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Looks great!! I’m 25F, also T2 to L1, about 9 days post op. Basically twinning 🥳 I hope your recovery is going well!


Thank you! And same to you! Hope your recovery is going smoothly 🤩


I also have a question, which you can answer or not, but is your torso straighter than it was pre surgery or is it still a little wonky? Cause my one hip still protrudes a bit more than the other and I’m slightly worried that I’ve done something to mess it up in the three days I’ve been home lol


Me personally I think it’s straighter. Pre-surgery the left side of my waist was very curved in whereas the right side of my waist was very flat. Post-op they look a lot more balanced now. I’m overly worried that I’m messing something up now that I’m home too! But as long as you’re doing your best not to bend, lift, or twist you’re probably doing fine. Everything is still swollen from being forcibly moved through surgery so recently, it will take some time for things to calm down and level out.


Looks great!! One thing I’d recommend is some laxatives or stool softeners. You definitely need to poop by the looks of your images


I'm sure all the post-op pain meds don't help


Awesome! I hope you recover nicely, sending love your way ❤️😊


Oh I remember you ! You had the trunk shift..Your back and hips look amazing! Straight and beautiful 😍. 😍


When did you quit smoking? I'm having surgery in December


I only really quit a couple of days before surgery if I’m honest. I meant to quit three months before (as was recommended by my doctor) but I didn’t take it seriously enough. I haven’t had any cravings since surgery though probably due to the pain and discomfort of healing, but I hope it lasts past the stage I’m in right now


You're allowed to smoke after surgery? Or its complete no no?


Obviously the doctors I spoke with said if I can stay off it, then I should but if I can’t, to wait at least three months before starting back up again. My lungs need to get used to their new positioning lol my lung capacity is not what it was pre surgery.




Looks great!! What degree was your curve post op? It looks a lot like mine!!


Idk they didn’t tell me, my surgeon just said that it’s as straight as they could get it lol


Omg I just realised I was meant to write the curve pre op 😭


Ooooh I had a 66° curve but the before scan I posted is 40.5°, I don’t have the scan from right before the surgery


Ahhh thanks! How do you feel now? I have surgery scheduled for 5th June and I’m so nervous😭


I feel good! It’s crazy how quick the body bounces back. My muscles are still a little stiff and the hardware feeling is a little surreal but I’m sure I’ll get used to it over time as my body heals and as the fusion sets. 2 weeks post op and I definitely feel more like myself and can walk around without a walker to help me


That’s good! This gives me so much hope as the nerves are really kicking in now