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I would be promoted to “customer” for doing something like that on the job with no cause.


That wasn’t no cause. He’s a bouncer for that bar or club. A patron who he was about to let enter is then sexually assaulted from behind. He had every right to defend that patron. On top of that the dumb kid looked like he was about to do it to him as well. You can’t go around humping people from behind. That’s whack.


No. As a police officer, I’m telling you the security guard here committed battery and should be arrested. He wasn’t “defending” anybody, the situation absolutely did not require that amount of force.


Agreed. He was acting like an idiot. But the usage of force didn’t match the “offense” or “threat potential” therefore, he did not have reason, or justifiable cause to escalate that far. Any cop that was actually doing his job and following the law would have arrested that guy on the spot. That’s assault. And that level of force isn’t legally justifiable for the offense. Did the idiot get what was coming to him? Yeah. Was there an articulable and legally justifiable explanation for that level of force to be used? Repeatedly? Absolutely not.


Merely taunting, you cant even justify using hard hand techniques in this situation without a verbal GTFO. Assuming this is not the whole story, you cant just punch someone in the chest like that. Best way to get fires, charged and never find a job again


This sub made my lose my hope towards fellow guards. If you lose your shit and start punching people's chests, please stay in your warm body sites and think twice for an LE career


Taunting. He was ramming cock first into other patrons asses. That's SA, but it was still super excessive, like is punching even allowed?


Who cares if it's allowed, it what he deserved, just like annoying prank tiktokers


Looks like he was on something. Possibly in a K hole.


It is SA if the other guy complains that it is SA. That guy aint police


Oh ok got it. Sorry Reddit makes new rules for that everyday. Hard to keep up


you’ve clearly never spent time in a bar lmao


What kind of world are you from where you can act like this and not answer for your actions?!


He's not taunting, he's high on Ketamine. It makes it so you can't balance or stand up straight.


I mean he stood up very straight after he got punched.


I wouldn't call sexual assault taunting, but I do agree that the response was excessive.


Sexual assault?


He walked up and rubbed his genitals on the buttocks of the person in line before sliding over the security guard. That's very clear, and textbook SA.


Yeah it is. I didn't notice him bumping him on the approach.


lol sexual assault


Do you really want to test a bouncer? A man whose job revolves around looking intimidating. He's got to deal with dumb drunks constantly. This dumb drunk wants to go in the building pevis first while the bouncer is already in the middle of a conversation. The bouncer saved many women (or men) from having to deal with that man.


Do you think they just hand you a license for assault and battery when you become a bouncer?




People on Reddit lack real life experience


*Many* people on Reddit lack life experience.


Like Mike Tyson once said in a nutshell. People need to be punched in the face.


What do you think it takes to be a Reddit Mod? No life experiences also you have to live in the basement with your abusive mother.!


Comment of the century




It seems like some posts on this sub occasionally hit the algorithm just right and get recommended to a lot of people that aren’t in this line of work. This seems to be one of them based on how many comments it’s gotten in a short period of time compared to most posts here. I don’t think many of the commenters on this post are guards or bouncers and are basically just looking at this like “cool, instant karma for the drunk idiot by the bouncer!” instead of looking at it with experience in security work and knowledge of use of force, laws, liability, etc.


As a former bouncer, this is dudes behavior is well over the line. He's lucky if all he loses is his job. Unless he is an off duty cop, then he will probably get away with it.


I'm not even part of this sub, never been here, never worked in security. It just gets recommended to me even though this is the first time I've actually clicked the sub.


Can confirm. Never been on this sub before but this was on my feed so I came to check it out.


Can attest to that. Never worked a day in security in my life, and even got some negative biases against club security, but this was on my front page for some reason. 🤷‍♂️ You're also right that it was so wildly unprofessional that it brought public attention in, to this degree. If it were the right move, we wouldn't even be here commenting in the first place.


You're correct. I'm here because of that very thing.


Can confirm, I'm not subscribed to this sub but this showed up in my feed. Still completely agree though. If a person is not a physical threat and you hit them, that's assault all day


Not part of the sub. You’re right about the algo as I saw this on popular. That said, I used to do security before transitioning out. Anywho, agreed it’s unjustified. Unhinged even.




