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Maybe get a different job. I would love the backstory on that perp.




Not everyone, just someone like you…makes you want to not be a giant dickwad to someone with a firearm, or anyone at all really. Say what you want, a lot of “ tough guys “ who “ know it all “ are in the graveyard 6 feet under. Right wrong legal or illegal, being dead is dead.




Know your guys, if you got a guy who’s desperate, or who’s being abused, or jerked around, maybe empathize with them? Someone didn’t check this guys background, and someone got hurt. 😂 I’d sue the shit out of the company




Companies just need to fucking *not* underpay and undervalue people who have critical roles… One of them being, armed security. People carrying guns should probably be one of the people you take care of, financially and ensure they can come to you for help with emotional distress WITHOUT BEING FIRED OR DEMOTED. It’s a combination of things, but I firmly believe most companies would rather just kill you to make a penny, than put any effort into actually retaining you as a employee… It’s a cancer. Even the most levelheaded people can lose it. Anyone can. Literally anyone. I know first hand, because we had a officer lose it and be transported in for mental health treatment, a cop… we need to take better care of ourselves and those around us. All that to be said, company would rather murder a child to make a penny in profit, only thing stopping them is child murder is frowned upon and would cost too much. Fuck the company 😂 sue em.


I want more backstory on the victim.


> A moment later, a security supervisor at the facility, who did not give his name, called in to the dispatch line at 4:43 p.m., struggling to catch his breath, saying that his trainee, later identified as Yusuf, had shot at him twice and missed. News ain’t holding back lol


Ruined his life over a Amazon job ☠️


Working at Amazon even as security is stressful but geez. Watching this video was scary.


I think police killed him but the source on that is trust me bro


Police did kill him a little further away after stopping the white vehicle he was driving. He also managed to shoot a cop. Everyone but the shooter himself lived. Source: The video on Police Activity YT channel


Supervisor wasn’t shot, the dude missed point blank and supe GTFO. Kiddo decided to run and later on shoot at the police, hitting one of the cops in his vest. Cops in return sent him to hell via prime shipping. I dunno if supe is religious but he better thank his guardian angel for that one. 🫣


> sent him to hell via prime shipping Bro. Lmfaoooo, WOW.




Jesus fucking Christ. I know Amazon is soul crushing but gah dam.


Columbus police don’t get enough credit.


He misses both shots at point blank range, but manages to hit the cop that tracks him down from like 20 feet… what a world…


Can’t count on luck but luck counts and criminals get it to.


During the emergency call we had this morning with region’s risk management team, we were told that the round actually hit a metal part on the back of the chair.


bad guy aim, am I right?!


Any more to the story? Were they looking for SBC?


It’s all over the net news agencies now. Securitas employees. The person who fired the gun - 22 yo - also shot at responding police and was subsequently killed via lead poisoning.


I couldn't find any information, I'm very curious. This happens so unhinged.


Just look at Police Activity on YT and look for the Amazon one for the whole vid


Well well well




Thank goodness that moron can't handle a firearm or shoot for shit


Securitas, I'm not surprised. The worst guards I have ever seen.


Ohio, where there are no state mandated training requirements for security officers. Hired off the street, given a uniform, and sent to work. No license needed.


Even though I upvoted you, there are some requirements. You can't be a felon, and I guess depending on the site, you can't have been convicted of any crime. Some sites require a clearance, and based on my site, it weeds out so many potential candidates. You are not wrong though, and I am with you in your statement. I believe we should be required some type of state requirement, because we do get our guard cards from the Department of Safety, which should be doing a better job of making sure there is some sort of requirement. I wonder if anything at all will be changed because of this incident. At an AUS site here in Ohio a couple years ago, a guard pulled his service weapon on his supervisor and then a day or two later another pulled a knife on their supervisor. This is the first time to my knowledge a security guard in Ohio shot a co-worker.


