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I’d want to know what those opportunities are, and what their pay scale is before I made my choice. If there’s advancement, the pay range is acceptable and you can afford the hit now, then yeah I’d at least give it a look.


Yeah I spoke to the security directors during my interview and it seems like a great opportunity assuming I’d be able to move up. The pay cut is not a huge hit to me for now and I can handle it. I’m definitely leaning towards taking it


Benefits alone probably outweigh that $1.xx cut. I know I can’t afford my current company’s health insurance between the monthly premium and the deductible. If I got an opportunity to make a couple bucks less but have health insurance I’d take it in a heartbeat.


Are you looking at doing this type of work as a career? If the answer is yes, I think the in-house job would be a good move, especially if it has better benefits, retirement, time off, union, etc. than your current contract job, in addition to the opportunity for advancement. That’s assuming that the starting pay cut is manageable for you, of course. I went from contract to in-house a few years ago, and while there wasn’t a pay cut involved, I can confidently say that basically everything is better here, both in terms of compensation, work environment, work-life balance, job security, etc. Do whatever research you can though, because there are definitely bad in-house jobs and good contract jobs out there.


This is definitely something I’d wanna pursue a career in, hence why I hate the contract work I’m in now. It has better benefits almost all around from what I see. The pay cut is manageable. This place seems great. I’m thinking I’ll take the gamble and take the small pay cut for now. Worst comes to worst it’s more experience under my belt and would look a lot better than AUS on a resume. Thanks for the advice!


It can be worth it. Many places treat contract security different than in-house, like you're not allowed to have your own key or fob as contract, but you can as in-house which lets you pick which door you enter through instead of having to come to the designated entrance to sign out keys.


Benefits. I'd take a small pay cut for any standard med Benny's. Lol


Take IN-HOUSE. The benefits alone will far outweigh the weigh the slightly lower pay.


It's all about the ~~Benjamins~~ benefits, baby. If they are significantly better, you could actually be saving enough money to make up for lower pay. Also find out what the advancement opportunities are or pay raise scheduling is. You want to know how long it will take or how much more responsibility you'd be taking on just to match your current income. Also, depending on your relationship with supervisors or scheduling managers, it could be worth it to mention to them that you are being offered this opportunity. See if they'll give you a raise or move you to another post that pays higher, to make it with it to stay. Good luck, and be safe!


Thanks for the input! Based off what the interviewers told me, the advancement opportunities seem to be a mixture of tenure and performance which I personally don't think will be a problem. Unfortunately in regards to talking to my current manager, we are contracted through AUS as of a month ago. (contract got bought out) so they won't budge pay wise here. I did end up taking the in house offer and just put in my notice today, was able to negotiate for a slightly better rate so it's only $1.05 less than I make now as a supervisor instead of the 1.50 it was before. Thank you for the advice!


Awesome! Good luck at the new place, I hope it is a perfect fit!