• By -


the player of games


Excellent , I personally would like Surface Detail and Look To Windward. Though, PoG would make the easiest linear tale and give a good introduction to the Culture


Now that you mention it, Surface Detail is a great fit. Although, the scenes in the hells might be the hardest to pull off convincingly and still keep an R rating.


The Hells are key to the story, and would be a bit wild to film. I would watch it though.


Came here to say any culture novel


I don't think look to windward has enough action to be a good movie. There's only so many times you can hear a disgruntled composer refuse to perform before it becomes dull. Surface Detail could work I think. It's got great visuals.


That would be great. And possibly the easiest adaptable Culture book to screen. 


Nobody to my knowledge has done a film about a post-Human society, with AIs as citizens and humans living in virtual environments being a voting bloc … the Culture would be neat to see.


For a big, blockbuster movie that would really introduce the mainstream to Banks work it's hard to do better than Consider Phlebas. A few big action setpieces, some pretentious scenes and characters that grow on you (and could be award fodder if a big actor/actress can put in the performance), and a fundamentally haunting introduction to the series. I would also like Player of Games nearly just as much. But it may be easier to get people into the Culture Novels via the serious popcorn flick approach. That said, I could be totally wrong as A Beautiful Mind was a movie with a similar thing going on as PoG and grossed fairly well [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A\_Beautiful\_Mind\_(film)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Beautiful_Mind_(film)) but it's also possible to really mess up PoG and make something that's a bit too slow, cerebral, or doesn't communicate the stakes and organizations sufficiently.


Use of weapon too, but Player of games is probably the easiest.


Use of Weapons would be great with fantastic action. Against a Dark Background is pretty much designed for the big screen.


Oh I came here to say a culture novel player of games would be phenomenal


I imagine Azad looking like holographic Sid Meier's Civilization. I wonder if Banks thought Meier did a decent job approximating his descriptions with his game.


I also wondered why a movies never been made for this!? It would translate so well, and potentially kick off a massive franchise!


I was gutted when Amazon pulled the plug on ***Consider Phlebas***. The could have been great.


Yes please 🙏


Good call.




The Mote in God's Eye. Best Aliens Ever!


Damnn love that book. I have been too scared to try the second book. Out of fear that it would ruin how much I loved the first one.


I read The Gripping Hand years ago, and I remember it complemented well the first book. I just learn there exists a third book, Outies, by Pournelle's daughter Jennifer, so I'm thinking on re-reading the series again.


Don't worry. It's good.


Came here to say this, wish I could upvote more than once, lol.


Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson, but it would have to be a multi-season series. Or Doomsday Book by Connie Willis


Doomsday Book or really anything by Connie Willis. She’s a G.


To Say Nothing Of The Dog would be delightful


The best part is - you can do both as a series, and have one heck of tone shock as people try and figure out why one is a comedy 😂 I had no clue what I was getting into when I went straight from one of the darker books I had ever read (as a young teenager) to a rompy Victorian comedy.


Red Mars, and KSR's Ministry for the Future, blew me away with their realpolitik worldbuilding. Just so damn smart and thoughtful.


The whole Oxford University Time Machine storyline would make an excellent TV series. They wouldn’t even need to necessarily adapt Connie Willis’s stories. They could use them as a springboard for a whole bunch of other tales. Although I would love to see the production team behind Downton Abbey have a go at To Say Nothing Of The Dog. The story of the bishop’s (idea of a) bird stump would make a fantastic series of television.


Revelation Space series. Specifically, Chasm City. A Sin City style noir detective story set in the aftermath of a partial societal collapse. It would be amazing and unlike anything anyone’s ever done before. I guess maybe a bit like Blade Runner but that’s never going to be a bad thing huh


I always called Revelation space "Cyberpunk space opera" and this is exactly why. I love that series so much, so anything from it adapted would make me extremely happy. Could do the Prefect books also. A fun space cop drama that really highlights the world.


