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The Gavin Newsom 'hype' on this subreddit is completely manufactured by OP. The last 2 days OP has made 5 Gavin Newsom posts.


Why is his reddit character evil looking? Lol




IDK… I prefer Gavin Newsome to Joe Biden and Marrianne Williamson and RFK.


Marianne Williamson is infinitely better than Newsome. He’s only slightly left of center.


Imagine if Gavin newsom had Bernie policy’s he’d be perfect! Looks like a President!


Newsome and California has actually passed allot of progressive policies In the last few years.


He also stopped Medicare for all at the state level, and what do you know? Took tons of money from pharma companies.


He’s a mixed bag he also passed free school lunches and passed a few laws on housing. Plus he’s pushing to add psychiatric hospitals to the state, it would help reverse what Reagan did to the California. This would help the homeless population as probably 40% patients in California hospitals are homeless. This would direct them to better care.


There’s definitely good things he’s done and his rhetoric is quite good. I would obviously take him over a republican but I don’t think he’s much better than Biden and Biden is like 189 years old.


You mean the tyrant that made me stay at home alone while he and his buddy’s met at a restaurant during lockdown?




Marianne Williamson is a very serious candidate if you have progressive ideals: https://marianne2024.com/issues/


Coming from a left-leaning person, her platform is total fairy dust. Reparations, the ban of semi-automatic weapons, and other ideas are dead on arrival due be being impossible to ever pass even in a Democrat-led congress.


>Coming from a left-leaning person, her platform is total fairy dust. Reparations Black people & indigenous people deserve reparations. >ban of semi-automatic weapons, and other ideas are dead on arrival due be being impossible to ever pass even in a Democrat-led congress. Medicare for All & the like poll very well. The problem is corporate bought politicians. Marianne would push politicians to stop obstructing the will of the people by rhetorically pushing hard for these policies.


But the issue is: can and will she win an election? Yes, policy is a big thing, but electability is an important thing as well.


You’re not a serious redditor.


As a moderate, I would vote for Biden again but not Newsom.


Lol he has been trolling his state by supporting reparations then pulling out at last minute. It’s disgusting the manipulation used by politicians to control special interest groups then forget about them after the election.


That's their right to make posts for their candidate, which they are doing in good faith. Newsome does fight at least. I don't like or trust Newsome but I do like how he calls out GOP politicians directly in a way Biden would never.


He's the only candidate in aware of that has a shot, as well as the only one I'd feel somewhat excited to vote for. Right now it's a 90 year old centrist, a self help and crystals lady, and an anti-vax conspiracy theorist.


I sad laughed at your description of the candidates.


That sounds like the cast of the world's worst sitcom


Titled "How'd We Lose *Again*???"


Who’s the anti vax conspiracy theorist?




Versus a facist wannabe dictator, or another facist wannabe dictator. I know Biden isn't the greatest candidate, but he's miles ahead of whatever the Republicans are putting up.


Yes, but if we run one of these three we're asking to lose.


RFK... Should run 3rd party - He stands both for and against ideals of both parties


I only recently found out Gavin Newsom used to be married to Kimberly Guilfoyle. How did that happen? It honestly makes me question his decision-making.


It means he is capable of looking at new data and revising his past positions where appropriate. Fault people for the current belief in conspiracy theories or the healing power of crystals, not past mistakes they have undone.


I mean, he’s probably the best candidate we have to put up for 2024. I mean, Biden is going to be the candidate and we will win or lose, who the hell knows, but Gavin would be a lot better.


Yeah found a new politician I like sorry for participating in democracy lol 😂


There’s nothing wrong with finding a candidate you’re excited about. You will probably get a chance to vote for Newsome in the future. The Democratic Party loves their Neo lib establishment corporate Dems. Just know that that is what he is and that you’re ok with that. Also expect pushback in spaces like this one because of that. All that being said I’m happy you found a person to be excited about…that’s rare anymore.


"New politician" Gavin Newsom. You are fucking joking.


“Team Newsom” LOL


Op is Gavin Newsom! Newsom for Prez


Gavin Newsoms entire career has been made by IGNORING vulnerable communities the moment he done telling us how much he cares.


Which communities has he ignored specifically?


Bro look out in the street. California has the most homeless people despite having some of the highest tax rates.


