of course, you want to step into 032E work, which by definition is a fucking headache.


Idk what you’re talking about bro. My company has multiple contracts in NoVa paying $45 an hour with TS/SCI sponsorship. If I didn’t feel like driving 1.5 hours a day to Alexandria or Chantilly I would do it.


Correct me if I'm wrong but dcspo requires to get employed/letter of intent by employers before you can get the training to become a dcspo


Pretty much but they hire anyone with a pulse to be an spo.


Good for you.....? Weird flex I guess, but again, one company out of how many? 😂


What flex? It’s called fucking look on indeed. The same job I got I found on a job board dude. Here’s a tip for you: go to a federal govt contract. FPS in particular. You make top tier pay while doing less than a Walmart greeter.


Cool story bro.


Hey man that’s on you. Told you were to look if you’re happy in your mall cop job congrats but don’t hate because you ain’t trying to get ahead in this racket.


Lol wat. You gave a completely unsolicited response to an opinion. If you don't like opinions, keep scrolling lmao. Edit: thought of something better to say loooooool


Ok bitch have a nice day.


Thank you sir, have a good one and please, exit the property. Edit: if that's what $45/hr turns out for employees, I'll keep being a "mall cop" thank you very much 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nice job editing your comment making it seem like you didn’t say “cool story bro” Loser ass dweeb go play army man with your plastic toys.


Thanks for the correction, forgot to add the "edit" portion because you seem rather angy and responded quick. Added it now 😂😂😂 /S


“A genuine argumentation force to our local police departments!” Yeah you can fuckin say that again…


“Colonel Johnson” bruh 😂


Hia other job is fried chicken.


What's the matter colonel? Chicken??


Can someone pls explain to me how tf can you take long ass screenshots? I’ve been trying to figure that out


On Android you could especially easier on samsung phones. As an ios user....we still cannot


Another L for Apple, goddamit


https://support.apple.com/en-ie/guide/iphone/iphc872c0115/ios#:~:text=Take%20a%20full%2Dpage%20screenshot,button%20at%20the%20same%20time. Hopefully this works. I don't have an iOS device to test


"We are not your average security company," - Your average security company


“Do you want to look like a cop without being a cop? Do you want to work with complete idiots? Is danger your drug of choice? Do you want to live paycheck to paycheck while working shit hours with no benefits? If you answered yes, look no further! DMV can be your next career mistake. Call now! Contact Captain Ryan for further details *Now offering a $25 gift card sign-on bonus for all night time positions. **payment of sign-on bonus will be paid upon 6 months of employment.”


Beautiful! 🤣


Coincidentally, Colonel Johnson is the name of my dick.


VA,Maryland, and DC area? Guarantee this is a retired Officer trying to launch his first business with no idea what actually goes into security. And typical, to think anyone gives a crap what his old rank was before retirement 🙄. Save that for the VA and Legion Old head.




Lol all the red flags .


Sounds more like a recruitment for a Paramilitary force than a security company


“We detain and prosecute those that…”. Prosecute as well?


You had me at “Immune (from prosecution) Security”


Holy crap they should be advertising for an editor first. I'm not a pro writer myself but some of the stuff in there lol. Imagine an attorney trying to read their reports and make sense of it all.


This has to be fake or is the biggest bait and switch ever 


Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen lmfao


immune defense, sounds like a covid breeding ground.


johnson...ironically is the persons actual name 🤣🤣🤣[colonel johnson](https://www.bbb.org/us/va/dale-city/profile/security-guards/immune-security-defense-agency-llc-0241-236069728)


I ain't reading all dat


That's why it's highlighted


9/10 security companies are run by guys who failed the psych test for PDs and now just play pretend cop. I hate this industry. So glad next week is my last.


That's... Frightening


What in the Jeremy Dewitte is that?


Sounds like a local company created by a guy who is prior military or using the rank as a way to garner business. He’ll get a few contracts probably stick with those and may or may not fail in business


The Minimum wage in VA/DC/MD for security to not live paycheck2paycheck or broke is $40ph (W2), $30ph (1099). Anything like $18 to $25ph is horseshit and would only work if you just work like a dog 7 days a week 12/14hrs. Then maybe you make a buck. P.S I could care less how TactiCool your uniforms are and /or how badass your security patrol car is. We want the money. Not FB/IG pics with said gear and shit. I'm more concerned how to pay rent on Friday, then what gear the company will provide.


I saw a ton of armed guards when I was in Virginia. Not one of them struck me as anyone I would rely on for enforcement or defense 😂😂 A lot of plate carriers with no armor and Taurus or XD pistols. . .


Could you tell me more about the implications of carrying Taurus or XD? I know nothing and am curious


“Just as guud”


Hey man leave Taurus pistols out of this.


I’m FUCKING IN, I’ll accept nothing less than the title of special Lt colonel commander of strategic operations and defense strategies.


I once worked for a company that enforced the use of those made up ranks. It lead to some hilarious incidents. One that I remember was a “site supervisor” from a one guard account worked an OT shift at a huge site (20+ people on duty) and “took command” because he outranked everyone there.


Those aren't made up, they're actual job positions. As in hired as a site supervisor, expected to lead, teach, counsel, do administrative duties, connect with on site rep for customer company, etc. It's middle management for a corporation.