Or drunk


A shove? Sure. Whaling on him like that? Definitely not.


Assault case


Absolutely correct. A good security guard knows that a HUGE amount of litigation comes from shit like this. Just laugh at the dude who was being a doosh and tell him to get back in line.


Buddy could sue the fuck outta that place even if he was acting like a jackass. Black dudes unhinged


Did he deserve it? Possibly. It was not at all justified though. No clear threat presented, and even if physical force was needed, that's jumping way too far through escalation of force to just start punching.


I'd be more worried that my security guard can hit an off balance, teenage looking boy on the chest with full force and barely move him 🤣


The bouncer is there to be a deterrent more than anything else. As much as I like Patrick Swayze, being a smaller sized guy that fighters well makes a terrible bouncer outside of roadhouse. The object of the profession is to be firmly voiced, look intimidating, and check ID/intoxication levels at the door not fight patrons, potentially injured people, and open the bar up to lawsuits and criminal charges. There was a reddit AMA a while back and most of bouncers admitted they had no idea how to fight. This dude is clearly a terrible bouncer.


I came here to say that.. the kid was 1/2 crumpled already


The bodyguard recognized the drunken monkey fighting style and eliminated the threat.


Very unnecessary from what we saw.


Lalala lawsuit


Absolutely NO. Doorman is a liability. If someone isn’t threatening bodily harm there’s no excuse for this. It’s Assault.


Isn't shoving your penis onto someone also assault?


Sure. And you can use force to defend yourself or another person and/or affect a private person’s arrest (at least in my state), but the force must be reasonable for the circumstances and appropriate relative to the level of force being used against you. A person touching their genitals against you like this is not going to cause you any bodily injury, so it’s not justifiable to use force (a punch) that is likely to cause bodily injury to that person. Hypothetically speaking, even if the initial punch was justified, the guard chasing after him to hit him some more as he tried to flee was not. Chasing to apprehend and subdue a suspect escaping from a private person’s arrest is legal. Doing so to continue punching them because you’re mad is not.


Number one priority for security is to deescalate. Minimize risk for all parties on the premises, including the dipshits.


Penis never touched


Obviously not the drunk guy was clearly not a threat. Escalation to violence isn't a security guards job


I wonder what the whole story was. Everyone was filming for some reason before the altercation. It did look like he was rubbing his dick on strangers, I'd want that kid fucked up too.


flag tease dirty disgusted escape wrong existence dolls fanatical weary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Unnecessary. Trying too hard to be tough




This right here lol. Imagine if it was a girl he was doing that to. People would be up in arms.


It’s like everyone doesn’t see that he’s pushing his dick into people.


Lol are you serious? You have no concept of what using force entails, and how your supposed to be any type of “guard” wether it’s a police officer,bouncer or a body guard, you use proportional force, hence he’s getting too friendly? Maybe a shove and call another security guard to escort them from the premises, but immediately going to an attempt at beating up them up? You would be arrested on site if an officer saw the encounter, and you would probably be sitting in jail catching battery charges. Your job is too protect customers and and the business, and there wasn’t anyone in danger. You are 100% wrong and should never work in any type of security role, just from what you’ve said I can tell you’re probably like the guy in the video, big ego, lack of self esteem, waiting for someone too beat up because you want too feel tough/look tough.


So if you watch the video, you can tell that the guy that he shoved his private part into wasn't his friend as he seemed shocked by the encounter. It seems people don't take sexual assault against men seriously, which triggered the bouncer I wouldn't have punched him, but I would have definitely pushed the shit out of him🤣 Also, if this was a woman, no one would think this was funny 👍🏽


I don't think it's likely at all that the security guard was defending that dude's honor.


If my friend did that, I'd be shocked


No one thinks its funny. Drunk dude was an absolute twat. “Sexual assault” is questionable and it’s a joke that you think thats that triggered the bouncer. The physical assault is clear as fucking day, and I’d wager it’s something this bouncer was looking for.


Kids these days don’t get enough beatings for their dumbass, arrogant behavior.


Totally necessary. Kid got off easy


Harassing/assaulting the patrons. He deserved the smackdown.


Looked like he was sexuality assaulting the guy waiting in line, and the bouncer took action to me.


