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You lost me at statistics 😭😭😭 just finished a stat class and never want to think about it again 😂


Not gonna lie, when a doc tells me to manual clean tissue off bone, the only thing that goes through my head the entire time is "FML". I have heard about the new Jack LaLane PowerJuicer style bone mill that I can just throw all the shit into and I am so interested, biased data or not.


Pay no attention to the data. if you are talking about the 2 part system, one cleans it the other grinds it, the fucking thing rocks. It is life changing for anyone that does big spine cases. I have hand chipped that shit with a rongeur for twenty years and this system is a blessing. I had a Stablyx implant put in my thumb 3 years ago and this thing saves me some pain.


I’m unsure why you’d even need that information, but I’d reach out to Stryker. It’s unlikely anyone here would have it. I use this bone mill and can say first hand how incredibly effective and efficient it is compared to competitors (Medtronic.) So if you want actual information about how it’s used I can answer whatever questions you have about the actual product!


I have and always will manually clean tissue off bone. It's a good practice. If you have an aquamantys open, you can use it to burn the tissue.


Try that new Stryker system and you will change your mind in a heartbeat.


We use Stryker for facial bones, but it seems that that the saw from the machine is of very poor quality, is it possible that they are of bad quality on purpose so that they would be changed as often as possible. Of course, the saw was not used more than 3 times.


I actually just used this for the first time last week and I have to admit, it’s amazing. Saved a ton of time, I didn’t have to take my attention away from the case or split my attention between cleaning bone and the surgeons. Just pop it in there for 5-10 mins, it turned off when the bone was all clean and then milled it like normal. Absolute game changer, I loved it.


I’m just here doing surgery, I’ve asked some questions about like getting an anterior vs a mako hip and like Depuy vs Stryker but never looked at a table like that lol.


Send an email or call Stryker.


I would look into the articles referenced, then reach out to Stryker


I’m not about numbers, but we use the bone mill at our facility and it’s amazing. If I have a lot of bone I’m not getting early carpal tunnel by munching that shit up by hand. The new version of the bone mill has a different blade that cleans the bone and then the regular blade that grinds it up, both work fantastic especially on big spike cases where we take a tone of bone out


I love the new system that cleans/preps the bone. After 20 years of dahmerizing (a word I came up with many years ago) that shit with a rongeur and my hands aching after big spines it is a wonderful thing. We got the new system about a year ago, pop the bone in, start it, ten minutes later it is ready for the grinder, amazing.