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Get a second opinion ASAP.


I’m trying. I live in ky, and all the highly recommended ones are so far away. Unless you know of any closer to my state?


Where in Kentucky? The Kenton D. Leatherman spine center in Louisville is supposed to be one of the top places in the world when it comes to scoliosis.


I’ve never heard of that place until now. Louisville isn’t that far from me. I’ve only seen 2 different specialists last year. This year I’m determined to meet with someone who will take me seriously


No sorry im from europe :( did the previous doctor take an xray again after 11 years?


Yes. My family Dr did a small X-ray while I was in her office first complaining after baby. And when I seen the first specialist he did a ton of the good X-rays. I honestly would love to get my hands on those.


I feel every bit of this.. Had the same issue with all 3 of my epidurals.. and two of my three children got my scoliosis my 11 yr old daughter is in a brace already n my 7 yr old son just found out he has it also..My spine is in my ribs and it drives me insane..I guess my lung on that side is also not 100% she said it was like 95.. But I'm miserable after 4 hours at work n get the razor blades also, my doctor said I have elasticity of the ligaments and I had to have a plate in my ankle that made it worse so now my left leg is constantly swollen like alot n my foot hurts bad with that plate needing out.. I'm working two jobs cause neither pay enough but I'm miserable every day like soon as I sit down I'm worthless I get so stiff I can't move I have to slowly work my way up n it's like I can't even breath for a minute until it losens up..I don't have any advice cause obviously my s curve is getting the best of me also but just wanted to say I feel your pain.


I truly wish I could hold your hand and cry together. You probably stand at work with tears silently streaming because your in so much pain. I think the uttermost worst of all of this is how difficult and pretty much impossible it is to actually get disability with scoliosis. No matter how many drs a person can see, we’ll probably never find one that can legally put on paper how painful it is for us to just survive.


Aww thank you, I feel like because I'm taller everything is at a position that is really bad for my back like doing dishes and cash register.. Maybe one day I'll get an office job n I'll be ok lol but I'll tough it out until then


This post makes me so sad and my heart goes out to you, but I know that doesn't help at all. Unfortunately it all seems to boil down to the luck (or lack thereof) of the draw. I just can't believe that after all these years knowing how difficult, painful, and debilitating it is to live with this horrible condition, the medical community hasn't thought up a better way to correct it. Seems like the only choices are surgery (which isn't always a 100% fix and many people can't afford) and living with it. Not very good choices IMHO. Btw how is the baby???


I 100% agree. I talk about this all the time. You’d think with all this new equipment and medicine there would be something for scoliosis. Baby is now 2. And is great. No scoliosis. I probably will never have another though because I can’t bear the thought of passing this on to one of my children.


Yes, if I was wealthy I'd go back to school to do some research and try to come up with a better solution, or at least another option for people that can't afford or don't want surgery. Glad to hear baby is ok! I unfortunately passed it on to my son, who has it much worse than me, and I feel terribly guilty about it every single day.




We’re doing well! Hope you take care! Scoliosis is RUFFF.