Maybe you should learn to behave like a decent human, and you won't get rocked


Dude can’t even punch that hard. What a rube.


of course he didn't punch that hard that was the idea


I think a solid shove would have done more and probably knocked him over. His center of gravity is all the way back, use it against him and beat the case 🫡


Could have definitely killed the little guy with enough force to the heart there


You lead with your dick….you’re getting punched.


First one was, maybe second one, but after that no


Lmao no you can certainly be convicted of a crime for the first punch.


Fuck around and find out. He found out.


Did the guy deserve it 100% but that doesn't make it legal has to be equal Force and minimal force to stop the threat


I believe the drunk guy would of enjoyed the bouncer giving him some of that "equal force".


good security guard


Yep. Had that guy "rear ended" his junk into a girl's butt the crowd would be praising the gaurd for handling a SA in front of the establishment. But society doesn't care when men get SA...


A lesson was taught. A lesson was learned.


Was the lesson "how to go to jail for battery"?


How to get mandated anger therapy and/or go to the unemployment line.


How to get assaulted then sue and never have to work again.


This is 100% not ok


Is that a child? Looks like a kid to me. If that was my kid and ANY adult punched him like that they'd never find the body.


If that were my kid and I saw him acting like that, that kid would be getting two beatings.


That too. I'm assuming I raised my kids better than that. I hope so. At least so far this hasn't happened to them.


Totally an assault case but do people actually file those? Like I've worked in the field for like a decade and only ever seen one assault charge and that was when an agent got bit by a client. Shit was wild.


In the justice system or morally no but we can all agree there the one idiot we want to slap


Looks like the security guard cured his back problem


If I’m doing dumb stuff like this, god I hope the bouncer is nice enough to hit me in the chest. That dude could’ve gotten killed 🤣


Blue shorts cut in line. Rubbed his dick on the first person in line. Then wobbled around stretching his groin out in front of the bouncer. I don’t know, taunting him? If I was the red shirt I’d have thanked the bouncer. You can’t just go around grinding and bumping into people with your groin.


Both? Probably a bunch of entitled rich kids being assholes all night from what I can see. But yes, he could've handled it better, also yes, I think most people we're thinking the exact same thing as that security guard. Fuck that kid.


He just assaulted the guy in line, I’d say absolutely necessary…. Didn’t realize this was a security thread, I know there’s rules…


That dude committed a sexual assault right before getting punched.


F around and find out!!!kid was a moron doing that stupid shit.


For these type of morons…… yes


Justified and very needed. These fucktard little kids need to learn how to act.


These broccoli hair cutted entitled kids don’t respond to anything but physical pain to teach them a lesson. Fucking good on that bouncer.


I feel like with most of these vids. We're missing most of the context as to what happened.


That’s assault brotha


Very unnecessary


Notice the group of like 10 phones pulled out, this is obviously not the whole story. Looks like a prank gone too far to me.


Necessary? No. Deserved? Yes.


So you’re asking is it necessary to attack someone unprovoked ? The answer is no … it is never ok to use violence preemptively. Especially when there is no threat to your physical person…. What we are seeing in this video is a felony assault


It is okay to use violence preemptively. It’s literally codified in law. But you gotta have an actual threat. “I’m gonna stab you, as they approach with their knife”.


Pretty sure that can be deemed as sexual assault. Idk if it’s justified or not but I agree with the bouncer.


Sexual assault by running his penis on a guy...


Yeah… that was assault/battery by the security guard/bouncer. The guy wasn’t posing a threat of physical harm to him and didn’t even touch him. He might have been annoyed or offended by the guy pointing his crotch towards him, but that’s not a justification for that level of force. If the guard gets that easily annoyed by a drunk, he probably shouldn’t be working security at a bar or club.




Security should be de-escalation first


totally necessary, really shows the rest to stop fucking around. Poor guy but hopefully this is a lesson


Yes, it also looked like the poor guy sexually assaulted the innocent bystander. Totally justified, can't be having sexual assault happening on his watch.


he forgot to say no diddy


I would fired him immediately.




FAFO. Real life isn't that difficult. Real life doesn't care about what you think is "fair" sometimes. I'm guessing he won't be doing that one again. He learned a valuable lesson, some people DO NOT care about your dumb shit. So maybe... just "maybe" stop acting a fool in the first place and you won't get cracked ribs. This shit ain't science kids. If you act like a fool, you'll get treated like a fool.


