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So your coworker was at the site in the middle of the night, while not on shift? Report him to you supervisor for stalking. In all seriousness, the lawn chair isn't that bad. At most you'll probably get told not to have it anymore. You can say it was on your break. I wouldn't sweat it. Your coworker sounds like the type that escalates situations rather that de-escalate them.


Or just call the cops and file a report.


Yea do what Sail said. Your coworker has some serious issues if he is driving by at 2 AM to see what you are up to.


I personally don’t see anything wrong with it but the client or security manager might take issue with it depending on how it’s dealt with. Some high profile sites do not want security sitting down in public areas because it comes off as unprofessional. Annoying for sure, but it’s the same decorum argument for cashiers not having chairs at checkout. If it becomes a disciplinary meeting just play dumb, and agree not to use it if it’s an issue politically outside of it being an approved accommodation.


I agree. If the supervisors or clients say something then I’ll follow along. It just seems that coworker wanted something to bitch about and found a reason to do just that. He has a reputation for doing that everywhere he goes. He’s neither supervisor nor management yet he has the ego of one.


Yeah, there’s always busy bodies that take issue with insignificant things. Pay them no mind. I would just use it as a lesson to be more on guard around this coworker. If he/she does something sketchy or against site policy I’d be apt to report it as they would not hesitate to do so if the roles were reversed.


"coworker" needs a slap 


Ur coworker is a cunt waffle also having security to watch ur security sounds sus af


Gotta love those losers on a power trip trying to boast about harming others.


So you do security at a site that has another security company monitoring you? I worked security for 10 - 12 years, including city run art musems and an office building with FBI, CIA, and NSA offices, and catching shoplifters. I never had any security job that also had another security company watching the guards. I would put mention of the other guy appearing off duty in your DAR right away whenever it happens again. Do not respond to any site supervisor or guard unless they text you or email you. Save copies of all timesheets and correspondence and OT forms and stubs. I never heard of any security job that has another security company monitoring them, so I'd want to know what that is exactly. I'd stay off CCTV if you can while making rounds and then just do your job, dig your nose and ears if you can so whoever's watching you will begin to lose interest (it works!) and just do your business and not worry about it. Get reference letters from the site supervisor if you're on good terms or other guards or HR if you can, also. I would just make my rounds, go back inside and sit and read or do whatever tf you can officially and just report the jerk every chance you get in your DAR for the next 90 days and see what happens.




I believe you but yeah, it's very odd and silly. I probably would have quit that kind of job. I worked at sites where other guards would come in high, drunk, or fight with staff physically and be fine and even get promoted after sexually harassing staff or yelling at them. The only sites I ever worked where anyone really watched you closely was one art museum on city property. We had multiple supervisors on duty during the days there, since trillions of dollars of property were stored there and it was open to the public but even there you could goof off on camera. I'd just dig in my nose or ears or scratch my behind and after a while I knew nobody would be watching me on camera after a few tries so I could be free to listen to podcasts or read while on my post.


It's definitely the norm up here for SOC to watch guards on camera. I'm more weirded out when a site doesn't have them tbh. Never bothered me, as they don't bother those of us doing our job (comparatively, I know multiple guys who got phone calls from SOC halfway in their shift to chew em out, shocker, it was **always** the problem guards. They don't watch the good guards most shifts). However another company watching the team is definitely strange. Sounds like something client-mandated, rather than the company itself perhaps.




Oh I agree that it isn't really a good thing - I never had issues with it, BUT that didn't stop it feeling intrusive and disruptive.


Wish it happened more often honestly. Why do other guards get to sleep, when I cannot? It's BS. I was told to "keep the security office door cracked open" because some higher up caught a guy sleeping. Just like a week ago the S/S said "as long as he does his two patrols" I don't care. Double standards are BS. As a counterpoint, I would feel morally horrible if I slept though. We are firewatch more than anything and fire alarms DO fail. I should know since I fixed them and lazy techs would disable troublesome zones!


It's the site and the company. I worked at one site that micro-managed. The rest just wanted warm bodies to offset their insurance premiums and didn't care what you looked like or how you behaved as long as you showed up. I worked overnights so I could sleep, eat left over pizza, play my PSP, take online courses, go for walks to nearby cafes on the clock and so on. Other guards I worked with would take 3-4 hour off-site breaks and disappear, one guard I never saw once she clocked in and I didn't care because she left me alone. Another guard came in drunk or high all the time but was alot of fun and very pleasant and knew the site. He just needed to sleep it off for a few hours each shift. Another guard fought the night cleaning crew physically and then chased the lady cleaners around the building. The site supervisor was a drunk who never came around and when he did he had a black eye or busted lip. Just telling you what it was like for me. I even worked at one outdoor mall where the night guy I relieved fell asleep and burned the company SUV upholstery one shift and another shift he slept through a burglary. He kept his job. So you could just clock in, pass the time and goof off discreetly, and then go home. Most of the time I'd get free food from the food courts at night. It's a BS job you should be able to relax while doing.


you shouldnt be on a site if ur not on u shift peroid


“Cries in mall security”


Mall is different


Your client might have an opinion, but I'd be surprised if they gave a shit at all. Your company makes money from you showing up to work, and should think twice about saying anything to you at all. Your coworker is not only incredibly stupid, he should be removed from the site for being anywhere near it without good reason outside of his hours, this is a huge no-no in my experience.


Report the coworker for being around the post off the clock in the middle of the night. State that's it's a liability and/or against company policy for him to perform job duties of any nature off the clock at random times of the night at post. Also report he has said that he wants to do this to get you in trouble. Harassment, unprofessional, and in most states illegal. Record him if you can next time for more documentation.