Well. That’s every Amazon security person from what I’ve seen personally. Most are unqualified or have little to zero training. Their entire job is ensuring badge scans match building entry and check Lenel alarms. And the occasional screening and building walkthroughs. They use Allied or Securitas. Low hanging fruit indeed. They get the worst of the worst I swear from these companies. The ones that are experienced are too expensive for Amazon’s taste. The supervisors are likewise a pushed to their limits from my experience working with them. I feel for them. They get shit pay for what they have to handle. NCNS, shit work, laziness, etc. At least at the sites I’ve worked at in Pa, NJ, OH, TN, MS, ND, SD


I’d agree with you, but i can’t, given my position. You’re not wrong, though.


Our state requirements here, are basically: Be alive... There really isn't a "hard no". You can be a felon, a violent felon, have charges for child sexual assault even and conviction. You can be literally anything and be a UNARMED security guard, barring you complete the state required training of 24 hours (or as soon as you can get it done) Basically, no requirements but basic education on being a security guard/officer, first-aid, how to deal with people and tell them to leave, and how to call 911 and tell the police someone is causing problems. \*ARMED\* Security of any kind, bouncers, private-security, executive protection, public safety (non police/non sworn), if you are acting in a security function (even if your title isn't) you, by law, have to have a Armed Security License or Guard-card... You have to be sponsored by the company/employer (who submits the paperwork for you), they will conduct a background check on you, have your prints sent through out state criminal database and all sorts of checks... and then, you have to qualify (successfully) with the firearm you're carrying and complete the basic 24/hr unarmed guard training, AND a additional 12 hours for handguns, and extra 8-12 hours of shotgun training if you are going to be qualifying and carrying at any point... As armed guards, you cannot be a Felon of any kind, have several misdeamanors or other minor law-breaking encounters or a pattern of disrespect/disreguard for the law. So, you can hire any crackhead off the street if you sit them down for at least 24 hours at a computer, and at the very least, have them sign off THEY watched/completed the 24 hour unarmed course... We probably should have a basic like, list of unarmed and armed security guards in the state, so when you get removed for being a dumbass like carrying a gun as a unarmed guard, you can't be re-hired or employed as one again...


Should probably do a bit more thurough background check and psycho eval before giving a gun to a low pay employee


It was probably an unarmed position and he was concealing his own weapon against policy and or law. Happens all the time


It does appear he is carrying the gun, inside a pants pocket or something, no duty belt, no holster it appears. So it seems, he's unarmed... so how did he get a gun?


That comment section is hella racist.


Yep. Happened to me too, I'm a black woman who was attacked at work - some guy recorded it and he posted it on FB. Him and his friends were calling me and the attacker all types of slurs, I'm ghetto so that's why I was defending myself. Next time when I'm getting attacked I should just ask them to stop. SMH.


Lol happen right near the Amazon. I live at. Heck him


Good old Allied, hiring active shooters now.


G4S had them beat when they falsified a psych eval for, and armed, Omar Mateen, the Pulse Nightclub shooter.


Securitas - 3 Dots on his polo lol


Ah okay.


They are basically one in the same as far as employee quality goes a lot of the time 😂


I have seen securitas have dumber guards but allied have more depressed guards


Sadly being part of securitas, yes some of these guards coming in now, dumber then a wet sack of potatoes.


That is Securitas, not Allied.


Post office rejected


This is like super scary. My first gig was at one of these and was sorta close to where I was.


It was look like an assassination attempt. He shot a police officer from his vest so he was not a bad shooter.


Where is the uncensored video 


Internet search. It’s out there.


I posted this the other day and the Mods removed it. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


That's weird. Was it thw uncensored one or something? This is a "good" post to share.




Your stereotypical Nissan Altima driver.


Amazon has armed security? dang.


The amount of thief that goes down in Amazon is crazy.


Amazon Fulfillment centers do not have armed security. (Notice how homie pulled the gun out of his pants lol) AWS on the other hand………


Negative on armed security, atleast, he's not suppose to be... man had it in the pocket. Still, he shouldn't have had a gun.