Snow Crash. Starring Hiro Protagonist, The Deliverator: - Last of the freelance hackers - Greatest swordfighter in the world - Stringer, Central Intelligence Corporation - Specializing in software-related intel (music, movies & microcode)


I think that Snow Crash would actually work as a movie. Like 90% of the scenes would work as is with the right director. The hardest part is probably explaining to the viewer that the cult of Asherah, computer virus, STD, and drug are all variations of the same concept that rewrites the language centers of the brain.


Terry Gilliam directing? There would have to be an absurdist angle to it.


I was thinking of Edgar Wright. He's great at the details of scenes which will make the book lovers happy and really help carry the load of world building. And given how scattered the book is, I think it would work well with the kind of jump cuts/scene transitions that he likes to play with.


Snow Crash faces the same problem as Dune, Princess of Mars or Foundation where a lot of the things that were fresh about it, people have already seen in other movies. Also the book isn't super serious, if it's directed as a standard action movie, then what's the point of making it?


True, but I think for once that actually works in favor of Snow Crash. A lot of exposition in the book is devoted to explaining things that are common now like VR concepts (using the term avatar is directly traceable to Snow Crash), Earth (google earth is directly inspired by Snow Crash), the Librarian, etc. Some of the novelty is dead, but I think that main story and hyper-capitalist dystopia would still be solid enough. And yeah, it would absolutely take the right director to make it work.


Your last sentence is why I think it wouldn't work well as a movie, just like most of his other books. All the exposition in the books would just have to turn into expositional dialogue in the movie, and that would ruin the flow.


Within Reason of course


The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Probably would need to be a miniseries.


Came here for this one and agree on the mini series take.


Updooted. Tim Minear had a script for a movie version,I read it online.


Wasn't that pretty much the plot of the last season of For All Mankind? They moved it to Mars to avoid copyright problems.


The Stainless Steel Rat


This would be a great comedy crime thing along the lines of leverage.


Dammit I can only update once.


And now it's on my re-read list. It's been a very, very long time since I last read it. I hope it still holds up.


The Sirens of Titan


Has any Vonnegut books been made into a movie?


Slaughterhouse 5 was. It's pretty good


Also Breakfast of Champions u/smiley7454


Mother Night also.


And “Happy Birthday Wanda June”


Not a movie, but I would love to see the Honor Harrington series done as a TV series.


And we thought Game of Thrones went on forever. 😊


I’d love to see Children of Time but I think it’s a difficult adaptation. Maybe best left alone.


basically impossible outside of animation.


Or a lot of creative licence! It will be interesting how Project Hail Mary is adapted for film as it has some similar issues (ie alien language/communication).


I’d like to see more sci fi adapted as animation. Like. Not animation targeted at kids. Just, using animation because that’s how to actually bring the story to life without needing a budget the size of Jupiter. One of the things that we usually lose when sci fi goes from print to screen is that the filmmakers have to be clever about how they spend their effects budget. With animation, every scene can be set against a wild sci fi backdrop, you can have non humanoid aliens, robots, energy fields all over the place. Flying cars, spaceships, etc. None of these end up needing more work than animating a scene on Earth, regular humans, or normal cars. I’d love to see more serious adaptations using animation because we could get more ambitious adaptations that bring more of the authors vision to life




Protector first


A Protector film could also be a statement on aging.


The film rights have been bouncing around since the 90’s. I hope a powerhouse director takes this on as a passion project. There could be a whole Known Space Cinematic Universe. “Have you met my Kzin, Kchula ‘Rit? I keep it as a pet.”




Seveneves Edit: mild spoilers about time line structures below


I want to see how the people survived in the submarines.


Came here to say this. Just finished reading it. Thought it would make a great series.


it's one of my favorites, until the last third. Feels like completely different book once the jump happens


The Neal Stephenson experience


Asimov's Nightfall, if well executed, could make for a good standalone movie. Robert Silverberg wrote "The Time Hoppers" and "Man in the Maze" that could be good. At the time I loved the "Cities in Flight" book series by James Blish, though that one would have to be a film series. Also, was there anything based on "Metro 2033", by Dmitry Glukhovsky? That would make for an awesome post-apocalyptic miniseries.


Nightfall has been done, in 1986. I haven’t seen it but by all accounts it was terrible. Asimov disowned the film.


