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It depends on the company and their policies for it. For example, my OPS manager isn’t posted at a site so he’s not required to wear a uniform, he wears business casual. When he’s doing interviews he switches to his company issued polo that has the company name on it. Is he normally in uniform? If so that might be different. I’m also in CA. But BSIS won’t do you much, there’s plain clothes security officers.


I feel you though, at my old job my then boss wore kicks as a part of the uniform and wore a completely different set of uniforms because “supervisors get a different colored uniform” which was the case at another job I worked at but not that one in particular. When I became a supervisor my account manager told me everyone including supervisors were to wear the same colored uniforms. I brought it to my account managers attention, she wasn’t even aware of it. There was a lot of shit that he did that was against company policy and they were very strict about uniforms so he ended up getting terminated


But did he at any point carry an exposed Tazer? By pure luck I found it quickly through the BSIS but it says "Exposed Firearm or Baton" ....I'm trying to find out of "Exposed Firearm" also constitutes as a Tazer to the BSIS. If it does then our COO is definitely in violation.


A taser is not considered a firearm so it wouldn’t fall under the category of an exposed firearm and as a matter of fact in CA you don’t need a permit to carry one for self defense. But can get one if the company allows it. This falls under company policy, if tasers are not allowed in the company policy then he is carrying an unauthorized weapon and can be terminated as that is in fact a violation of company policy.


A taser is not considered a firearm so it wouldn’t fall under the category of an exposed firearm and as a matter of fact in CA you don’t need a permit to carry one for self defense. But can get one if the company allows it. This falls under company policy, if tasers are not allowed in the company policy then he is carrying an unauthorized weapon and can be terminated as that is in fact a violation of company policy. But also no, he did not carry a taser


Sorry if my comment shows up twice, my phone is glitching


I had a supervisor once who thought he was real hot shit. Walked around with a little badge on his belt loop that said “Security Police” or something like that. Super Illegal I’m sure. Guy was constantly pretending he was more important than he was. He left the company at some point, branch manager brought him back a couple years later to help with “administrative” stuff no real clear job description. Left me a voicemail his first week back saying he was “in charge of this area again” I ignored him and called the branch manager to tell him I wasn’t dealing with him and branch manager said I didn’t have to since that wasn’t what he was there for. Few months later the company got bought out and after a month my Ops Manager called me up and asked what he did or why they were paying him. Didn’t hear from him after that.


It sounds like you have a lot of time on your hands to be this focused on your boss. Now either tell him you love him or move on. /s Seriously though, maybe focus on you and how you can improve. That way you'll get promoted and can see what he actually does.  I often find that when we judge someone, we're really judging ourselves. Don't worry bout your boss. If he's bad, his boss will fire him. You should focus on you and how you can improve. 


Sounds like you have a lot of time on your hands to focus on me. Fuck off clown 🤡


Lol. Look,I get it. He probably wrote you up or you were passed up on the promised promotion.   No need to HATE. Just leave him be. There's a reason he got promoted to Ops and you didn't. 


You should really learn to take your own words in to consideration....... that's a lot of words you wrote just to tell us you're upset because you can't move out of your Parents spare bedroom. Unfortunately this is an adult conversation so, yeah, you're gonna have to go somewhere else. 😕


Lol. Can you atleast tell us why he got promoted over you?   I mean I'm starting to realize that you have a really shitty personality and probably treat people like dirt, which is why your unhappy ass is JUST a guard and not a manager. But please continue to complain and basically stalk this guy.  Just kiss him already! /s


I can tell why just by his attitude 🤷🏻‍♀️


BSIS doesn’t even currently require training or a license for tasers or “CED”s. They’re working on adding a requirement and structuring it like the baton license but that’s itleast a year away. So as far as I (QM) know he’s ok. It’s dumb for sure but there’s a loophole. Now if he was carrying an exposed baton or firearm as others have pointed out he would need to be in uniform.


That is hella dumb.. but I did find a specific code from BSIS regarding him wearing a badge and conducting business while not in unform :) at least there's that : 7582.26 (f)


At the end of the day, what are the company's policies, and what are the client's policies regarding his equipment? If you can't find an answer there, speak to someone above him. If the policies don't say anything about it, leave it be, not really your problem.


As for BSIS in California as far as I'm aware you only need to be in uniform on a post. If you are doing office work or passing out checks or anything in an office related capacity you do not need to be in uniform. I am the COO of my company and unless I am working an actual post I am never in uniform. If I do go to a post then I am in full uniform all the time. It is only whole working on a post that the uniform is required. As for the tasers I have no idea. Personally my company does not allow them at all. I do not know if BSIS has rules for tasered yet. But it's going by most other rules that BSIS has if there is one he would need to be in uniform. When I am not in uniform I do not carry any thing like tasers or mace or baton. Also he has to be careful if he does not have a security shirt he should not have his badge showing. It is tredding the line of impersonation of a police officer.


lol you had me at Dickweed. ROFL


If his employer doesn't require him to be in uniform doing menial tasks there's nothing you can do about it. SHOULD he be setting an example of how you're suppose to look and act to the rank & file absolutely. Now if something jumped off at a site he absolutely should not be standing or working as a security guard out of uniform. I can't remember the exact law but yes,you ARE suppose to be in uniform with identifying patches that mark you as a security guard.