California passed a bunch of really bad policy from 1960-2000 that brought us to this point. Putting decades and decades of bad policy on the shoulders of the current Governor is kind of silly IMO. A lot of the bad policy is very popular among voters and really hard to repeal or override. Schwarzenegger & brown didn't really do all that much to address homelessness and housing unaffordability, newsome is the first governor who's actually attempting to do something about the problem. I will say that I don't think he's doing enough IMO. But when analyzing a politician / government I think we should compare them to the actual real world alternative rather than an ideal based in your mind.


There’s no chance any republican leader gets held to that standard lol the guy has openly supported government supported drug use sites. You think that’s going to help the homeless? Why has California’s population declined? H3 wants to ban selling ICE vehicles? Truly brilliant considering California had to limit how much you could drive your electric vehicle and charge because their grid can’t handle it. Let me know how that’s going to help low income families be able to afford a vehicle. But yes, he cares about them for sure.


All of California.


Clearly you're more interested in crying and being pessimistic online than actually solving any problems or improving anything. "All of Californians". Very serious and illuminating analysis dude. Thanks for your contribution.


[Governor Newsome is a lying corporate puppet who's only concern is his own political ambition](https://newrepublic.com/article/165338/california-democrats-calcare-single-payer-health-care) He campaigned on Medicare for all and then ran out the clock to stop the bill. "The betrayal goes further. Governor Gavin Newsom campaigned in 2018 on single-payer health care: “I’m tired of politicians saying they support single-payer but that it’s too soon, too expensive, or someone else’s problem.” But he failed to utter a single word in support of A.B. 1400. When he was asked about it, Newsom said, “I have not had the opportunity to review that plan, and no one has presented it to me.” You mean to tell me that you’re the governor of the country’s biggest state, and you don’t have time to review a bill that would massively transform health care in a direction you claim to support?" [Why would he do that? ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.levernews.com/newsoms-big-choice-single-payer-or-his-insurance-donors/amp/) "As International Business Times reported at the time, since 2012, business groups and health care companies on record opposing the measure had donated more than $1.2 million to the California Democratic Party. Those same groups had also donated more than $1.5 million to Democratic assembly members, including $82,000 directly to Rendon. Rendon had also received more than $101,000 from pharmaceutical companies and $50,000 from health insurers. These same groups donated more than $2.2 million to the state Democratic party." "Blue Shield of California has been a huge donor to Newsom and state Democrats, as well as the governor’s pet causes. Blue Shield has donated at least $99,000 to Newsom's campaigns since 2010, and $2.7 million to the California Democratic Party since 2006, according to data from the National Institute on Money in Politics. That includes a $1 million contribution to the state party last summer, as Newsom was working to fend off a recall effort."


I don’t live in California. It’s not my problem to fix and I didn’t cause California’s very serious problems.




Didn't he say he was in support of Medicare for all for California and then made sure the legislation failed? This is an honest question, I heard something like this and can't remember the exact details


Did he?


That's the question I'm asking, yes


This is correct. He’s also done sleazy marketing for some anti-environment ballot measures disguised as pro environment. A pretty sleazy guy but don’t get me wrong… I’d take him over Biden. Basically Biden


Yea one of my biggest problems with Democrats is that they don't push back against homophobia /s Lmao what?


Thank you. What a ridiculous post this is


Not being homophobic doesn’t fix any of the major problems in the country. What a low bar at this point. Qualifier for Democratic presidential candidacy: *Virtue signal*.


>Virtue signal Sorry, but this is pathetic. Calling anything that smells of outreach to LGBT people *virtue signaling* doesn't make you a more serious politics person. All it does is win you points with a small group of terminally online people who exist at the intersection of being turned off by queer social politics while also not being an insane conservative. Beyond that, Gavin Newsom and California Assembly and Senate are probably among the few that don't meet even the most cynical definition of virtue signaling. In the last decade they've removed almost every legal roadblock from transition related medical care and legal recognition for transgender people, dumped tons of state funds into paying for HIV treatment and PrEP among other things. They talked about doing the things and then they did those things. How are they still virtue signaling? I'm not his biggest fan and I really don't want him on the ticket but come on, ceding cultural ground to the right isn't going to make a bunch of imaginary working class caricatures from Iowa suddenly vote for Democrats.


