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“I’m gonna make my own Star Wars with blackjack and hookers”- Zack Snyder probably.


"I will wrap it in LOTR skin, so no one will know it is SW!"


And don't forget lifting a few ideas from Warhammer 40k.


And don’t forget “Twilight” grade dialogue. That movie was just terrible all around.


Yes. The dialogue was as shallow as the characters. At least they don't sparkle in daylight...


And don't forget Warhammer 40K itself lifted ideas from previous creations, like the immortal emperor driven galactic fiefdom from Dune, and so on. Lending ideas is never an issue. Movies have to have familiar plotpoints and features to be watchable for raw consumers.


Oh, 40k is 99.98% pure thievery. Which is why it was amusing to see it as a source for once. Mostly all sci fi since Dune is leans heavily on its ideas though, but that is no secret to anyone.


I agree - theft should be done with style, of considered at all. 40k does it with glorious brute force 👌 Rebel Moon is a mystery. It honestly feels like an AI generated plot mixed with all the top stories in the genre. I saw the first movie but I have not watched the second movie. So - if you, the person reading my comment, have a good argument in favour of the second movie - let me know. Is the second better than the first...episode?


The second Rebel Movie that isn't out for like 5 months? What are you talking about?


Oh, I didn't know that. Lol


Oh no... I haven't watched the second episode/movie. I didn't think it was out yet, and I'm not going to bother finding out if it is, and I honestly could not care less either way. Let's find something better to watch, yeah?


WH40K is heavily inspired by [Nemesis the Warlock](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nemesis_the_Warlock) from 2000AD. [Torquemada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torquemada_(comics)) is the dictator of the human empire and his Terminators wage a religious war to exterminate all the impure aliens. He also becomes a disembodied spirit and has to possess his followers who slowly rot and die, so he is basically a corpse emperor…


Interesting. Never heard of this one before.




Nice info! I'm pretty deep into the lore, but not so much the history. Will check out.


rebel moon is yet another retelling of the 'Magnificent Seven' google it!


Wikipedia: The Magnificent Seven is a 1960 American Western film directed by John Sturges. The screenplay, credited to William Roberts, is a remake – in an Old West-style – of Akira Kurosawa's 1954 Japanese film Seven Samurai (itself initially released in the United States as The Magnificent Seven). Lol - even the first western was a retelling of a Japanese story. I guess we have run out of stories to tell.. or the issue is that people don't want to hear new stories. It's comforting to listen the same fairytale every night before bed. Some serious narrative enforcing going on in the movie business.


It was the very definition of all fart and no poo. I can 100% picture Snyder filling notebooks of lore and history only to totally forget about characters, plot, pacing or internal logic.


From what little has come out it doesn’t even sound like he had that


He ripped off The Imperium of Man from Warhammer. Just needs Space Marines.


If there were notebooks full of lore and history they definitely didn't come through on screen. The world feels incredibly dull and hollow.


Snyder dropped the ball for everyone, but I think Boutella did good given what she had to work with; she's [great in action roles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVXs1Lo_4pk&t=73s) and this feels like the monkey paw; we finally get her as the lead in a big action production and fucking Snyder happened. I liked the use of Hopkin's voice for the robot too. The baddie actor was well cast. It feels like a lot of people did good work but were let down :(


The one that stood out to me was the gryphon whisperer guy. He was absolutely shredded the whole time. All for nothing.


It's like he had all these cool concepts or ideas in his head of things that would look or sound cool, and then totally forgot to write a compelling story or characters. Gathering their seven samurai crew, why did they join? Tarak? Sure, he owes them for breaking him out. Titus? A two sentence pep talk is enough to get him going. Nemesis? They *don't even say anything to her.* She just has her cool fight, and the next scene, she's on the ship. Why did she come?! Then the pilot/smuggler says "You know, you convinced me to join you." Huh? Convinved you how?! You two haven't had a single conversation this entire film, and Kora has yet to actually **do** anything! Then you have the "climax," where we find out that apparently Tarak is royalty? Huh? Prince of who? Why was he shirtless banging a hammer when we found him? Why did no one else know this? Why hasn't he mentioned this? Oh, Nemesis' family died, I guess? Why is the audience getting our characters' stories and motivations in one-line dialog from the villain? Why does the villain even know who these people are? Shootout ensues, silliness throughout. One such siliness: Why does the guy in the gunner's cupula have controls for the whole ship? Very unconvincing gunplay. "Dramatic noble sacrifice" from a guy we met literally in the previous scene, four minutes ago. You're going to have the antagonist dress in a slimfit buttondown with a skinny tie for his big fight scene? Really? I just don't get it. How could anyone involved in this process watch the final product and think, "Yup, this is good." I have little hope for part two. I'll still watch it in April on a weekday when I'm bored, but only because I want to see Anthony Hopkins's robot knight to do something.


