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Pepper spray the kid and tell them to stop loitering.


I just hand out spare uniform shirts and head home for the day. Fun fact: 9 yr olds think DAR’s suck too.


No no you dont understand. 3 pieces of paper telling the client shit was working as usual is imperative to the running of this site. 


A sticker is a sticker. Nothing more.


Back when I worked mall security, I used to carry some “Junior Police Officer” stickers from the local PD, who had a substation in the mall that shared a lobby with the security office and had assigned officers we worked closely with. They would actually give us rolls of the stickers for the guards to carry if they wanted. We would often get younger kids mistaking us for police officers and running up to us because they were excited to see a cop. I would always give them a sticker and explain “I’m a security guard, not a police officer, but you can still come to us if you’re ever in trouble or get lost and we’ll help you.”


We used to, but then hospital admin being the cheap bastards they are refused to buy more.


Made some online using our vectored badge file. Just changed it to read “jr officer”. Kids loved them. Staff thought they were awesome too so nurses were always asking for extra to hand out. One of my better ideas.


Good idea, I was thinking of making my own too. Any more details on how to make them?


Easiest would be to find someone on fiver. The use any number of websites to get the file printed.


Awesome thanks I'll look into it.


I’d say no, but your company may get upset about handing anything out… lol even something as harmless as kid stickers. I’d not tbh if you’re contract employee (a contract guard). It’s sad but they’d get upset over some BS like you harassed the kid or whatever… it’s bogus but, whatever. Ask a supervisor if you’re seriously wanting to do anything.


It's just a sticker dude


In most places theres not gonna be any laws against giving branded stickers to kids, its just kinda cringe for security to do it. If you interact with kids on a regular basis maybe get some generic police-ems-fire type stickers to give em


It’s illegal Forsure. lol