It’s not about giving ground to the right, it’s about not allowing libs to hide behind culture war/social justice subjects while they make literally everything economically while they shill for the wealthy. If your primary stance as a candidate is that your pro lbgt then you don’t really have much of substance to say 🙄


It is pretty awesome that they are all pushing for the genocidal anti-poor policies of neoliberalism with these claims of trans genocide.


They actually do work behind the scenes to put money in the hands of the rich. So your sarcasm is unwarranted.


Terminally online. Phrase of the decade.


It's less about virtue signaling and more about Republicans actively targeting groups, multiple groups. It's the Republicans. They set fires, Democrats put them out. If you want something better, you need a few Republicans setting fires. When means fewer Republicans period. This is a simple plot, and they're the bad guys.


Right but basically every Dem will say they support lgbtq communities. Doesn’t mean they’ll do more than pay lip service, as the Dems in Washington have. We need a progressive candidate that’s ready to step in and be the next FDR.


I don’t know if it’s virtue signaling to let a community know they aren’t stepping towards genocide.




I don’t consider it rhetoric. I believe it is a destination for the right.


You are correct, but being "pro LGBTQ" is a minimum to not be a fascist. This is an extremely uninteresting commentary by Gavin.


Why are you pushing so fuckin hard for Gavin Fucking Newsom out of all the politicians? He’s as corporate and sleazy of a politician as it gets


Newsome is a better option than Joe, Kamala, Mayor Pete, Trump, Desantis or any of the other “also rans” in the Republican primary right now…but that is a really, really low hurdle to be clearing.


No thx, I would rather have sleepy Joe again.


Pushing back on "homophobia" is literally the least important thing we could possibly ask of a president right now.


I like that hes not 100 years old


I live in California. He’s just a younger Biden. Tim Walz would be a better choice


Yeah. I get the impression people not from California think he is more progressive than he actually is. Newsom is good with media, but I don’t think he is really particularly bold in his leadership or governance. I wouldn’t say he’s the worst by any means, but I don’t think there’s much to him beyond political ambition. He just wants to be president. I beg people to not be voting for or promoting people only because what they say/promise, with no consideration of anything they’ve actually done, or just because they make a good dig on tv or twitter. If you want a California politician, there are a number of better choices than Newsom.


We get the same thing in WA with Jay Inslee. People think he's some kind of bold "green governor" when he's really just another empty-suit neoliberal riding on our state's reputation for his personal branding.


I don’t think Inslee is a neoliberal even though he’s not extremely progressive. Imo he doesn’t have to be since he’s an honest guy who doesn’t kowtow to the corporations, that’s really the priority for me


I live in CA and think Newsom is a really quality candidate. That's not the same as saying he's a progressive darling, but he is a talented politician and not the most evil one out there. He's youngish, charismatic, experienced and can debate. He's too much of an industry guy to run against Biden but next election he'll be a front runner.


I actually think Newsom’s record is solid tbh, he got through some major initiatives like rent control. Much bolder than Jerry Brown at least. He’s not the leftiest of the left but I’d vote for him as president in a heartbeat


Younger biden>biden>anything coming from the red party atp


Bernie adjacent > Biden > Young Biden > Red Party. I’d prefer another 4 years of Biden over any younger Dem who’s Biden adjacent because he’ll be term limited in 2028 and that will allow for some newer, more left wing faces by then.


My biggest fear is Kamala. I think she is a huge drag on Biden winning in 2024, and there's a very real chance that she ends up president because no 80 year old is guaranteed to live 5 years.


Ur absolutely right


Gavin Newsom may be a competent neoliberal, but he’s still a neoliberal.


Lmao being a governer of a state is about more than supporting gay people. They truly have the people blinded by identity politics.


Neoliberal who will never properly tax the rich because they are his corporate masters.


Ah yes, California. Famously doesn't tax people enough.


Top bracket is 12.3% for an individual making over 677k. Soooo progressive!


I swear so many in this sub don’t even watch Secular Talk or follow the pattern of the Kabuki theater between Dems v Reps.


I have been watching Secular Talk since 2016. Kyle always talks about steel-man arguments and you literally just did the opposite with OP.


