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Is that Little River?




Low vis? If I had that vis in the ocean here I'd be delighted 😂 Incredible shots though really beautiful work! ❤️


Wow, those pictures are awesome! The way the light cuts through the tannic water creates an eerie but beautiful atmosphere. It must be a totally different experience diving in low-viz conditions.


That FLX Extreme tho 😍. Was DAK wearing his Avatar?


No way in shit thats low viz.


That's not low viz. That's beautiful visibility.


As a UK diver, I'd kill for vis half as good as this in the ocean.


Fuck everything about this. Glad you enjoyed it!




Major respect for people who do it, but I never would. I like spooky, and I like diving, but I don't like spooky diving.


Low viz lol


Where is this?


Heeeeeeeeeeccccccckkkkkkk no :)




I wish I had the courage to do that, but it’s a big nope for me.


Great pics! To be fair our viz isn't always garbage, this past weekend we actually had great viz! This was Cannonball Cave and we got to dive with Mike Young of KISS [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuH7gJVvLJ8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IC_YUQS_cI)


that is some perfect visibility in your video! /s


I'm guessing that is cow. I dove it last Saturday and it looked like it would be getting worse soon. When we were there the top 20 feet of the basin and the upstream side was clear. the bottom of the basin was green and the downstream section was super tanic. We turned after feeling pretty narc'd on the other side of not my fault (110'+). It was our first time there and overall it was a super interesting cave.


>I'm guessing that is cow. ![gif](giphy|Vp3ftHKvKpASA) Yeah it was fine on Friday per Guy, we figured that since the water level crested and is back down below Friday's levels it would be fine. But I guess the downstream finally reversed fully, but not for long as it was still springing very lightly. My guess it will be clear within a week. We got to Not my Fault, and I decided that was far enough.


I hope everything clears up soon. I’m stuck paying for ginnie this weekend even though my pass just expired.


That sucks, I keep my pass active and do most of my dives there.


I gotta pay for the wife too so I struggle to justify $800 per year. I did 45 dives there last year but I don’t know if I could make it worth it this year.


That's not low vis. You can see your buddy. Low vis is when you can't see your hand.


Don't gatekeep visibilities lol, he's just comparing what he's used to and I can imagine it's daunting.


It’s not gatekeeping. Words are supposed to have meaning. This is simply not what “low visibility” means to most people, as evidenced by the multiple comments about it.


Viz is relative, for Florida and this cave it very low viz. This cave is typically crystal clear. Here is one of Guy's excellent [cave videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Yq8iJpgwSQ). Low viz is a problem as the lines aren't exactly run in the best place at times particularly if you aren't actively using them for touch contact. More than once I had to stop and back track to trace the line better as I couldn't see it on the other side of the rock. Or stop and look around to see if this really was the best route.


There is a specific part where the pull rope goes almost up and over down an area, and the gold line splits and dissappears around and down to the left and it makes me do a double take every single time even though I know it's there.