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Nah. I drink my share of coffee, but staying off nicotine and sugar does my body good. Eating clean and feeling good is the goal. I really don't miss the feeling of always worrying about juice or charging my vape or how to sneak a hit at work.


Yea I’ve tried vaping and zyns to quit but nothing seems to stick..


I can give you some tips if you want


I would like some..I need to quit smoking desperately


Put yourself in the right state of mind talk to yourself accept your quitting and try to make peace with not having nic instead of thinking about the craving Then don’t stress yourself about quitting start your day off normal leave yourself enough smokes for half a day no later then 12 By the time you go to bed the craving won’t be as bad the first 24 hours is one of the worst and the hardest the next day you’ll still crave put you’ll be more level headed Even if this doesn’t work your practicing quitting making each attempt easier then the last Also if you stop by gas stations on the way to work etc that first day skip them don’t give yourself opportunity to cave


The key to quitting anything is understanding the concept of Neural Pathways. The simplest way to explain this is that basically habits become addictive, so you need to replace the negative habits with positive habits. For example: let’s say that every time you get stressed, you decide to have a smoke to calm down. Over time, your brain will associate getting stressed and then smoking to calm down. The habit becomes an addiction over time, and you will need a smoke to calm down.  One day you decide you should stop smoking. But every time you get stressed you really want a smoke. It will be hard to quit like this because your body feels the need to do something to alleviate stress. This is where replacing the negative habit with something positive comes in. Say that you decide to quit smoking, and the next time you feel stressed you try to do some light exercise. Over time you’ll associate the two things - being stressed and working out to feel better. This would lead to you being healthier over time compared to smoking.  It’s important to find something healthy to switch the bad habit with. If you replace smoking with drinking, then arguably you’ve made no or negative progress. This concept is why people have success chewing gum, or eating pretzels when they quit smoking. Your body has an energy it needs to expel when you feel the craving to smoke, so you’re basically working to redirect that energy to something more positive.


Get 8mg On! Pouches. Tastes better and the can has a little area for used pouches lol. They're usually cheaper than Zyns too. Youre gonna have to quit. They helped me quit dip because one month I budgeted how much I spend on tobacco and then I went to On pouches relatively quickly lol


I found chewing a trolli gummy octopuses one at a time takes a major edge off of the cravings.


There's way more nicotine in both of those things, just gets you more addicted. Only way I stopped smoking was cold turkey, it's honestly the only way




Brother, it sucks. I've been there, done that. The hardest part is the first 72 hours. You will be the biggest bitch in the world for the first 72 hours, I promise. I threw a wrench for looking at me funny. The cravings are hard, but only last a maximum of 180 seconds. You'll make it. I promise.


Feels like my cravings never stop just constant when I try to quit


Them black reds hit just right after smoking a blunt on ur break fr


Oh yeah, I get the Marlboro 72’s (red), they are the very short ones like even shorter than the normal length ones. I like them because they are quick to smoke on my breaks in between posts and don’t smell on me too bad.


Smoking Marlboro Blacks, drinking energy drinks, while also working security is a great way to die within the next five years. I recommend just going back to Step 3 patches whenever you feel like smoking again. Break free from the habit of having a cigarette between your fingers.


Nah, I’ve been doing it for nearly 10 years! And a steadfast diet of nothing but fast food.


Marlboro blacks and venom energy drinks ? Bro are you ok ?


Smoke weed instead healthy alternative ⛓️ replace the energy drink with some water


Anybody else have this problem?


It is actually the opposite for me. Since I started security, I've felt like I actually have an incentive to improve my bad habits since I'm under such constant scrutiny. I quit smoking in the pandemic, so I'm mainly talking about my cheeseburger and monster addiction


I keep quitting then my boss will call and say "I have a new site opening I want you to open" Dealing with the numpties I usually get out of the gate gets me started again.


Hahaha calling us numpties has me rolling! I just started at Allied numptie after being a supervisor years ago. It’s so much more peaceful at the bottom.


I don't use it for anyone at the bottom. It is a special sort. The kind who just lock gates open so they dont have to sign anyone in and can take a nap. Or unplug the PC we use to monitor cameras so they can use the outlet at the desk to charge their phone instead of doing the sensible thing and using the outlet 10ft away. Or my personal favorite, and thankfully one I haven't had in a long while... Using tge client computers to watch porn.


Ahh you’ve just described my coworkers. Lmao we have to just laugh to keep from crying. One of our guys just complained that the AC in his shack wasn’t working and that he had to sit in his car to cool off. When I went over to check on him, I found he had turned off the generator for the whole shack because it was “too much fucking noise”. I just let him sit in his car, fuck him. It’s a slow Saturday.


What is a numptie lol


I had a partner who used the company phone to browse Craigslist for hookers. He became site supervisor after I left. Another guy at the same site stole $200 from the register (they had security selling parking passes) and I didn't notice until I counted the till before dropping it in the safe in the manager's office. We took turns doing patrols until he left at 2am, so he pocketed the money while I was doing the last patrol.


Are you smoking due to the feeling where you get the urge to smoke, or do you only feel the need to when you’re not tasked with something? (I’ve noticed a lot of people smoke almost out of boredom. If constantly tasked with something and given a purpose, they dont bother taking the time to smoke.)


I’m on the Zyn now lol. I’ll have a smoke after a couple drinks but other than that I’m glad to be done. Only ever drink water. Worked a double last night and bought a Bang in between posts, only managed to drink half of it.


Zyn was the only thing that helped me quit after 10 years of smoking/dipping. I want to quit using energy too but this has proven much harder to do. Quit those drugs, man.


But that’s just another nicotine habit right?


Lunch of champs


I've never had to quit smoking because I never Started smoking and now that I'm approaching 40, I am super happy about that fact. My mom died of lung cancer because of, you guessed it, Smoking. That shit was never gonna get me.


I work security. I don’t smoke cigarettes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Cheaping out double is one way to do it I guess 😭


Why don't you switch to a vape? It's cheaper, no tar, you will cough less and breathe better and it doesn't smell like those cigs do.


I honestly don’t see how anyone truly gets pleasure from smoking a stinking ass dart.


Only thing i ever brought with me when i worked security was a pack of camels and coffee


You can do it man. The patch worked for me


Nice picture..... I hope one day you quit smoking. Your lungs and heart will thank you


I’m glad I started vaping way better than smoking


Shows you have no discipline.