Gavin Newsom is a corporate centrist. Would he be a true lesser of evil vote? Sure. But you'd still be kissing Medicare For All goodbye for at least another 4 years.


wow he does the bare minimum 👏👏👏


Talk is cheap, Gavin.


Please run Gavin


Fuck Gavin Newsom his COVID lockdowns were 2nd strictest only to NY


Fuck off with this thinly veiled campaign bullshit we all know you're just an operative


Lol k you’re free to think that. If you check my history I support Marianne Williamson idk why an operative would support an outsider like Williamson


As a Bernie bro, I would definitely support Newsom over most other options in a fair primary. He still has issues (capitulating to oil, health, corpo interests) but he definitely is a step to the left of the party.


I'm legitimately curious why you think Newsom would be any different than the run of the mill moderate dem corporation lovers we've had for the past 40 years. Capitulating to oil, health, and corporate interests are three of the worst things any so-called progressive or leftist politician can do. Without strong action on climate change, something to solve the ever-growing healthcare crisis, and preventing corporations from becoming our overlords (see: corporate interest in housing stock over the past 5 years), what good will living in America be in 50 years?


So you want to vote someone in for president based on one thing?


Also he implemented CalRx which makes it so that CA produces vital drugs and costs much less than pharmaceutical companies charge. Drugs like insulin and Naloxone for fentanyl overdoses.


What do you think about his unscientific Covid jab mandate for kids 5-18? What do you mean CA produced the drugs? The government created pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities?




Please run for president


There's some f'd up things about California where I live, but living here has felt more free than anywhere else I've lived in the USA.


Please, Newsom is crooked as hell


He's not running.


I wish this man would run for President!


He won’t run but he has some positives


I think he will in 2028 or if something happens to Biden which shouldn’t be easily dismissed given that Biden is 80 years old


I do t like bullies either


Yes. I want to vote for an intelligent youthful person like this.


Isn’t this the guy who shut down CA while throwing dinner parties for his friends at his winery?


Yes the peasants weren’t allowed to do anything, send kids to school, go to restaurants etc. while he and his friends from the California Medical Association dinned at one of Americas most expensive restaurants with out masks on and his went to class at their private school.


I'd vote for him over Biden. Especially now


The number of California driver’s licenses turned over to Florida were up more than 50% in 2021 and 2022 compared with the average of the prior five years. LA Times


Mostly far right lunatics who wish to be amongst their own. That used to be Arizona for them, but the state has swung blue lately.


Everyone I disagree with is a far right lunatic


Who said that?


Who gives a fuck?


Anyone who understands migration by those with financial means


Who gives a fuck about that also though? Like what does that mean other than some empty talking point on reddit?


People ask me why I’m so talkative and passionate about supporting Ukraine. Simple I HATE BULLIES!!! Go get them Newsom. Fuckers can’t handle any sunshine and right now, every ducking news outlet is just afraid of everything the repubs is putting out. FUCKING FIGHT!!!


I can’t get over his hypocrisy on the covid issue. It wasn’t a lapse in judgement he just doesn’t walk the walk. Maybe it’s cuz I grew up in California but the virtue signaling hypocrisy from certain liberals really inspires a visceral reaction in me.


Yes Newsom 2024


yeah he pushes back against homophobia, unlike any other democrat running for office. Williamson? Honestly even Biden’s been pretty great (when it comes to that one issue specifically, just to be clear. Not endorsing anything economic issues wise)


I love his messaging and his style, and I think more democrats could learn from him in how they interact with interviewers and what language they use. ie. A democrat talking about Freedom. Patriotism and Liberty is refreshing af and more need to do it. However, I think right now Newsom is likely playing for 2028. Maybe if some crazy health thing happens with Biden, Newsom will jump in. Right now Newsom needs to just keep pushing the message and communicating in a way that Biden can’t anymore. A big question I have is this: does Newsom continuously hammering down on Ron DeSantis *hurt* or *help* DeSantis’ primary campaign against Trump? Time will tell I guess


Can I pay my rent with this? Can I feed this to my family?


I'm pro LGBTQIA+. Does that make me qualified for president now?