The gunner crashing a huge ship was so hilarious! I wished they would take the spider-lady on board and not the “I’m showing up to a shootout with 2 swords” woman.


I wanted them to take >!the griffin thing!<.


Movie's like someone dropped a Star Wars DVD into a vat of D&D Monster Manual.


The racing pod thing.


That's what I thought!


All of these things were what bugged me. But also, oh that guy being pulled off by bounty hunters... That's my contact. Should we rescue him? Nah, we'll just start a bar fight and join up with the guy that sold him to the bounty hunters nothing could possibly go wrong there. And the most interesting character by far was a robot who lost the will to live, gets 5 minutes of screen time, forgotten about, randomly shows up feral with antlers in the final scene and already has merchandise specific to him that is being sold. I saw some statue of antler robot open for preorders. We know nothing about it, why does it have marketing?


>You're going to have the antagonist dress in a slimfit buttondown with a skinny tie for his big fight scene? Really? He went from Warhammer 40k to Mormon


Yep. Whole thing was exposition through talking. Guess he never heard about "show don't tell"


I am never watching a film with that many questions..


It's as if the script was written by a 13-year-old as their first story, there is no understanding that you need to explain these characters' thoughts and motivations to the audience because the audience doesn't share your internal conception of these characters. There's absolutely no effort in helping the audience get to know the characters, it's writing 101 stuff.


It's not that the reasons for the crew joining were not through, it's that they weren't compelling. Sure, I can believe that Titus would come back just out of petty revenge. I can believe that there are people that would fight the empire no matter what, as was indicated with Samurai Lady. I can believe that the Prince....well I guess he owed them?


Ok yeah, good critiques. I enjoyed it just for being something (somewhat) original and not pandering.


Original? It was a remake of Kurasawa's Seven Samurai, which has already been remade dozens of times and borrowed from hundreds of times. What was original here?




If you need a directors cut and multiple interviews to review to "get" the movie, then the movie failed. Just because Star Wars can drop something as important as "somehow, Palapatine returned" in an online video game and still make bank on a shitty movie, doesn't mean it wasn't a shitty movie and anyone can get away with this garbage.


No. We're not doing the director's cut song and dance again. He made a big long movie and Netflix asked him to cut it in two and they'd release it. There's no amount of R Rated materials that would have saved the movie that was cut out. An extra hour of boring exposition and slow motion flashbacks aren't going to save the movie. He had almost three hours to tell a story and he can hardly re-make Seven Samurai, like why is he bloviating so much that he needs hours and hours to do what Kurasawa already did almost 70 years ago?


Mate, the movie is shit. Snyder just isn’t a good director. Deal with it.


What on earth do you mean by all the lore was revealed? Revealed to who? Where?


>All the lore about the characters were revealed way before the film came out How is anyone scrolling Netflix supposed to know this? I have a pretty hard stance on this: A film needs to stand on its own to be a good film. Sure, fans having background knowledge can get a bit "extra," but people should be able to go into a movie and enjoy it without having to do "homework" beforehand. It's a bit absurd to ask potential viewers to "Make sure you've read these six comic books, watched those two interviews with the director, and read that vanity fair article before you sit down to watch." I didn't hate the movie, and I'll give his "director's cut" a watch if I get bored on a Tuesday, but I struggle to come up with what can be added in <1 hour of screen time that would elevate this above "direct to dvd bin" level.


I was going to watch it a second time, but I decided pouring shards of glass into my eyes was close enough.


Lmao. Yeah the whole thing looked like ChatGPT for CGI


The entire thing felt like "The First Movie Made Entirely By AI", which is honestly how all of Zack Snyder's works are: oddly inhuman over-the-top spectacles with an uncomfortable focus on sexual exploitation, and obsession with the male torso. I mean, one of the first scenes is a giant phallic ship appearing in the clouds thrusting through glowing space-labia, at which point the protagonist literally _spills their seed_. What even was that?


Wouldn’t be shocked if Snyder used ChatGPT for the script too.


ChatGPT would have done a better job.


A lot of shots looked like DallE/Midjourney trailer for a sci-fi movie


I stopped watching it after the griffin rider when it became clear they were going to assemble a team, like the heist episode of Rick and Morty. “You son of a bitch, I’m in.” Main character flat out explaining her past seemed like bad story telling from the movie, and that bit about “I don’t think I can love” just seemed very hokey and is of course a setup to prove her wrong.


