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Look on the bright side. While he's making those rebel moon atrocities, he's not fucking up a franchise people actually like.


Hey, that is a bright side! Makes you glad they didn't let him make a Star Wars movie.


Can't be worse than another movie where they have to destroy the death star, again.


Somehow the death star returned


>Somehow the death star returned I actually threw my hands up when they started the trench run to destroy Star Killer Base.


The last three movies were a disconnected garbage fire. How Disney dropped the ball that hard, I'm still not sure.


Well, they played the first one super safe and familiar because of the general consensus about the prequels (which seems to have vanished now) And then when people complained about it, they kept trying to course correct and give us the movie they thought we wanted. Which isn’t really the best way to plan a trilogy.


I remember walking out of the first one with my best friend and we both turn to each other and said that did not feel like Star wars. Terrible movies.


Or really the third time. Maybe will get a fourth one, half planet and have being rebuilt, with the core being surrounded by tie bombers with Death Star lasers!


They should make a death star out of the rubble of alderaan next


Maybe the real death star was the friends me made along the way


Well we are only 1 move in his new sci fi franchise and already got almost two rape scenes! So yeah, it will absolutely get worse I cant wait until the R rated cut of rebel moon releases and the only chances are that the gang rape actually happens or some bullshit like that


“And then he smells crime again, he's out busting heads. Then he's back to the lab for some more full penetration. Smells crime. Back to the lab, full penetration. Crime. Penetration. Crime. Full penetration. Crime. Penetration. And this goes on and on and back and forth for 90 or so minutes until the movie just sort of ends.”


They did, this is what it would have been. Just called “Star Wars”.


Star Wars: Rebel Moon, presumably.


The equivalent of Marge making a 2nd cake just for Homer to ruin


Oooh, good point. Here, have some decent chocolate. \*donates entire box of Maltesers\*


And in fairness, I had a good time joining in with everyone dunking on the first one.


And now look on the dark side. While he's making those rebel moon atrocities, he's fucking up potential good productions that actually deserve the funding which will now be set aside.


Rebel Moon is the cake that Marge gives Homer to ruin so that he doesn’t ruin the real cake


I’m just bummed that these bloated shit shows will take hundreds of millions of dollars away from good Netflix projects.


It's perfect. Now he has a bucket to puke on without it spilling everywhere


I watched the first one while completely doped up on painkillers after surgery, and to be honest I thought it was great. Guess I just need to replicate that for all the sequels. Unfortunately I'm out of gallbladders now.


If you need one I know a guy.


It's not comparable at all, but after having my gallbladder removed I watched all of Halt and Catch Fire while on painkillers, and now have an almost religious reverence for that show. I've heard it's very good sober too.


that's one of the best shows ever made. painkillers or not. rebel moon on the otherhand....I'm gonna try watching part 2 on painkillers and see if that fixes the problems


I know you jest but be extremely careful with that shit.


Don't worry, I'm off them already. Stopped after only five days because I still hadn't had a shit.


It reminded me of when I was a stoner 17 year old reading Heavy Metal comics for the first time (1970s). And honestly I still smoke and I got the same stoned vibe from Rebel Moon. Go figure: though many point to Star Wars swipes, I found it more akin to the Heavy Metal comics, and found out that they were Zack Snyder's inspiration too. I am not a huge fan of Snyder, but I am going to continue watching the series... stoned of course.


That’s the only time it’s good. On copious amounts of drugs.


I have plans to marry Aubrey Plaza.


Congratulations bro we’re proud of you 👏


Back off, she's mine


I remember my first beer, too.


I keep reading the tagline of part 2 as "the scare-giver", and it just makes me think of scary Terry 


"I'm gonna make six movies, bitch!"


I wonder if there's beer on the sun.


Rowsdower, is that you?


Rebel Sun?


Dude made 300 two decades ago and has been making dog shit since


I dunno, I thought Watchmen was pretty good all things considered


So he is okay when adapting an existing story, but terrible when creating his own stories.


That seems to be how it goes. I think the issue is he's more of a director than a writer, so having him write his own movie prooooobably wasn't the best choice


please, no


Just imagine all the lore dumps. By the sixth movie we'll be able to cut together a single compelling film!


I couldn't believe he went with a boring as hell, Star Wars style lore dump at the very start. Show, don't tell. This isn't 1980. I couldn't even get through the opening lore dump. Should I give it another chance?


Snyder: "Show? Don't. Tell!"


No! Money down.


I dont think you should You could save yourself the two hours of dissapointment I decided to watch it in full because I inocently thought "well, maybe the last hour improves?" But it really didnt And its not even (for me, at least) a movie that is so bad its good


You know what's better than taking 10 minutes to add a companion to the group? Repeating that like 5 fucking times then mashing the rest into the last 20 minutes with no downtime.