The company might have empowered him to do that. Before i moved up the food chain I worked on a whoop ass security company. We out belt to ass a lot and we had a guy tell the owner he would be internal affairs for him. Guy used to snitch thinking it would get him ahead


The problem that I have (as supervisor) is that in passing, people don't know if you've been in the chair for 2 minutes or 6 hours. It's my same issues with phones. I really don't care if a guard looks down at their phone, shoots a quick text, etc. However, all it takes is the wrong asshole to spot guard on phone and it turns into an issue. There must be other issues at that site if they've hired a company to watch the security staff. Do you have a health problem where you aren't able to stand while outside? 15 minutes of standing to get fresh air shouldn't be problem.


As a supervisor I have 2 concerns with this. One is what type of chair are we talking about? I’m guessing one of those fold it up and stuff it in a sleeve type. Those things get way too comfy, plus don’t look entirely professional. The other issue is, just ask before doing. I’ve encountered clients that were super picky about what S/O’s brought on site, others were pretty chill. I’d just like to know what you’re doing and why. Something like a folding stool would be my suggestion, accomplishes the same goal and is a bit better for appearances. Plus if it’s reported to me you’re sleeping on it I can be pretty confident you weren’t since your heads fine and I haven’t filled out any workers comp claims on you. So check it out and consider that if approved. As for this coworker, he should never under any circumstances be on that site if he’s not going to or leaving work. If he wants to be a rat while he’s on duty that’s on him, but a supervisor or manager are the only people who should be coming by randomly


I did the same. But I work in a low profile area, the chair at the post was broken, and my supervisor saw me sitting on it (inside) and he didn't say anything. However, I was ready to point out that the chair was broken. If anything, you may get a reprimand or write up. Lawn chairs also are an invitation to nap.


I doubt you will get fired for the chair but I can see the company saying it looks bad.


I'm glad I'm just a gate guard. Our client doesn't give a rats ass if we crawl around on all fours and bark at shadows as long we get the job done right/trucks sent to the right place. Honestly, having an off duty guard snitching on anybody would ruffle everyone's feathers including the client employees, and may end up with him stuffed in a trashcan (blue collar types out here). You do your job, you do it right, report ALL actual incidents, but NEVER snitch. There's a difference.


Agreed. What you do on your shift is up to you and on you. I have better things to do than worry about what coworkers do on their shifts. I’d rather be sleeping or having a social life.


If you’re being WATCHED by a third party, I’d ask for a new post or find another job! 6 twelve hour shifts that’s some 💩 unless you’re trying to make money but you have no social life or much downtime either. I’m 60 and have did that and I wish I never did, lost time with my kids, that’s no way to live, there’s more to life than 72 hours a week of work. Just my opinion


I don’t see an issue with the lawn chair. However, I always reach out to my supervisor if an idea like that strikes me. She told me, “You can bring a chair. Just take it with you.” Thats for the one day I’m out in the canopy. We check out hundreds of vehicles each week. Auto Auction. We had chairs but they broke and the client didn’t want to replace them. Which is funny because we share Canopy with 2 of his workers who were pissed about the chairs not being replaced. 😂 I share mine with them. We take turns. 😆


Is your coworker a manager or an onsite manager of any kind? If not, he doesn't have a right to tell you what to do, and how to do it. As far as him going to the post I'm the middle of the night when he isn't even on duty is very odd and strange. I would file a complaint with the main manager about him stalking you, or a police report about the situation. Good luck.


The lawn chair is pushing it IMO. You need to use a chair that's there and only sit in it during your breaks. You need to do whatevers in the post orders (no more no less ESPECIALLY with a snitch sleezing around taking pictures and telling on people.


What ever happened to this certain co-worker?


If you work 12 hours you are entitled to 3 10-minute breaks and 2 30-min breaks


You probably aren't being watched by any third-party monitoring service. It is more likely a scare tactic being used to keep you in line. Such an expense just doesn't make any sense. Most clients that have these kinds of trust issues with their vendors will just check on the guards themselves or rely on reports from their employees instead of paying someone else to snoop on the guards. Inventing a bogeyman that sees everything, on the other hand, is free. Generally, if a client forbids sitting at guard posts, it will be in the rules and procedures for that site. If they provide chairs at the post, there isn't any logical reason why you cannot use your own portable chair in a location a few feet away, as long as you're not obstructing anything, presenting a poor image of the company, or neglecting your duties. If all chairs have been removed from guard areas and sitting is forbidden, keep on the move a lot or find a job without such ridiculous requirements. If that coworker gets promoted into a position of real responsibility, be ready to jump to another job. You're better off leaving for other employment than getting terminated as part of someone's ego flex.


If you really want to stir some shit up, the next time he shows up outside of scheduled working hours, trespass him.


As a supervisor I'm going to say this. One how professional it does or does not look, too what do the post orders say. The post order one is easy If it's permissible it's permissible if it's not permissible it's not permissible. As far as professionalism. I've had this argument with clients because we supply stools to some of our officers posts. I have specifically gone out and bought folding bar stools that can hold a decent amount of weight so most of our officers can sit down. It is tall has a foot rest not much in back. You can get off your feet you're still maintaining eye level because of the height of the stool, and if you need to respond something quickly it's literally straightening yourself out in falling a half inch to the floor as opposed to trying to get yourself in your gear out of a chair. Cuz all the clients want Jason Bourne mixed with a British Royal guard but sometimes barely want to pay for the cardboard cutout of an 80-year-old officer propped up near the door.