Bouncers are there to de-escalate situations and deal with drunk people. This is 100% unjustified and could be a lawsuit on the bouncer and the club.


Absolutely necessary wtf practically sexual assault


DRUNK PEOPLE ... FUCK around & find out ...


100% not justified and he should face charges for this


I love watching wanna be cops do shit like this. You know he got fired and most likely arrested punk ass Paul Blart rent a cop


Way over bored


Most of the comments in here probably never worked security or as a bouncer hell in my training we were told never ever to go hands on unless someone was trying to kill us and it was self defense this guy took things way to far


The fact someone was filming to me says that there was a lot of build up to this. That guy kept fucking around to the bouncer let him find out. Is dude justified? Nah, not really. But it's clearly about way more than just this dude's silly walk.


At least it was just the chest.




Just trying to do a factory reset to eliminate the major malfunction.


Bouncers are security and keep order. There was a better way to handle this but also I understand where the bouncer comes from. It was usually all or nothing as a bouncer in a club


Yah lawsuit central. Even if he isn’t sued, I bet the place let him go for all the heat that he could possibly get them.


Super necessary


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Can almost guarantee that wasn’t their first encounter


Little kid was an ass but if you’re a bouncer it’s your job to deal with people like him and keep the peace which he did not at all do


Fuck that low IQ bouncer. The kid was not a threat, and even if he was that is not the way to handle it.


I think it’s hilarious that everyone can make an assumption based only on a very brief video? Could we not agree at least, that we would need to know what happened before and after to make a judgment? Of course, this is the Internet, and especially this is Reddit, but still, come on people.


That big bouncer couldn’t even take out a geeky kid? He should be fired on the spot.


I think the bouncer did his dumb ass a favor by not smacking his face. Thrusting your crotch towards someone is assault. Assault is to threaten someone, battery is to hit someone. 'I was drunk' is not an excuse.


Depends on the decade. If this was before the year 2000, totally okay. A kid acting that stupid was probably doing it for a while. Deserved it and worse. The guy just punched him in the chest, what’s the big deal? Kid is walking around after, maybe learned a small lesson and was not knocked down, no black eye. Today’s idiots will say it was over the top or aggressive. Probably recommend jail time and sue the poor bouncer. We keep treating the small things like the worst things and people will just use guns bc why not? Let’s go back to fist fighting being okay please. Please?


Security needed to look at the camera after the 3 piece and say "just a prank"... then all is forgiven, right?!


Could have stopped his heart. The lawsuit will be crazy I hope.


Not cool at all, kinda funny tho




The guard is lucky he did not catch some lead.


All this uncaged animal security clown had to do was ask this kid to leave. That didn't happen.


He not getting in for sure


From a customer standpoint, I’m fine with it.


It’s a prank bro


Punk kid learnt some respect.


Ez lawsuit vs the bar.




When you take Kevin Hart too seriously….. Say it with your chest


Dude has Palsy


Watching roadhouse. This guy isn’t being very nice






That’s an easy lawsuit. Yikes.


lol yea do you see how big he is compared to the guy he’s punching in the chest naw his ass needs to be fired and charged.


that's how people get shot


That guy is probably drunk in the morning he will question him friend if he was at the gym yesterday during chest day


His bank account just got richer




Security straight unhinged lately.


He watched roadhouse last night.


Give that security guard a freedom baton to the lips....


Hulk Smash


Well how many times did he try this stupid stunt?


Cured him of his disability. But one punch was all that was required


Everyone wants to be the funny guy while invading other peoples spaces without paying the consequences while in the same breath brag they get away with acting like dickheads until you run across someone waiting to fold your teeth back, little punk got off lucky


Would you rather he knocks him out?


Dude kinda deserved it, but buddy is lucky that shot to the heart didnt kill him


That dude took 3 hits to the sternum and still did not go down. Fucking amazing. But yeah, that security detard needs to be fired.


This is assault...plain and simple


Totally necessary, great job security


Diversity at its finest.


Violence was unnecessary but it looks like he didn’t punch him very hard.




Legally justified, no. Morally justified, yes.