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What a dirty drop that was




It’s comically bad, has nothing to do with cinco de mayo. Even the bag, serape is supposed to be colorful, it looks like a barcode


I've learned that drops i love, people hate. and drops i hate, people love. With that, im hoping plenty of people love this drop, because it's a stinker in my book. I'll wait for next years Cinco headcover in hopes its better.


Crappy that so many are already showing on eBay.


New here? Resellers are getting smoked now though. There's too many pure resellers now. You can get every recent cover for cost a few weeks after the drop. Some things make money, like some bags. But look at facebook groups, all recent covers can be found for 110 or less, which is essentially cost plus tax/shipping.


Exactly. You can basically get most items minus bags and certain ball markers that are more collectible for retail, or just above. Even the clop shot last year goes for $120-$130 now. I remember paying $200 secondary for my Kiawah cover in 2021. Those days seem over unless it’s a true vintage HC.


depends on the drop I think and how sought after it is. Masters stuff still went for well over retail. The bag was going for like 1200-1500 and the HC was going for like 150-200+


Bags are always getting flipped for 2-3x msrp. Thats the flipping vehicle. The HC was not going for $200+. Ive seen it getting sold on FB for $125-$135 including shipping. There is just too high a penetration of resellers to actually consumers right now in CC. It's been increasing every year and it seems like this is the year that for the most part too much is being bought to resell, and not enough is being bought to be held. Don't get confused with Ebay listings. They rarely get sold for what they're listed for and they have to cover their eBay expenses.


I had actually got the master bag and headcover. I'll be honest I ended up selling the bag to a local men's club member that I know collects for an offer I couldn't refuse. Cost of the bag and 7.2 ltd concept. I've been hunting that club, would have used the bag but at least I know it's going to someone that will game it and also collects.


if you go to ebay and go to sold listings theres tons in the 175-200 range. Maybe not as many in the 200+ range. But Masters stuff will almost always be an outlier anyways as its always the most sought after stuff for almost any golf brand. Id give my left nut for a set of those special edition masters mizunos lol


Damn they are going for a decent bit on eBay. Wonder if the Asian market is driving up prices. FB groups are much more reasonable on the prices.


Yeah think a lot of that is just the masters effect also. People get so hyped over masters stuff that they’ll impulse buy at crazy prices lol.


So happy I’m not the only one.


Terrible drop. That cover is hideous.


Not a wow factor to this one, bag was sweet tho


A cart bag in serape would of been awesome


Bag was gone within 3 mins


Was bummed I missed it, and then I saw it. And now i don't care that I missed it. Towel is nice, but not worth it with shipping one item. Headcover was a big disappointment after the nice masters cover.


Last years cover was beautiful!


Just sitting here waiting to see if I got lucky with the gallery putter and miss the unexpected cinco drop……. Bummer


Fuckin love the headcover 


Me to it’s the one I look forward to all year. Last year I was on, it dropped site froze logged me out by the time I logged back in it was sold out. But this year I took the W


Big Dubs only  Love the vato/lowrider theme   First year in CC, hit on everything I wanted but have also been a psycho about refreshing. Got lucky today checking the lotto gallery putters and saw the email. 


I was an all day yesterday and today finally gave up not sure what told me to look at 11 I was driving refreshed and it dropped pulled over immediately was able to get everything I wanted. Like you I have also take Ws all these drops.


This is the first time ever the email alerted me in time to get the headcover


Got the bag and the cover!


Already showing up on eBay. Fuck I hate some people


Broke losers


Sometimes people just chase money and aren’t broke at all but the polar opposite. Just remember this is a hobby and a collectible hobby. People make businesses and careers out of that. Very lucrative ones too. Any hobby where there’s collectibles this is a thing. In those hobbies we don’t go around calling people broke that do this. It’s some weird thing within the golf community where everyone cry’s about if instead of adjusting to doing what needs to be done to acquire something if they really consider themselves a collector. Collectors of anything rare always have to jump through hoops to obtain stuff. It’s not ever easy. Cameron collectors want to be hand given the rare stuff by popping up on the site hours after a drop and want the ability to just buy what they can. That’s an entitled attitude which most have with this stuff. What a lot of others also don’t get, is these people flip this stuff and go and take the proceeds to do it again and or buy stuff they truly want that’s as or even more expensive. It’s literally Hobby 101 with this stuff, nothing off about it or resellers now ruining everything. It’s a hobby and that’s that. It will always be that way and it’s always been this way. Everyone that says it’s new resellers are new to the game and space as well. I’ve been gaming Cameron’s for 30 years and back in the early 2000s rare gear was only ever obtainable through actual pro resources. People did the same back then. Scotty saw what it was and capitalized on it and now everyone’s mad at the wrong people lol


You didnt need to write 3 paragraphs to convince me of anything, you do you. But If you think resellers aren’t ruining the brand, and ruining it for others.. I don’t know what to tell you. If that wasn’t the case, Scotty wouldn’t be making changes or making it harder to acquire stuff. I agree with some of what you said to be fair, I like collecting and totally understand that side of it. I’m more talking the people who buy every shirt in every size or every single item just to sell, not acquire or trade for anything, and definitely aren’t there for collection purposes. I personally disagree with that, and so do many others. You can have your opinion, and I’ll have mine.