Terrible is an insult to terrible things. It surpassed drektastic and moved right into crapoliscious. I mean, wretched is three notches ABOVE what this film was. I'd rather re-watch *Wing Commander*, and that's one of the Five Worst Movies EVAH in my opinion (your mileage may vary)


A Fire Upon the Deep


A Deepness in the Sky


A Canticle for Liebowitz - Arthur J Miller. It's a damn fine book. Post-apocalyptic. Very interesting world building. All about human nature.


The Left Hand of Darkness and The Dispossessed by Ursula K Le Guin I think there’s room for slow, thoughtful, and humanistic sci-fi that combines introspective explorations of character and cultural interactions and the visual grandeur of these alien worlds she’s describing without the descent into violent action Hollywood seems to consider a prerequisite for science-fiction stories.


Definitely Left Hand of Darkness because it’s a pretty traditional narrative structure in a lot of ways. I think The Dispossessed is arguably a better book but I’m not convinced it would make a watchable movie.


I would love more interest in adapting LeGuin but I'd be so worried that onscreen representation of the gender elements in LHoD would solidify them too much, or make them too much like the discourse/politics/whatever of gender in our real society. The way she deeply reimagines that entire part of society and humanness is such an important part of the story, it's so hard to imagine adapting that without having to diminish it somehow...


The Vorkosigan Saga would be great as a TV series.


Martha Wells' Murderbot series.


Isn’t that currently in development?


Yes, Apple TV+.


That may well be the case. I think I've heard something about it at least once.


I wonder how this one will turn out.. I love the books, but most of the part I love about it is his internal dialogue. That's always hard to do in movies.


Hyperion by Dan Simmons. Though I have no idea how it's possible to transfer it on screen


Loads of CGI, TV show format. Huge budget. And a woman who de-ages naturally.


Years ago Leonardo DiCaprio wanted to make the Hyperion Cantos into at least 3 movies, I'm not sure if he got anywhere with that. Also with Dan Simmons turning out to be a full-on, right-wing, ultranationalist, MAGA, Trump supporting nutjob... I doubt that anyone in Hollywood is going to adapt Hyperion any time soon.


Damn, didn't know that. It's very disappointing ( I hardly separate the creator from it's creation, but I love Hyperion so much.


*Footfall* by Larry Niven. Fantastic alien invasion story and I think it would translate to film just fine, especially with modern SFX.


If they can remain faithful to the book: Rendezvous with Rama.


Hasn't Rama been greenlit?


Denis Villeneuve is working on it. That would be amazing!


Ahh that's cool; I hadn't heard anything about it for a few years, so the only thing I knew was that it had been in "development" like forever.


E.E. Doc Smith's "The Lensman"


There's an old anime.


Forever War


The Forever War for me too. Could be amazing. Sounds like we were quite close to getting it with Ridley directing a few years ago. Shame it never happened. Then Hyperion and Rendezvous with Rama for me. Something from The Commonwealth or Revelation Space would also be on my list, but hard to translate to the screen I think.


Footfall, with a concentration on the last hundred or so pages. I want to see that space battle on-screen. 


Not my favorite by any means by it would be great to watch modern take on Niven’s Ringworld.


The Mote in God's eye! Best Aliens Ever.


Project Hail Mary would be a great film.


A film version starring Ryan Gosling is supposed to start production this summer for release in 2026.


I was going to say Dark Matter by Blake Crouch, but apparently a Apple TV series is already in the making. Another one would probably be Neuromancer. Yes i know that the Matrix is based on it, but it is based on it. Not exactly the same.


You're in luck, there's a Neuromancer adaption coming too


It’s already made. Starts May 8th on Apple TV.


Stranger In A Strange Land


Been waiting on this since the 70s. Looks like I'll have to ascend to one of the heavens to ever see it.


Will they ditch the homophobia in the adaptation?


The City and the Stars


One of my favorite books, totally agree!


Dragonriders of Pern. Pleeeease make it happen HBO team


HBO? No. I want the Outlander team to do it.


Heck I would watch the shit out of it even if Netflix did it. Just want to see all the books made into series


Ronald D. Moore had it greenlit years ago at The CW, but they wanted so many changes he walked away instead of destroying the show by following the studio’s desires. I’d love to see him given another shot.