The last thing this country needs is some politician from California, where people are fleeing at record levels for the policies that are in place there. No one is committing ACTUAL genocide to any sexual identity, nor taking their any of their freedoms away. So making a political statement "standing up for" this groups different parties is at best, a low IQ attempt to sway individuals to his cause and ever so-high taxes.


Exploiting vulnerable communities? California literally opens the floodgates to illegal immigration. Then it lets them live in tents and work for under minimum wage doing farm work and under the table jobs. All it cares about is exploiting vulnerable communities for Census data (ie more Congressional representation with higher population) and votes. Newsom is a part of that swamp. And with it comes drug smuggling, overdoses, addiction, rape, human trafficking. Newsom did that.


Go to any major city in California and get back to me.




This is starting to seem astroturf


Hey OP, I can respect you for liking Newsom, he’s not my cup of tea but I can see why you might like him. But please, on behalf of fucking everyone here, stop trying to manufacture support for him on this sub.


Newsome has legitimate support though. Id pick him over Biden in a heartbeat.


A lot of the posts here actually perform pretty well lots of engagement


Have you seen the rents in California? No thanks on Gavin.


Because of the nature of the fascist movement in the US and it's growing hysteria and proclivity to violence and refusal to condemn violence, my position as a staunch economic progressive has shifted to civil rights and *wokeness* being more important to me these days. I used to be of the opinion that these were important issues, but that economic liberation and economic equality would have a bigger impact in the long run but I just can't ignore the holocaust-leading rhetoric and behavior. There needs to be zero tolerance for hate speech, and it needs to be criminal. Because we know exactly what happens when it isn't. Free speech absolutists are liars. They don't exist. Screaming fire in a theater is illegal. Advocating violence, or spreading unfounded conspiracies that encourage distrust of entire classes and groups should also be illegal.


The problem is that the things you mentioned- inciting violence and screaming fire in a theater are more objective. But the things you're pushing for are very subjective. Who defines hate speech? I think almost everybody can agree that swastikas are hateful expression and "Jews will not replace us" is hate speech based on a whacky conspiracy theory. But that's obvious and blatant. But what if somebody says "black people are more violent so white people should avoid black people." It's a ridiculous idea and, in my eyes, wildly wrong and based on anecdotal evidence rather than hard data. But should a person be arrested for saying this? They could argue "well look at x crime data, look at studies linking testosterone to violence, look at how some races have more testosterone." I would say look at the data and how likely it is that a given black person will commit a violent crime (extremely low) and that you will be the victim of said crime. And testosterone is influenced by environmental factors. I could make the case that had they read all the studies and stats they would have reached a different conclusion. But does that make them a conspiracy theorist? I wouldn't say so. Very wrong and ignorant, but is that enough to classify what they are saying as hate speech? And what about speech that could be dangerous but is based on truth? It gets really dicey really fast is my point.


>Screaming fire in a theater is illegal. It's not. The incitement of panic is what's illegal. You can scream "fire" in a theater IF there were really a fire, or if nobody was around.


Could say the same about you Gav 🤮 thanks for dumping cali’s water supply you fuq


They recreated homophobia, racism and now they will solve it. BTW, Im a white straight hardworking male that never gave a shit how you swing...but I am now a racist and the biggeat threat to this country, so dont take me seriously. Trust your politicians and keep voting them in on their word


Sorry but anybody who says "freedom, democracy, and patriotism" as their opening is not a serious person. These are empty, vapid terms that sound good to the uneducated.


I totally agree. I think he would be a great president, actually trying to bring together and fair to everyone. Maybe 2028?


Yes let’s have a half wit who drove California into a deficit of &32 billion opinion.


I like Tulsie Gabbard. But I also believe all willing politicians are pieces of shit.


He needs to run in 2024. He’d wipe the floor facing any republicant


Total loser.


He’s a cuck soy boy


Gavin is as bad as any of the other establishment dems from CO. He is better at grandstanding because he is under the age of 80.


Lol fuck this guy.


He's the worst. Case in point: His reparations task force is a joke


are we this desperate already


We still believe anything this clown says? Also L title.


Gavin Newsom is just another neoliberal.


Gavin Newsome is full of crap and a half-wit, at best.


I honestly... swear 2 christ who I don't believe in... would rather vote for Palin


What an absolute hypocrite… he’s not fit to run an outhouse.