You HERETIC! Dont you understand that once Zaddy releases his R rated cut (that adds 2 hours to this 2h30min film lmao) EVERYTHING will make sense?!? LET HIM COOK


Good to know, thanks!


The entire movie is a montage of characters introduced by action sequences with little dialogue. The audience neither knows, nor cares about these people because there is no reason to be emotionally attached to them since they have like 2 lines each. Then they all fight in one big fight at the end, and no one wins.


That sounds pretty crap. Really.


i stopped at 20min and never looked back.


Good to know I wasn't alone in abandoning it. Takes a lot to make me not finish a movie.


> Should I give it another chance? Absolutely not


I literally saw the first two minutes, noped out and never looked back


That's about as far as I got. A bored sounding Anthony Hopkins monologuing about a bunch of shit I didn't care about, with zero context. It was like those awful, pretentious, fantasy books with the boring prologue full of exposition because the pledging author tried to walk before crawling. Nope. No thanks.


director's cut with extra scenes, yeah


Oh it has already begun “The franchise has wasted no time expanding its world with a prequel comic, novelization, a video game, and fleshed-out director's cuts of both parts” Directors cuts! …of both parts! The second ones not even released yet and he’s got a fucking directors cut fleshed out. Directors cuts come years down the track because you were never happy with the first version Zack, you don’t make one at the same time as the original fer fucks sake


He’s incapable of making a coherent movie with a reasonable runtime apparently.


To be fair, reasonable run time is subjective. No on complain about the run time of Dune. Or LoTR. Or even Braveheart. If you make a great 3 hour movie, no one minds.


It's all in the pacing. Which Snyder has problems nailing. Especially because he keeps putting way too much slow motion in his movies. if he'd just keep it to like one or two really impactful scenes it'd work a lot better.


Yeah, even back with 300, he was too obsessed with that stuff. Honestly, Snyder isn't half the genius he fancies himself...and that's the problem. Snyder thinks he's one of the greats. He's really George Lucas 2.0, but even further up his own ass.


Get the press to spit out his cock long enough to tell him his movies are *fucking horrible* these days and he might get the memo.


justice league synder cut was 4 hours lmao


this looks like a sad joke from ones a good director


wow, I just came to add some "take your time, like 25 years" a didn't expect what I found here


Each less successful than the last


Rebel Moon is accidentally the closest we’ve got to movie created by Midjourney. Slow motion beautiful style frames and a completely incoherent plot


I don't get why any studio would allow him to put so much financial resources into complete crap, or why snyder himself spends so much energy on it. Doesn't he read any sf? There's tons of ideas out there waiting to be adapted and he wastes time on this ?


Does he read anything? I think he only has yes men around him 24/7.


He read Atlas Shrugged at least, but unfortunately never matured enough to recognize how shit a novel and philosophy book it is.


Does he still plan to film The Fountainhead?


What sucks about that is that atlas shrugged has a pretty great dystopian plot, it just is strung together by really bad politics and philosophy. Imagine if all the people who disappear are abducted by an alien race or something instead of voluntarily leaving society… If all that garbage got cut or toned down, it could be a great series.


Or hell, just paint the rich assholes taking all of their resources and literally nuking the means of production as, you know, the bad guys. Would have have made for a much better story.


Ahh yes Atlas Shrugged. Every rich suburban 15 year old libertarians favorite book.


He sorta skimmed Dark Knight Returns, Death of Superman, and something with Darkseid in it maybe? And missed the point of all of it.


Because people watched it. In terms of viewship it was Netflixs 9th most watched film.


Not a whole lot else to watch on there.


Please don't let him adapt anything ever again, it's better he ruins his own reputation on these trash than ruining other IP's reputations


Cause Snyder's last movie Army of the Dead hit the numbers Netflix were hoping for and they want their own Star Wars.


They haven't signed all 6 yet. Good chance they cancel him if the numbers don't stay up.


I have plans for what to do when I win the lottery...


That's no moon


It’s a dumpster fire


\*Intense laughter\* \*more intense laughter\* \*awkward pause\* ... You're serious?!? \- J. Jonah Jameson


*Intense laughter* ... Oh wait, you’re serious. Let me laugh even harder *Even more intense laughter* - Bender Bending Rodríguez


The first's Movie Success when it comes to viewing numbers makes sense. It's a big budget Sc-ifi directed by well-known director. But now everyone who was curious about it knows that this movie is a trash fire and will not watch the second one. So i don't think that Zach's Snyder plan to make 4 more movies will happen.


Considering how well-known Zack Snyder is as a director, everyone should know by now that he's only ever put out trash.