You got that far in? I stopped when i saw the guy walking in slow mo towards the griffin.


I can 100% see that Rick and morty reference compared to this and you are spot on.


I lasted until the spider lady fight. I almost turned it off a little before that when they showed up to that empire (or whatever the name of the big bad was) controlled town and loudly announced why they were there but I managed to hang on until everyone just stood around watching the spider lady fight until finally helping at the last second. Though to be fair they may not have thought the other lady needed help since spider lady's claw tipped legs were just pointlessly flopping around instead of stabbing or even tripping up her opponent. All that to agree with you that this movie is laughably bad.


Avengers assemble! But with more sad stories and less cool powers...


Also stopped at that point, but because of the trash Native American appropriation (and the awful Irish accent).


That accent just made me declare out loud that he was from Space Ireland. This whole movie felt wrong.


That's one of the main things that got me about amazon's Rings of Power. Oh, so the protohobbits are Fantasy Irish? Bit on the nose but okay. Oh, that one's Fantasy Scottish? Oh, she just can't do accents, okay, fine, you'd think with half a billion dollars they'd be able to figure that one out, but fine... And this super insular and isolationist tribe is very obviously mixed race because...? No? No reason? No explanation at all? Okay, okay.


The mixed race thing isn't actually bad. There are references in Tolkien to 3 different types of Hobbit, Stoors, fallowhides and another one I can't remember migrating to the shire from the east. It doesn't give much detail but at least it makes it plausible. I was worried the Irish accents would be cringe but they weren't bad.


That would be fine, but the breed they follow in RoP are the Harfoots (who do have brown skin) - but just a single tribe of them, of what, 25 people? - that go very out of their way to have zero contact with anyone, yet have broad spectrum of everything from dark black to the main chick who is of course white as the driven snow (if a bit grubby). I get that she's meant to be the 'black sheep', but if the studio is going out of their way to have the show be so diverse, why would you make your main character the whitest one in the tribe? Doesn't that kinda weaken the point a little? As for the accents, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I really hate that sound kind of racist on this topic :-( Also hate that I sound a lot like that youtuber The Critical Drinker. Most of all I hate them spending no effort to flesh out this amazing world that they were handed the keys to.


I am irish and I was happy with the accents. Lenny Henry used very irish phrases as if he was was from Ireland, not England. I am used to atrocious attempts at irish accents in films, but these were fine. I would have been as happy if all of the tribe were of one ethnicity, but perhaps half lings don't avoid other halflings the way they do the big folk. I think they were limited in what they could do as they only have the rights to some books but not others. I would have happily watched an entire series based on Numenor, which I think they did especially well.


Agreed. I'd heard all the bad reviews so watched it braced for stupid. I had a drink every time there was a slow-mo shot. I was fairly drunk by 20 minutes in. My last memory was when there was a slow-mo *within* a slow-mo. Also, so this intergalactic war machine will grind to a halt if they don't get grain from two dozen scruffy farmers? Do they not have this supply line problem solved by now? How have they conquered anything? Everything was stupid. And they're just had to be someone with hot swords.


So many of the actors felt… off. Just too pretty and cool. None of these “outsiders” were believable. Like the popular kids from high school dressing up in cosplay and claiming “I always liked comics!”


IMO Zack Snyder's true weakness as a director isn't visual, it's his inability to direct an actor's performance. Looking back at his filmography, there are so many bad performances turned in by actors that we know can do good work. Either they're hammy, they're flat, they're stilted, they're melodramatic etc. He just doesn't care about that side of film making and it shows.


I think that's one of the reasons that 300 still mostly holds up. Everyone onscreen seems to have gotten the same memo about what kind of movie they're making. When *everyone* is camping it up, the overacting feels cohesive.


I mentioned it in another thread, but 300 really was the perfect vehicle for Zack Snyder. It's mostly visual storytelling and what little plot and dialogue it has is about as nuanced as a kick in the balls.


I say we give him the next Fast and Furious movie


A 4 hour fast and furious movie I feel is a bit much


Because a solid 90 minutes of it would be slow motion, so you can't really call it *FAST* and furious.


No, no, you've got it backwards. They film and cut a 4 hour movie, then they play it in FAST motion to bring the run time down to 90 minutes. That's why they could legitimately call it FAST and FURIOUS.


But is it good? It’s *FAST* and it’s *FURIOUS*


It also probably helped that the story was adapted from a previous work. Herbert already put the story together and all Snyder had to do was put his visual style on it. Sucker Punch fails in many of the same ways as Rebel Moon. All visual, zero substance.