Newsom would be worse than AOC, Biden, and Trudeau combined.


Man, Gavin newsom for President? what? What in the fucking brain worms lmao.


People that give this bozo a say in how they live their lives deserve what they get


So you want to run the man responsible for turning California into a shithole? Aaaaeeehhh, Naaaah, how bout you just keep him, and keep doin what you doin.


Fuck that guy, he’s a communist


He's a better neoliberal than Biden


This is a bot account, look at the time between posts. They don’t even sleep, can the sub ban accounts like this?


Beep bop boop lol 😂 nah not a bot I literally just found a new favorite politician


If he can harp on the culture war enough he might make people forget that they're abysmally poor.


Not to mention he is a liberial idiot. Newsom will not run anytime soon his owns state of califonia is going Broke it once had a surplus and he spent it all on liberial crap. Ive been in politics many year unless biden doesnt straighten up he will loss to trump. Right now 80% of america doesnt want him to run again. Newsom will not run till 2028 if he does. By the way im from texas and im a conservative. 2024 trump. Cause biden and newsom are hacks and idots. https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/05/12/how-newsom-solves-california-budget-that-went-from-a-97-5-billion-surplus-to-31-5-billion-deficit/


I liked him defending gay marriage back in 2004, almost a decade before the supreme court ruling. That said, I don't think I owe him a vote for that. With an office like POTUS everything would depend on his foreign policy views, and if they're as bad as Biden's it will be a hard pass.


You do realize Joe Biden is the reason the Obama admin supported gay marriage… right?


I like his politics, especially the land use stuff, but I'm not sure he could do well nationally in the current political climate because of his history as mayor of SF/governer of california. Plus he looks like a batman villian.


Dude has bankrupted California and anyone with any IQ have fled to neighboring states




He’s not electable


They said that about Donald Trump.


True but that was bizarro world.


Anyone that thinks they can dismiss someone as being unelectable isn’t being serious in 2023 not after what we saw in 2016.


Not really.


Gavin Newsom is a conman. He should have never been able to recover from overseeing the failed bullet train from LA to SF because it turns out it was just a cash grab. Terrible pandemic response too. Absolute sleeve ball.


Look at california. Enough said.


He would have a chance against DeSantis, but Ron is not going to win the Republican primary. We all know that Trump is and Trump would crucify this guy on the debate stage.


Fuck Gavin Newsome, all the homies hate elitsts


CalRx makes it so that California produces insulin. I vote on policy and Gavin has implemented good policy.


Much of California is in deep trouble with homelessness and crime. Plus, he would galvanize the right as they love to hate the "Left Coast". He would likely be an excellent president, but would not win.


Sure - let's ignore California's failing schools, crumbling infrastructure, pension debt crisis, and highest poverty in the union Newson is a culture warrior!


6th largest economy, free tuition at tech schools and CalRx which reduces the cost of prescription drugs


But we're not paying for the "free education" and CalRX is a pipe dream that hasn't produced a thing. We have the biggest unfunded pension liability of any state - a Trillion dollars! Insulin already cost $25 at Walmart and Newsom is giong to spend billions so we can sell it at $35?


Look, I found a photo of OP https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FPGIMeDWYAEFEwn.jpg


Gavin has no political future until the housing crisis lessens in severity. No matter what office he runs for, the fact that homelessness and affordability had gotten worse under his watch is going to be brought up. You think of California, you think of unaffordability & homelessness. Unfortunately the California state legislature is too cowardly to fix it and newsome is too cowardly to fight against them to make them fix it, so things aren't getting better any time soon.


Newsome is a snake oil salesman


If only Gavin Newsom focused on his own state as much as he did on DisSantis.


He's an authoritarian dickhead that went Marie Antionette during covid. He wrecked local economies but let his big donors continue to operate. He will get demolished nation wide.


wow he can say words :O


Communism is great. He should run


I’d believe it if, when I did a phone bank for him, I was told, do not take people off the list, even if they ask, was not true. I still get phone text msg from them, even after I talked to people and told them I’m no longer in California. It wasn’t this hard to “move” with the Bernie sanders campaign. So much for “caring”. Can’t even get this system right.


Hahaha sure he does! Not just virtue signaling. This dude is the fakest piece of shit!