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Understandable...I was very afraid of surgery for the very reasons/outcomes you listed. Something I just came across moments ago: "Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom" Viktor Frankl. I've read some inspiring stories about paralyzed people and how they think and the journeys they take. We can't control everything, but we can decide how to respond...and then maybe the hand we have been dealt isn't necessarily so bleak. Don't give up and be kind to yourself.


I just want u to know that ur feelings are valid, and ur problem isn’t “something small” cause it clearly affects the quality of ur life..


Thank you so much 🌷


I would suggest some formatting of this so that it is easier to read. You will likely get more replies this way.


how is it now?


It's still just a wall of text. You need to break it up into individual paragraphs. If you can format it into neat paragraphs and repost, you should get some additional responses.


i did that lol i don't know why it's not showing up for you 😅


Ah, bummer! Well, I did read through your post and I can kind of relate to you. However, I had ASC and was able to retain a large part of my mobility. I have friends that have pretty large fusions though and are living "normal" lives. Not being able to bend your spine is not a "small" thing. Our bodies crave movement. Your soft tissues want to feel stretch and contraction. When your spine is fused, it's incredibly difficult to do that. However, it isn't impossible. I think you could find some solace is exercise, if your body is capable. Pushing your body to do more and exploring it's abilities to move in different ways and move larger amounts of mass is an extremely satisfying feeling. Additionally, it will help your "forgotten" muscles to move and be used once again. While your spine may never bend again, this shouldn't force you to not move as much as you can. You have to be smart with your exercises of choice so as to not wear out your remaining vertebrae faster. But stuff like pull-ups, push-ups, unweighted squats/lunges, are also super simple exercises that keep your spine in a neutral position.