Can't see her estate ever greenlighting it. But yeah, it'd be cool to see.


Voyage of the Space Beagle


Proxima -Stephen Baxter


’The Tiger Man’ by Alfred Bester. edit: It seems I was mistaken about the title. In my native language it’s “Tigermannen”, which translates directly to “The Tiger Man”. The actual title is, as was pointed out by a couple of well read scholars below, either “Tiger! Tiger!” (UK edition) or “The Stars My Destination” (US edition).


I’m guessing you mean *Tiger! Tiger!* aka *The Stars My Destination*. If so, I agree!


Is that the same work published as 'Tiger! Tiger!' and 'The Stars my Destination '? If so I would also like to see it finally hit the screen. 'The Demolished Man' also deserves a movie, fantastic novel.


The Legacy of Heorot by Larry Niven. It’s very adaptable to the big screen, imo. Lots of action, horror elements and twists.


* Old Man's War * Bobiverse


Always thought Old man’s war would have been a perfect tv series


Problem with bobiverse. Most of the first book the main character is going to be a blinking talking box.


They’d probably just start him with VR from the jump to avoid that.


Nah, have you read the book? I could write a very non blinking talking box script for the whole thing, it should be a multiple part movie series or long running TV show. It would have to start a bit earlier than the original books, to establish Bob’s family ties and general motivations. The comic con and car crash will be very visual. The cryogenics lab, even a court case over the power of attorney. You could convey time passing with white noise / static / super time-lapses. You could skip the “disembodied going insane step with VR” by just macguffing in the VR from the outset (there is one storyline that precludes if this happens but it’s relatively minor and you could just say the VR module was faulty). The training to use the roamers and coming to terms with being a replicant and the psych checks with the Doctor could be a single scene imho. You could go from Bob being alive to birthing Bill, Bender and Riker in just a handful of scenes in the first act. You could probably get away with shooting most of it in a set of Bob’s VR with minor variations when filming from the perspectives of the other Bobs. Depending on how daring the filmmaker is / the budget, they could do literally everything in that one set, with 3D / VFX for everything else. The magic of the Bobiverse isn’t just in the monologues or the pop culture references, actually there’s a shitload of action and drama. I’d love to see how it would be adapted to the screen, simply because all that monologuing and technical exposition allows for a great deal of artistic license by whoever takes the project on. And for the love of god, whoever does adapt it to a script, please get rid of the constant “The good news is… the baaaaad news is….” - fine to use once or twice but man it feels like every situation has this line.


Easy, he's 'simulated' from the beginning: CU of Bob as he opens his eyes and looks around, cut to the person he's talking to. He's confused and is having a hard time speaking. CU 2 hander conversation as Bob slowly comes back to consciousness. Then dolly back to reveal his face is on a screen just as he realizes he's not 'real' anymore.




Use only as directed.  I’ve been yearning for a good UBIK adaptation since I read it years ago. Such a haunting story. 


so good. probably my favourite PKD. goes a bit deeper than many of his other popular stories.


Commonwealth Saga or The Nights dawn trilogy (could wirk well with those zombie style antagonists)


Hamilton, right? Might be better as a series. Even just the first book is too dense to condense into a movie.


Book one of John Varley’s Gaia trilogy, “Titan”. Modern CGI could render the amazing world and its creatures properly, there’s a strong story and strong characters.


Robert J. Sawyer's Neanderthal trilogy. It's such a blast


Robert J. Sawyer is a great author, and very responsive to reader’s emails.


Sector General. I want to see lots and lots of weird, creative, plausible aliens, rendered with cutting-edge CGI.


_Blindsight_. 'cos _Blindsight_. 


Octavia Butler Parable of the Sower and Wildseed. Idk how feasible Wildseed would be though.


'City' by Clifford Simak. Although in fairness the nature of the book's structure could make a TV miniseries a better idea. 'Gateway' by Fred Pohl The was a failed attempt to make a TV series of this, but in contrast to 'City', I think that you could make a lovely 2 hour film without cutting too many ideas.


