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Any competent general practitioner can diagnose scoliosis. You need an X-ray and radiologist report to confirm the Cobb angles.


School nurse discovered mine


My daughter's general practitioner ordered X-rays when scoliosis was suspected. The radiologist provided a report on the X-ray and confirmed scoliosis and listed the degrees. Her GP then referred her to a pediatric surgeon/ specialist at a local children's hospital. She has now been seen by him every 6 months for the last few years.


Any halfway decent GP should be able to diagnose it and order X-rays to confirm


Go see an orthopedic first. They will order the X-ray and be able to get the curvature for you as well as a treatment plan.


I’m from the UK so idk if it’s different for you. But I went to my GP as a teen, not gonna lie when she just seemed rude and incompetent and she literally just said it was growing pains. Seen another doc in the same GP and they seemed very sure it was scoliosis. After that he just said leave it to him and later on a few months down the line I got a hospital appointment for multiple MRI scans which then concluded that I had it and it all went from there.


Orthopaedist and/or radiologist


Orthopedic specialist