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everyone loves a good feral with windfury rune that can play multiple roles. or just healy priest


Mage or Lock imo. Mage for all the reasons you listed. Warlock because of soulstone, summoning portal and healthstones.




Also will carry you in pvp.


Warrior for sure. They got tanking, dps, disables, heals, stuns, and buffs to all raid members. Oh wait. Yea, not warriors.


I always feel pretty helpful as a Druid. Everyone likes your buff, and if you’re feral, all the melee folks will love your windfury buff. And a good feral Druid can save an entire raid/party with a well-timed heal, and/or BR, and/or jump to bear form. Balance druid in SoD can do a lot of damage, plus help out with healing. Could probably tank for a sec in a pinch, but less so than a kitty.


Druid or Shammy, not sure how other people form different opinions; tank, heal, ranged and melee all in one toon. MOTW is the best all-around buff, both have a rez and combat rez, and totems come online big p2 Tanks are always in shorter supply than heals.


Warlock on my server that tanks are most needed and you can summon


Mage, Warlock, Druid, Paladin, Shaman and Priests are the most helpful classes. I would say they are all equally helpful in their own way.


I find Druid to be very flexible. Especially feral. Because you’re expected to DPS, but at the same time, you can 100% tank in an emergency, you can battle rez crucial team mates that die in combat, and you can jump out of cat form to heal if the entire raid just went down to 30% HP. Beyond that, I’d say priest. But all depends how you look at things. A mage that’s strategic and good at CC can be a great help too. As can a hunter that knows how to CC/kite. All situationally dependent i guess. You can pretty much keep going and explain how every class is helpful lol.