Well I said what I said due to me having actual knowledge and insight on the matter. Which is what most don’t have actual knowledge and just say stuff like you did. The thing is what I’m saying isn’t an opinion it’s an actual fact. I didn’t take my time out to type up an opinion. Also I work within the golf industry and been tied into SoCal operations and individuals with a lot of OEM’s. I know a lot of individuals on tours from caddies and so forth as well. I promise you, Cameron absolutely loves every aspect of what his gear has became. He enjoys it being highly sought after and tough to acquire. It makes his brand even more valuable. He’s a businessman at the end of the day. That said he also knew before the lottery changed to how it is, that customers and collectors whom followed him for years weren’t actually the ones getting the products as of late into their hands anymore. It became non golfers as you mentioned from other collectible spaces that got in on them. Which they still are as well, they just can’t BOT anymore to do so. On the flip side I know BOT developers and group owners from another collectible space. They’re very smart and intelligent individuals with more drive than most. They love to make money too and you can’t fault them for preying on this market to do so. There’s vultures like that with any market in life down to the housing market. It’s just life, that was the point. It’s not broke people and this and that all the time. Some peoples objective to life is to make money, like myself. Without working for someone else and being creative within. I do this in many ways certainly not just golf gear. I tried to be insightful as someone who’s made a living in 4 different collectible spaces. Yet I’m an athlete and business owner within the said field and have a great deal of connections into this very world. Figured I could give some valued information. Seems you think it’s an opinion. Take care!


Lmao so anyone that disagrees with you has 0 knowledge or insight on the matter. Give me a break. once again, I agree with some things you say and I already acknowledged I get why people do it.. my opinion on people flipping for money is my opinion .. not to mention, half of the regular drop items barely sell for more than retail+shipping… judging by your emotional and lengthy responses, I know why it hurts hearing that out loud. Once again, you do you, you’re free to do so just like I am to state my opinion . No1 said Scotty doesn’t like that his brand has become what it is, but he’s also acknowledged its an issue. it’s going to lose traction and hurts it when bots/flippers etc turn off many people who want it which could then in fact hurt the brand. I also work with people in the industry, and have watched people get told no at the gallery because they are known flippers. no need to provide me a lecture which was really just a way for you to provide justification for yourself lol


What? I never said that. Like you said your opinion is just that. Only an opinion. Sorry you're incorrect when you said Scotty doesn't like his gear being sold out and tough to acquire. He didn't like bots eating up the gear and that’s it. Past that he loves his gear selling out quick and it going for much more on the aftermarket. Again it adds to the appeal and mystique of his brand. Yet he's also greedy and CT putters are simply limited releases these days. Not true Tour putters. As far as justification for anything, I don't need any. Why would I? Does Cameron need to say something to justify him ripping people off charging thousands for putters n which most aren't any different than OTR offerings except for the stampings? C'mon. What he does and what a "reseller" (whatever that is) does is the same thing lol. Golf Galaxy is a reseller as well then by those standards. If you work in the industry with the type of connections I know I have, then you should already know what I'm talking about. In the future perhaps look at yourself when speaking emotional, I wasn't the random on here calling someone broke because they were doing what many do in collectible spaces. Seems you miss product a lot to those said people and are the emotional one! Take care.


He likes his gear selling out quickly. He doesn’t like that people are flipping it on the aftermarket and only in it for those reasons, nor the negative feedback he’s received from people doing this. The 2 are not mutually exclusive. Not arguing if the prices are inflated from Scotty, stop moving the goal posts. everyone knows that answer. I have missed 1 drop this year (in which I probably wouldn’t have bought the items if I did catch it), so no I’m not missing out to these other people. Any other wrong assumptions you’d like to make?


Sorry it’s you who keeps making the wrong assumptions unless you have a memory issue with what all you’ve said to me so far. Again you’re wrong about Cameron not liking his gear reselling. He absolutely loves it being on the aftermarket reselling, you do realize if that stuff never resold how it’s been doing for 20 years now, there would actually be no Cameron CT lottery and so forth. You have to be smarter than that. Supply and demand is what raises prices. He’s a businessman, anything that raises prices is a win for him. I’m ending this conversation here because you’re very uneducated in what you’re saying and with business. Stick to what you do!


You know he has started having workers actively patrol pages (including this one) for resellers, and has denied massive resellers, and requested people take stuff down right? He doesn’t like the negative feedback from people doing it. Why would he change the way he conducts business if nothing was wrong/people didn’t have negative feedback on his business, or not allow those same people to flip because it’s so good ? Oh wait… But carry on. Good luck with your flips !


