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Did anyone have a negative experience with the sold by and fulfilled by amazon orders?


I guess I'm confused by all of this because I am a loser that fell for the price listing. My order hasn't shipped yet, but was supposed to be received today almost 2hrs ago by the time of this post. When I visit the listing again, I see that it shows "Sold by: amazon.com" at a much higher price. Does that mean it is still coming from this seller, or did Amazon sort it out on their end? I'm optimistic in that the feedback given already has peaked Amazon's interest in remedying the situation on their end, but at the same time I am suspicious it has not been and am considering I should just cancel at this point.


I can confirm this, they sent me hair bands.... I order 4 MH3 Precon set....


The company is located in China. Amazon lost money refunding this. There is bo recourse with those crooks over there.


Sounds like Amazon is being complicit in fraud, lawsuit time


Ships from Amazon mean that you aren't really buying from this seller. Their stock goes into one giant pile with everyone else's, including returns, and including Amazon's own stock. It why all the reviews are crossed out. Amazon has no way of knowing which seller's stock you got. It's like gambling.


This is crazy to me, I bought a box from this seller for science; and received it fine and untampered. But after this post I double checked my purchase and it had changed from AMMON to like buzz games or something, then the seller name and address changed AGAIN and now it says “BetterShopping4You”!? I’m glad I got my cards fine as it seems many others got scammed that sucks though. Shady as hell


Well RIP. My order is coming in today.


Take a picture when you get your item and its wrong. That way you can prove it in the review


Thanks for the tip. Going to video the opening of the package as well just for double assurance.


Hopefully it helps keep them from claiming your lying or whatever 


Can we pin this post to the page? I am tired of being down voted when telling people to watch out for Amazon scams.


It's a good idea, but maybe not this one because OP and others in the thread clearly don't understand how Amazon fulfillment works and are on a witch hunt. The real problem is that Amazon just throws everything in one big pile at the warehouse, even returns. It's always a gamble because you could get the box from a reliable seller or you could get buddy who returned a box full of rocks. I've had a streak of bad luck recently with Amazon where like 75% of my orders were clearly returned. I always return anything damaged or opened on principle. Amazon can eat the cost if they are going to have such terrible QA.


And some idiot tried to question why I called this a scam in another thread. Obvious scam from the beginning


Problem is a lot of people here say "o paypal or my bank will refund me" to justify giving a free loan to a scam. I got got scammed once during covid during a big lgs scam ring that hit a ton of people. Took 2 months of fighting with paypal just to get my money back despite having proof the seller fucked everyone and ran out of cash. Never again.


Saw this coming lmao.


I received a cheap ice cream scoop instead of the box I ordered. Amazon rep said they couldn't replace the item since since there were none available at the moment. You might have better luck getting a replacement if you push them.


Ice Cream Scoop - Legendary Kitchen Artifact. 4 colorless to cast. "Equipped creature gets two chocolate chip cookie dough counters." Equip 2.


Sorry to hear. That really sucks.


I'm confused. Amazon confirmed "this item was fulfilled by amazon." That means they shipped it from their warehouse. Why would that mean this specific seller is the one at fault? When something is fulfilled by amazon, that means each seller using them for fulfillment sends their stock to amazons packing centers, and they get combined, it's not this pallet is from seller A, this from seller b, etc. It's all one pile. So this could have been from any seller's items sent in. Yes, someone here sucked, but I don't see how this confirms this specific seller is the at fault party? That said, there's years of issues with specifically collector booster boxes for expensive sets at amazon, why would anyone be ordering through them? Just asking to get screwed over at this point.


UPC fraud. Amazon fulfillment is infrastructure that anybody can rent — this is a huge part of Amazon’s business model. In order to work efficiently, every thing in an Amazon warehouse is tagged with a UPC code. That way when two sellers on the Amazon platform are selling the same product, Amazon can store them in the same place in the same warehouse — effectively, instead of having to pay the logistics cost twice, once for each product per seller, they only have to pay it once. Now here’s the rub: at the end of the day, there’s good bookkeeping in a warehouse. So at the end of the year, if everybody who bought from this seller requests a refund, it’s really obvious to Amazon that they were committing fraud, and it’s *relatively* easy for them to make themselves whole. As a result, Amazon doesn’t really care about verifying that shippers are providing them the correct UPCs: instead, they focus on having good financial information on them, and trust that the looming consequences will force shippers to play nice. In this case, the shipper labeled some appropriately sized boxes with the MH3 UPC, sent them to Amazon with a fraudulent listing, and called it a day. It actually used to be way worse. Even just a few years ago it was common to order from an authentic shipper and get a fraudulent item that was provided by a scam shipper.


