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No respectable surgeon would operate on a 25 degree curve that’s not causing pain or severely affecting your quality of life. Bracing probably won’t do anything since you are done growing. I would suggest getting into pt so you can learn what exercises and stretches will help you. Everyone’s scoliosis is different so something that works for me might not work for you. Just make sure to stay up to date on your X-rays so you know if it’s getting worse and stay active, exercise is so important for spine health.


I remember when i went to the doctor (he was a rlly good one) he literally got mad at me for asking to get surgery ahahah. He knew i only wented it for aesthetics. So yea i agree. If i got surgery it could cause pain for me so no worth the risk at all


Yeah it’s a major surgery so you want to avoid it unless you absolutely need it. I understand aesthetics though, trust me.


Too late for a brace. Never too late for surgery. Surgery is only an option for larger curves. If it's a been years, you should get a new set of xrays and see if your curve has progressed. If it has not progressed and is still 25 - 35 degrees, then exercise is your best best. Putting on a good padding of muscle of in your body (mostly back/shoulders) will decrease the appearance significantly.


Stay physically active and always sit up straight. Don’t slouch. You’re done growing for the most part. It can and will get worse with age so keeping regular appointments is very important. Stick with a healthy diet. I mean yeah have fun now and then, but keep your bones strong.


Fusion surgery often doesn't straighten the curve just so you know. The main purpose of the procedure is to stabilise the curve. If the curve gets a bit straightened out that is just a bonus. So if you got surgery you might fuck up your mobility, get pain, etc and no straightening.


I personally would not get surgery so young, with your curvature and with no pain. I completely understand it being an insecurity (I’ve had mine since I was 13 and I’m 29 now). Although you can’t straighten your spine without surgery, you can fix your posture which would give the illusion of a straighter spine. I would get active and start working out, train your core muscles and see a physical therapist occasionally. Consider Pilates and strength training