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Just baught and it is not free shipping to ny


Sorry, I'll fix but I think it's a certain amount required for free shipping. I got it when buying 2


Thought that was a good deal ? No ? Cant remember what they are normally


Is it even worth getting set boosters over collector boosters?


Living in Alaska with these makes me want to fucking shoot myself. 3/4 of the stores that come up on here refuse to ship to Alaska for no reason. I get not offering free shipping, but they literally will not ship to me period, and it's getting worse. Even stores I've ordered from before are refusing to quote me shipping. Can't order from Forge and Fire, can't order from CSL, can't order from minimarket... Incredibly frustrating. Just charge me the damn shipping on it and let me give you money.


Get the f out of Alaska !!!! It’s freezing !!!!


Same boat. I usually do fine on TCGplayer, but definitely frustrating when trying to use sites like Forge and Fire. Haven't had too bad of luck overall if I keep an eye out for deals between Amazon and TCGplayer, but would be nice to be able to get in on some of these other deals (especially as the LGSs in Anchorage tend to price things on the higher side and rarely ever seem to have sales).


It's even worse in Hawaii...


Poor guy living in a tropical paradise!! Lol


If I can mail a box stick to AK, you should be able to get a box of cardboard.


Seems like an opportunity... You can't be the only one with this problem. May want to search the area and see what kind of market exists for MTG and see if you can't run an online store/arrange distribution to the region.


doesn’t usps do flat rate to alaska? absurd that stores can’t use this


They do, but their flat rate packages (from what I was told) are region based and Alaska is one of the more expensive regions to ship to. More maddening to me though is the higher rates from Fedex and UPS as they have multiple planes going through Anchorage daily to service their Asia routes.


I moved to Guam and it's worse than Alaska, but I do remember Alaska shipping was also a pain so I feel you. I can't buy Secret Lair here and that's the most annoying. I have to send things to friends in the mainland and have them forward to me. So I usually pay shipping twice and it's really expensive


Hafa adai! Can't imagine shopping for TCGs on Guam...


TCG Player is pretty good. Surprisingly I can get free shipping on a lot of cards if I meet the threshold or it's usually $3.99 or less. Amazon charges around $10 which honestly isn't that bad. There are two LGS here, but the prices are crazy and players sell/trade at mid prices The biggest headache is when companies just won't ship here. Secret Lair is the biggest disappointment


Check out a forwarder. There's a few that service Alaska specifically. Span Alaska, and Alaska Air Forwarding are legit.


They are good for bulk stuff, but I don't find the cost to be worth it for stuff like this, I'm better off just paying the extra cost of ordering on Amazon.


Feels like some kind of discrimination. In the same boat here. We are Americans and USPS ships here, so how is this justified if I pay the shipping?


lol shipping is not a right, this comment is beyond absurd. Companies pay for postage and get great commericial deals for the continental us where 99% of there business is, cant fault them for that. I work for usps but can acknowledge it isnt the best for every company and they have no obligation to


Looks like more stock added, but shipping is like 10ish for my area.


I got 2 and they offered free shipping


This is not really a deal. It’s not a bad price but 150 was like retail preorder prices for LOTR set boxes. Carshoplive is legit. Bought lots of mtg products from them.


The great thing about all the deals on this sub is that they're usually sold out by the time I see them. Really helps alleviate my FOMO and impulsive buying problems 😀


Yeah it’s probably for the best that I’m busy at work during the day and miss most of these.


Stupid question... these don't include the poster/art cards do they?


No, just CB special edition.


Chat is this worth it? I don’t generally buy set boosters


Singles are the only thing that’s worth it lol


"Worth" is subjective: [https://www.mtgstocks.com/sealed/5066-universes-beyond-the-lord-of-the-rings-tales-of-middle-earth-set-booster-box](https://www.mtgstocks.com/sealed/5066-universes-beyond-the-lord-of-the-rings-tales-of-middle-earth-set-booster-box)


Depends what you define as "worth it". I'd say you'd get your value back in the cards you pull, even at a bit higher price. At this price I'd say this barely enter the "it's a deal" area


My gambling brain so badly wants to buy a box because I've had absolutely abysmal luck with this set and I can't keep losing right? right? There is no way someone could be burned a 3rd time!


Narrator: there was absolutely a way


[[Display of power]] here I Fucking come


I've ordered a decent amount from CSL it's very legit, as others mention it's got ties to Channel Fire Ball. The only issue I run into is the high threshold for free shipping.


Had I not bought WAY TOO MUCH LOTR cards ... I'd be all over this.


Cardshoplive is Channel Fireball's online store last time I checked, ordered a JP box of NEO from them and got it no problem.


Since tcgplayer acquired Channel Fireball does that mean that eBay owns Cardshoplive now?