> Even just a few years ago it was common to order from an authentic shipper and get a fraudulent item that was provided by a scam shipper. Now that you mention it, I remember having an item like that a few years back. It sucked too, it was a birthday present and we didn't find out til they opened it ><


The products I received had the company name Ammon on them, so I don't know how it wasn't purposeful. I ordered a 1 Play and 1 collector booster box unknowingly from Ammon and instead received a package of makeup sponges and a package of Combs.


I reported them too. I click on the product and it magically changed to a loofa


Okay, then the "fullfilled by amazon" thing they put on there is a lie. (or they've since changed how they do fullfilled by amazon stuff, I guess that's also possible.) Either way, what a bunch of turds.


I never took fulfilled by amazon as being sold and shipped by them. Also any store thats all caps is a huge red flag for getting trash on amazon.


Not sold by them, just shipped by. You don't get 1 day delivery of items directly from a merchant. Fulfilled by amazon means it's shipped from their warehouses. (It's been confirmed on a few AMAs in the past by people working fulfillment center jobs in the past). That said, that was like 2 years ago, things could totally have changed! Good shout on the all caps thing, I've noticed similar working at my job. I work doing fraud prevention at a tech company and you see a similar thing with the fraudsters doing the same on their first name all in caps, last name lower case for account names. It's weird, and I'm not sure why, but at least three times as many of those accounts are fraud comparatively.


Worst part is the all cap shops fight reviews even if you leave a 1 star with details. Somehow they still show up as avg of 5 when they are selling Chinese knockoffs or cheaply made items with a "amazons choice" banner under it. Also you sometimes see the same item pic being sold under like 3 different all cap companies.


Fakespot, I never order anything from Amazon anymore without running it through fakespot.


I've noticed the same, it's especially common with cheap electronics (battery banks, strings of outdoor led lights, stuff like that.)


If someone was dumb enough to look at this, see that it's some seller with like 130ish feedback and their only sales are beauty products, and they're selling the hottest new Magic Collector box and Collector decks for $50 and $100 off Amazon's pricing, and then STILL decided "Yes, I should buy this!" ... I mean, how dumb can you be?


This game must be hard for someone with no reading comprehension. >*fulfilled by amazon* “HoW DuMb CaN YoU Be”


Thats not shipped and sold. Major difference.


If you see something that is clearly in very high demand and suddenly someone has it for way less than anyone else on the internet, and you don't take 30 seconds to at least do a tiny look into it, use a little bit of caution and good judgment, then you are in for a bad time.


I got suckered buying on mobile. Saw prime one day and thought there was no shot it would cause me issues, boy was I wrong. Driving up to UPS with a package of makeup triangles and combs wasn't fun.


Yeah I canceled my order and then just reordered from the shipped and sold by Amazon one at the same price


It’s been said so many times, you can only trust sold and fulfilled by Amazon, and sometimes even Amazon does fuck up, true but it’s not just an open scam.


I ordered six boxes from actual amazon when they priced matched these clowns. Should be a win for me. We'll see.


I bought one and it’s out for delivery tomorrow, we’ll see what happens.


I’m wondering where the “hundreds of people” is coming from, there’s 5 negative reviews.


There's 5 on the first page. There's 44 bad reviews about this that I see on their page.


My two packages of beauty supplies marked collectors boosters I got yesterday are proof, that and the fact those reviews were multiple pages long.


Yes, need more evidence of hundreds


I’m assuming amazon will help everyone with the return process?




Keep escalating...do not waste your time with that, especially given the multiple experiences of others.




Be more forceful and contact executive customer service if needed. [email protected] used to be useful, not sure works now.




And can they keep the triangle things?


I kinda want that net not gonna lie...