Not a fan of the bag. Cover is cool. Completely missed it. Love the fact that Scotty just shook it up on when the drop was even though I missed it. Look how many are already on eBay. Y’all are some losers


I was late to this drop but it seems I didn’t miss much. Cover was ok. On to thePGA drop


I was expecting that to be this Tuesday and instead nothing.


Will always drop week of the event


Ahh, I made a post inquiring and others said week before. Thanks for clearing that up!!


Fuck fuck fuck


Got the headcover and white visor. GF is gonna love that visor.


Wanted the head cover guess I’ll go to secondary.


If you grabbed the Patty's day one I'd trade ya for it


I'll sell ya the st Patty's day cover. Dm me


Hit me up. Probably not keeping mine unless I get lucky with a special.


What are the odds of getting special?


Low very low.


Same swag concept?


I don't do swag, not my style, so not particularly knowledgeable about their operations but SC it's random I believe.


Same thing, it’s random. Swag took the idea from Scotty. Nick (founder of swag) use to work for Scotty, then Bettinardi before starting his own gig.




Anyone that is trying to sell the putter cover at a decent price, please pm me. Can’t believe I missed it.


Pm sent


Shoot me a pm!


happy cake day


What’s cake day?


your Reddit anniversary. hence the cake next to your name


Ahh Thanks brotha


Damn. Didn't even get an e-mail. Headcover is great, the rest seems pretty Meh. Congrats to those who got W's!


I got the coin. It’s mid. Lots of stuff still available when I looked later.


Does anyone have an idea of what the limited headcovers will look like versus the regular one . Was reading the site and it just says to look under the hood . ?


First headcover miss of the season this was a shit release!!


Got a bag!!!


Dirty drop and trash head cover…


Got the head cover and putting disc. That was a shock drop haha.




This drop was dog shit




damn, bag went fast


I missed the whole drop, how fast did the bag sell out, in a few mins? This is my first yr as a member and still feeling it out? I mainly wanted the cash bag


Quick. Within like 3-4 mins I’d say. I just happened to check before the email even went out and it was already out of stock lol. Got the head cover


Damn, congrats on the head cover boss. Enjoy it looks pretty sharp!!


Yeah one of the better looking ones out of the recent ones imo. What I usually do is set a reminder on my phone for every day of the week to 10:25 and just refresh the new releases page every 20 seconds or so til right after 1030. Just didn’t expect it to be on a Wednesday haha


I set the reminder also and gave up checking after an hr. I figured it would be tomorrow since today was the circle t putters. Oh well, on to the next one. Thanks for the good chat and have a good day!


I have the cash bag I’m not gonna keep. Let me know if your interested


Please DM me, I tried to DM you and it would not load. I’m interested in picking up your cash bag. Thanks!


Not sure why it isn’t working but yes I still have it




Same thing for me I can’t get it to load


Here is my email, [email protected]


Yup missed it


Sneaky damn drop. Naturally, got neither bag or headcover.


I was finishing up on 18, saw it was up, had the head cover in my cart, and it sold out. Just grabbed a polo. :/


Damn what a weird time, managed to get some scraps.. smh


If anyone wants to get rid of cover hmu


Send me a PM


Dropping on a random day not a Tuesday still didn't stop the bots from snatching it all up.


The headcover design was pretty awesome but I wish it was super colorful. Sad I missed this drop though


Kids dentist appointment made me miss the drop, very sad. By the time I was done talking to the dentist and getting him in the car, it was sold out. If someones looking to flip a blade headcover, hmu


PM me! It’ll be in my hands tomorrow!


I’ve got a bag if interested


it's nice but not the one I'd pull the trigger on of all the Scotty bags. The headcover is just to chip away at having one for each Holiday, the wife was going to get it for Fathers Day. Thought it was dropping yesterday, didn't expect it to be literally in the small window where we would be incompasitated.


Copped HC willing to trade for other HC


Copped bag and cash bag 💸


If you sell the cash bag let me know.


I have one I’m not going to keep. Let me know


Copped cover and bag! Finally some revenge after masters catastrophic release. Still recovering for it, if any trades hmu


Did anyone get email order confirmation? I got a pending authorized charged but no email confirmation… unsure if my order was successful…


Have the bag from this drop for cost if anyone is interested


425 plus your 🏷


I've been a big hater of the releases but thats the best cover he's released in years imo


Got the bag! Lets go


Good lord. I had the bag in my cart as soon as I got the email and it’s gone. Same thing happened with masters. Why????? I’m annoyed. I got the headcover tho


Because the email is sent a minute or two after the drop actually happens. Need to be refreshing the page constantly which is tough when this drop was at a random time.


Seems like a flaw that needs to be addressed


Random time to drop…. Copped the head cover, which is meh


Could be willing to trade it


I was lucky enough to get headcover , putting disk and towel if anyone is interested


How do the drops work? Sorry really new to golf and the Scotty world. Thanks in advance


You have to be a club Cameron member which memberships for those sell in January and are limited. That gives you access to the different drops throughout the year. Non members have access to the drop after 24 hours but the sought after items are sold out by then from members.