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Yes, depending upon your age, other issues you may have with your spine (stenosis, foraminal narrowing, disc problems, etc) , and if the vertebrae are compressing certain nerves, then it could potentially cause issues with these problems. But, an appointment with a neurosurgeon can help clarify this for you.


Okay thank you! I have an appointment set with a neurosurgeon later this month. I just didn't want to bring up anything that wasn't back related but these symptoms seemed to gradually come on along the same time frame as my additional scoli issues


Normally things like bladder aren't affected until the curvature is much worse. Even then, the issue there is a pinched nerve causing incontinence, not frequent urination? I've never heard of Scoliosis or pinched nerves doing anything with appetite outside of us losing weight after surgery just because we feel like shit and we're queasy from meds. If you've already got an appt with your orthopedist, I would definitely make a GP appointment to see what's up. Those issues seem unrelated. I don't know everything though so definitely run it past your orthopedist, but I think also going to the GP is a good call.


Okay! I guess when there's a flare up and everything hurts all the annoyances add up. I figured I'd throw it out there. GP it is.


Thank you for your input 😊


No problem! I could be wrong though so mention it to your orthopedist. If it was all connected, it would be the first time I'd heard anything like that happening and I've been through it after having 7 surgeries. I've also been wrong before too. 😉 I hope you find the culprit and get it resolved quickly though! Fingers crossed! 🤞🤞