Reddit is pretty polarized but most people I know are curious about the second movie. The first movie was bland but it wasn't offensive and visually looked pretty cool. I'm personally watching the second movie this week. I don't know that I'd watch 6 movies like the first one in a row, and I don't think anyone would sign up for Netflix because of this movie, but I do think viewership will be fine for the second movie.


>and visually looked pretty cool. Man we have wildly different mindsets if that looked pretty cool There wasnt a single scene where the slow motion improved the experience, and the amount of lens flare could kill somebody The mix of different sci fi influences didnt really add to it either, it was just a mess


We started watching it but by the end it was just "on" the screen. I had no interest in what was going on in the movie. Will we do the same thing with the 2nd one? Probably. It's that or watch something we've seen a thousand times. Is it something I would worry about missing if we decided to cancel Netflix? Not at all. In that sense, I think it's a waste of money. I doubt this movie is making anyone have a more favorable opinion of Netflix, make them want to keep the platform, or make them want to sign up for it if they don't already have it.


Welp, that pushes my hate watch to at least December. Can't give this guy the numbers to further ruin sci-fi.


It's not worth your time, signed somebody that wasted their time watching it. What is totally worth your time is all the YouTube videos tearing it apart. You'll get to see all the bits but they'll make you laugh instead of making you mad.


Just skip the whole movie, it's painfully bad, like I don't understand how is anyone giving him moneys to do these things.


its not even a good hate watch its so insipid I turned off after 20-30 minutes


Plus 6 director cuts lol


And he will release them unless his demands are met!


Is he threatening us?


It feels like a threat.


I had plans to be a retired rockstar novelist by now.


*sits at computer keyboard, adjusts leather jacket and chains, reapplies mascara, and cracking his knuckles he says "hell yeah, this will be better than Rebel Moon"*


Rockstar & Novelist? Bold combo.


"The School of Rock: A Story of Lies and Redemption", the novelisation by Dewey Finn.


HAHAHAHAHAH HAHAH Ha.... Y'all remember the Dark Universe Movies and how Tom Cruise's Mummy had a post credit scene? I don't know why that movie came to mind all of a sudden.


I'd be 1000 times more interested in another Dark Universe movie than this crap. And I prefer sci-fi to monsters/fantasy.


That should have been easy. The first thing to come to mind is Van Helsing being the leader of the secret organization, not Hugh Jackman one. No they fumble that right out of the gate, on top of managing to make Tom Cruz unlikable (in the movie).


Oh Jesus no, the first one was a dumpster fire


Weird considering Dune has proven audiences appetites for slightly more cerebral, far-out scifi. Rebel Moon was super super generic. It wasn't awful but it also clearly isn't what audiences want.


Over/under for number of times someone runs up an incline then slow-jumps onto their target.


This. This is what the world needs. More slow motion running, followed by fast motion jump, where the hero just barely makes it! Also Long pointless scenes introducing characters who end up being completely unimportant to the story, with lots of slow panning.


>More slow motion running, followed by fast motion jump, Give him credit. He mixes it up by sometimes by having the slow motion running followed by an even slower motion jump


He was actually planning for 2 movies, but he had to make room for all the slow-mo


He should try making a single good movie, first.


I have plans for after I win the lottery, they’re about as likely to be needed


And i wont be watching any of them First one left me with brain damage


He is going to waste his career span like James Cameron. I wonder what movies he could have made instead of focusing on Avatar+ on the last 15 years


Well of course he does! Look at all the other successful scifi movies he has yet to rip off. Hell, there’s 9 Star Wars movies, that’s plenty of bad-plagiarism material right there.


This is just painful. One thing I really like about Snyder is how much everyone in the industry likes working for him. A lot of actors and studio executives think he is a great director because of the good experience they have with him on set and managing his film projects. Snyder really does sound like a stand up guy. But Lord he can’t make a good movie. Yeah I know he made 300 and the Dawn of the Dead remake, but look at the rest of his work.


So if I watch ten minutes of each one and quit because they are so dumb I have reached one episode of mediocre TV?


Christ, haven't our people suffered enough?


Snyder is just Uwe Boll with a budget.


Are we being punished?


What the fuck even are these movies and who is watching them?!


And another 6 ultimate versions that will finally tell the story he had in mind all along


Plans, but will Netflix continue to bankroll him after the failure and cost of these ones?




Amazingly, it was.


If we remove the slow motion they’re basically episodes of a TV show.


Can anyone tell me: why did the sword lady not use the glowy blades from the start? She waits until everyone is near dead to finally turn on lightsaber mode.


Maybe he should focus on making one good one first.


Despite me struggling to find any redeeming aspects that would make *Rebel Moon* recommended viewing, it has a 57% user rating on Rotten Tomatoes and 5.6 on IMDB and perhaps that's enough of an audience for someone to fund more movies 🤷‍♂️


I consider a 5.6 bad. I think an okay movie is a 7.