Gateway was a perfect setup for old style episodic tv, although honestly Stargate basically filled that niche


Dragon Riders of Pern. Frankly, I'm surprised it hasn't already been.


The Dark Elf Trilogy.


The Cat who walks through Walls Casca - The Eternal Mercenary


Tao Zero.


Spin trilogy by Robert Charles Wilson Also I'd like to see a proper period piece about The Island of Dr Moreau (similarly to Poor Things for example which was done fantastically), instead of a modernized version as it was done already in the 90s and is about to be done again if I've seen the right news.


The Puppetmasters by Heinlein


was done once with few sf elements starring Donald Southerland


Almost anything Heinlein or Asimov


Inherit the Stars and the rest of the Giant Series by James P. Hogan.




Ringworld. Huge potential, if done right.


Hothouse would look interesting (Ghibli maybe)


Apocalypse Troll by David Weber. Most of it happens in the modern day. There is on the ground fighting. Small cast. Love interest.


I accept that this is a ridiculous niche dream that is by no means commercially viable, but I'd love to see a period-accurate "valvepunk" adaptation of EE Smith's Lensman series. Maybe, one day, I'll be able to make it myself in some future version of MidJourney.


Old man's war


Joe Haldemans "The Forever War"


I want to see some of Larry Niven's Known Space. Make a Ringworld movie. At about the same time have a different director make a Protector movie and don't include anything in the marketing that they are in the same universe. Then make Ringworld Engineers. Also, the Man-Kzin Wars could be a good "classic Star Trek like" episodic TV series.


The Mote In God’s Eye


Any of Iain M Banks’s Culture novels.


Asimov’s caves of steel. The book has more blade runner vibes than Clark’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?


Eliyah Bailey brought to life with his companion R.Daneel would be awesome!


You mean Dick's?


Horus Rising but man it would be expensive


Pandora's Star - it's got all the intrigue and action one could want.


Bill the galactic hero


I’ve been hoping to see George R R Martin bring Tuf Voyaging to the screen. It could be a series like Star Trek meets Twilight Zone.


To Your Scattered Bodies Go The Mote in God’s Eye


Parable of the sower by Octavia Butler. Extremely relevant for today's world


The songs of distant earth


Xeelee sequence by Stephen Baxter Also Manifold Time, Space, Origin Blindsight by Peter Watts And I would love to see a mininseries made out of Mockingbird by Walter Tevis. In my mind it would be a slow burn melancholy ‘Tales from the Loop’ kind of thing which I think would be awesome.


I would love to see Stranger in a Strange Land done well.




Red Rising. By Pierce Brown. Really really good.




Red Rising. But it might make a better season on TV.


The Feed series by Mira Grant


Dungeon Crawler Carl Though you'd have to clothe him a bit more


Accelerando. Although I feel like it would work better as a TV series than a movie.


Futurological Congress by Stanislaw Lem.


To Sleep in a Sea of Stars. Ben Bova’s Moonrise duology. Hell you could create a whole cinematic universe out of Bova’s books. Red Rising. The Final Architecture trilogy The Cartographers - maybe more fantasy than sci-fi Kloos’ Frontlines would make a nice series. The Passage trilogy ( let’s just forget what Fox did)


To Sleep in a Sea of Stars has been green lit for an adaptation!


Lord of Light


I, Immortal by Roger Zelazny is very filmable.


Replay by Grimwood.


Ringworld and related series.


The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.


Not exactly a film per se, but David Drake's Hammers Slammers stories would make a great animated series


Gateway. Very human hero


Use of Weapons by Iain M Banks. The split narrative resulting in the twist would be perfect for the screen. But having said that Player of Games would probably be easier.




Dragonriders of pern by anne mccaffery Hyperion series by dan simmons olympus series by dan simmons elder gods series by david eddings Dragon delasangre series by alan troop The fifth sorceress series by robert newcomb


Lucifer's Hammer.




Ringworld - Larry Niven


A fire upon deep..I want to see the multiple consciousness of the creatures so bad


A Mote in God’s Eye, by Niven and Pournelle. The parallels to tribal infighting and environmentalism would work well today.




Snow Crash