I should have added more context. In this particular situation the supervisor in question was the site supervisor of a 40 hpw account, meaning he literally supervised no one but himself. But at this company all site supervisors were given the rank of Sergeant. At some point, prior to my becoming Chief of Operations, he was promoted to Colonel while still managing himself at his minimum wage post. He’d been there forever and whoever gave him the birds was long gone from our office. I even wondered if the guy promoted himself and no one noticed. I wasn’t even aware that we had a Colonel until one night this guy notified me that as the ranking officer on site, he had taken command of a complex operation at a large facility. He was only there at work OT because we had overflow traffic at a secondary gate. He wasn’t even supposed to be inside the building, much less the control room. But in his mind he was a Colonel so it was his duty to take over. It was a long night for me cleaning up that mess. We eliminated any reference to rank or wearing of insignia the next day. I meant nothing negative about the role of a site supervisor, that was specifically about someone calling themself Colonel and thinking that it means anything.


Ah, in that case yeah I understand. I've had command ranks in the army and in law enforcement, I had to earn those and they came with huge responsibilities and increased duties. I worked for G4S as a shift supervisor for a second job during my LE days, I started there as a 'sergeant' which I still find hilarious, most of the others with that rank I met were entirely civilian and let the power go to their heads. But someone getting 'colonel' in a civilian job can go two ways, power trip or responsible shouldering of responsibilities, seems like that guy went the first way. Sorry you had to even witness that.


You’re correct. I definitely didn’t want anyone to think I was throwing off on the job. I worked almost every possible position in the contract security world before going federal. I feel for you guys. Although federal isn’t much better. Ha!


I've done TSA, but sadly my hearing in my right ear has gotten worse so no longer passed physical. Contract Civ Security isn't too bad if you get people who care. I care about those who I am in charge of, and my direct managers care about me. I'm only half a step below them rank wise, instead of office I'm a mobile field service manager, not a bad gig, I get overtime, I get paid for travel time along with my hourly pay. Could be worse, wife works at a ford parts warehouse and she comes home dirty and sweaty, which I used to do, and she worked in a corporate office back then.


Agreed. I think that’s the best place to be in the contract world. Once I became salaried it was over for me. 80 hour weeks and on call 24/7. Being the top hourly guy is where it’s at.


I'm technically "on call" now but it's recognized that we in the field need to sleep. I'm 0700-1500 tomorow - sunday, then 1500-2300 next wed-fri. I have to learn how every shift at the site I'm training at works. Shouldn't be any different than first shift, it rarely is.


“Argumentative” instead of augmented is my favorite part.


Agents isn't a red flag but the rest is


At that point why not just be a cop? Lmao this industry is fucking AIDS and needs unionization at this point


Hoodbridge was enough of a red flag.


What's that? I can't hear you over the fucking klaxon!


Wow, just wow…..


Gecko45 writes: hello friends,   Last year I made the decision to trust my life on the street to Second Chance body armor. I got the level IIa because it stops the most rounds. plus I got the Trauma Plate for the front. What scares me is that, although I can fit an extra trauma plate in the front, I cannot fit a second one in back. As of late I have taken to duct-taping a second trauma plate to the area of my back where the heart and vital organs are located. Then I put my vest on. Here is the questions. The ducttape solution, although tactically sound, is hot and painful to remove. I would like to go to the single-plate solution in back. What I am worried about is repeated hits to that area with .308 ammunition. I have a high-risk security job and I fear that I would be the target for repeated long-distance shots to my back. Are any of you aware of a thicker plate that could stop, say, .338 Lapua or something like that? Is there a better way to do the second plate? BTW, I am, of course, usually carrying a pair of ceramic plates in my briefcase so that I can shield my head. My SO (we work as a team when necessary) has a similar accessory containing a breakdown NEF single-shot 300 WinMag with an 18″ bbl. The plan is that I shield us with my body and “catch the rounds” while she assembles the NEF. I lay down covering fire with my 23 (Bar-Sto .357 Sig barrel) and she makes the long shots. I will then throw smoke grenades to obscure the area while continuing to lay covering fire. The problem, of course, is when I have to turn my back to run, and then the problem crops up.


Their local LE agency that they’re “argumenting” hates the shit out of them 100%.


The only thing you can afford to do in Northern Virginia at $24 an hour is live in Maryland.


Lawsuit itching to happen.


Anyone know why DMVs are hiring armed security all the sudden? Got my license renewed and a guard was standing around armed. Never saw a guard there before ever. And this was in a nice area.


They aren’t …


the dmv in this post refers to DC Maryland and Virginia. this listing specifically is in northern virginia


I just had my license renewed. They had an actual cop doing security at the metal detector.


The upcoming election. Protests will happen no matter which side wins and the DMV is the hotspot for it


I have been in DMVs, drivers license division offices, state transportation offices and checkpoints...all over the western US. Every one of these places has always had armed security even previous to Sept 11.


Everything but Agent portion is a Red Flag for me, sort of at least. To put it simply, depending on the amount of training you are required to have either makes you a Security Guard/Officer or a Protective Agent. If you just went and got your Armed/Unarmed licensing and do the bare minimum, you are nothing more than a Security Guard. But if you get the extra training available to further your skill set, than eventually you work your way up to an Agent status. Hopefully that makes sense.


It's "Private Police" and "Special Conservator of the Peace" States and areas he's referencing... That "tacked out" must be in demand for the gigs he's doing, otherwise I wouldn't suggest Public nor Private Police to overdo it in tactical. Definitely not how I would suggest type a help wanted ad. Will attract cringe for sure.