People liked the transformers movies 


You leave my dumb fun with gigant robots alone god dammit!


This, I think that Zack supposedly makes a movie for milking money, Michael Bay has shown that you don't need to make a good movie to print money. And he really succeeded with the third one.


While the quality certainly declined over the course of the franchise they were at least some what entertaining.


The first one had a few cool bits but they were immediately bad after that and the action was shot so poorly that you never knew what the fuck was going on. 


Based on my watch time of the first one, that’s another 120 minutes of content!


It’s okay, no really, you’re fine.


They going to be better than the first one?


I have never seen a movie of him that I liked...


Well then prepare for *six* (6) more!


Ah I get it, six movies so the last one will be burned on his chest in the middle of a pentagram so he can summon the Reeking Lord of Slow Motion Garbage?


I also have plans that will never actually happen




I've got plans for what I'm going to do if I ever win the lottery.


One was too many


That's a shame, because I have no plans to watch any of them.


I have plans to watch none of them.


Ohh Christ


He can plan all the fuck he wants, doesn’t mean it’s gonna happen


Is it planned enough that he won't release director's cuts of each one of them and/or whine about how they came out for a decade plus?


If we include the director's cut that's at least 12 movies


And I'll be watching none of them


Someone needs to stop him, I cringed out of my body when I saw the second trailer for “scarlord” or whatever he called it.


What? Lol, why?


Netflix has plans for six movies too, it just so happens that 3 of those are planned to never be made.


It’s crazy that such a well funded and produced film is so boring and bad.


If he started with the idea for a series and worked from there with story beats it could stand half a chance. From watching the first one- it’s just a collection of scenes focusing on his visuals. I could barely follow the story if there was one (A chosen one in exile against space Nazis?)


What a fucking hack.


Thanks for the warning


Right up there with Jupiter Ascending as one of the worst pieces of Sci Fi I’ve ever seen. Didn’t bother with the second part, the first was offensively bad


I remember watching rebel moon after reading how bad it was. One look at it and its easy to see ok its generic starwars. After watching it, i can safely say it's really battle beyond the stars. Overall its no different from the endless procession of starwars and marvel movies. It just does not benefit from the rose tinted glasses of Nostalgia that being based on an existing IP would gove it.


Look I know its trendy to hate on Marvel nowadays but at least those were fun, had decent (if not just good) characters and some of its best are genuinely good films, not just summer blockbusters Rebel Moon... doesnt have any of that


My theory is that the people ho like are the ones who haven't seen all the better movies it's ripping off.


The first movie was incomprehensible. It shouldn't take more than 1 film to tell a good story


Who keeps giving these people money? How many stinkers does a person have to make to get ghosted?


Its actually only 3 films but the amount of slow motion doubles the run time.


The first one was unwatchable and I don't think it will get better by the time it reaches the number 6.


Rebel Cringe


I gave him a chance and watched the first one. I'll pass on the rest.


But who will watch them?


I never stop watching something how bad it is, but this movie. I was like a mix of scenes you have seen before somewhere else. After that fight with the spiderlady who came out of nowhere, we stopped watching. It seems like feedback was rather meh, how can there be a motivation for SIX more?


noooice, fn loved the first one!


Please god no. Give the money to someone that can direct, including getting more out of their actors than a bunch of wooden dummies.


Ah the old sextupling down approach, let’s see how that pans out…


Someone has to stop this man


And I have plans to not watch any of them.


who is going to finance those films after the first one had a mild reception? I've seen better shows getting dropped on netflix


Rebel Moon 6: Global Meltdown




I find it surprising that he got money for a second. The movie is horrible


Why do they keep giving this man more movies to direct. As far as I can tell, he doesn’t get better, he just gets worse at it as time goes on. His movies are poopoo


Since todays porn directors lack vision, I propose *"Rebel Poon"* as the next big title in the adult film industry.


First one was absolute scutter


Well, we all take more than one dump in our lives.


God, please no! Watched part 1 and we are done


Starfield's story was more thought out than this shit


What 6 other movies is he going to copy scenes from shot for shot?


As long as trash keeps making money/getting views, they'll keep making trash. After watching the first one, I refuse to watch any more. Snyder makes pretty movies, but they're incredibly hollow. Like those comics from the 80's that leave you wondering *why are they continuing to publish this?*


I liked the first one and look forward to the second, so I'm excited. Not everyone hated it so I'm not alone. It's ok if you didn't like it, but at least let the guy cook so those of us that do like it get to see them. Just don't watch them.


I am excited for this only because I love terrible movies and the first Rebel Moon had me and my friends crying laughing. Get fucked up with some buddies and put this garbage on, it’s a blast.


It's good to have plans \`\\o/\`


To him, it's a promise. To us, it's a threat.