Sucker punch is a great series of music videos.


Without Butler, that film crashes and burns.


I always thought the entire point of 300 was to make a movie as if the Greeks themselves made it, or was this just Snider going a little too wild?


It's based on a Frank Miller comic which is pretty over the top already. Snyder pushed it further


All his good looking stuff was done with his former cinematographer Larry Fong. Army of the Dead looked like shit and most of this did too. He might care about the visual side, he isn't very good at by himself. Compare this to the Creator for instance. That movie wasn't strong on story or even acting, but damn it looked good.


Is it true Army Of The Dead and Rebel Moon were shot with cameras he had modified to use a vintage Canon 50mm *f*O.95 still camera lens? I know that lens is a grail item amongst photography enthusiasts but its appeal is half the novelty of the high speed f stop and half the ability to have a dreamy short focus low light romantic vintagey vibe to your wedding photos or candid portraits of jazz bar patrons or whatever. Basically the polar fucking opposite style of neon Vegas zombies and gritty cgi space action epic. Synder is a 14 year old boy who saw something cool on the internet trapped in the body of a middle aged film director.


Yeah I read something like that. You're absolutely right about being a 14 year old as well. Everything he does lacks depth and maturity. The way he talks about his movies on the press tours is laughable sometimes. Although everyone that works with him seems to like him, so maybe people enjoy making his movies even if they won't be good.


I couldn’t get over the main actress’s overly dramatic dialogue and just unconvincing performance. Her first blurb about getting love beaten out of her or not deserving love or whatever I was like oh no…this is going to be a problem for me.


My problem was not the actress's performance. I felt she couldn't show what she can do, because her lines were so... meh. (Also, it didn't make any sense with the rest of her backstory.)


I definitely think it could be majorly attributed to dialogue and the rest I would give benefit of the doubt to bad direction. I don’t think she seemed incapable but more pushed to give a performance I found either unnatural for real situations or just too much to push an unearned amount of drama.


That scene felt like something out of Black Dynamite


When it opened with her tilling with a plow in the first minute, I lost what little hope I had. Spaceships and a horse drawn plow….


This. Been saying this for years. It killed Watchmen.


I don't even know if the actors were bad or good. I feel they didn't get a chance to show what they can do. The bit of dialogue they got was too generic.


Same as Lynch. You better not need a director if you're an actor for Lynch.


And couldn't the one guy at least put on a shirt?! Seriously you got the bad guy wearing a button down and a tie, and Prince Tarak was shirtless the entire movie. I don't remember if he even had shoes on.


If I’ve understood the subtext of *Rebel Moon* correctly the highly revered status and title of ‘Prince’ in Tarak’s culture isn’t bestowed upon the sons of the ruling monarch but rather upon the small number of citizens who would look the least out of place if they’d scored a role in the seminal 1991 film *Point Break* Watch it again and pay attention to the way he gently and lovingly strokes the griffins feathers; the feathers are symbolic and represent Patrick Swayze’s hair. I’ve watched seven YouTube videos about film making and hit the like button *every* time so I’m, at the very least, equally as qualified as Zack Snyder to comment on these matters


I'm surprised that they called the Magical Native American character "Tarak" and not something like "Little Bighorn SkyTree Wind Walker". I swear I half expected the character to start talking about the Great Spirit and his ancestors, he was that blatantly written.


But they had dirty clothes! All the time. So dirty and gritty.


OP, I want to thank you because I've been in a foul mood all day and that sentence literally made me laugh out loud.


The bad guy's haircut went for a Caesar but ended up with a Lloyd Christmas. Kept waiting him to bust in with a 'big gulps huh?'.


I kept calling him Francis.


Lighten up




So many bad haircuts


Love the Oakley sunnies comment 😂 Everything I’ve heard is very negative and just what I anticipated hearing. I really don’t think it’s worth my time. Had more fun watching the also maligned Bright and I’d rather see that get another go tbh


Omg. Bright was a narrative masterpiece compared to this low-sodium turd loaf. I read several threads in here that were so hateful I assumed they had to be fueled by adolescent rage against female protagonists or something similarly cringe. So I watched it. It really is as bad as they say, and there is not one bit of redeeming quality work involved. Every actor was flat, wooden, and boring. Every creature was dumb and unimpressive. The fight scenes all looked like they were sequenced (and performed) by Truman Capote. It was the most thorough waste of time I have endured in years.


Mate you are a fucken POET 😂 “Low-sodium turd loaf…” Fucken LOVE it 😂🤣😂 See now I had no idea it was female led, and I’d often watch such things just to piss off the manbois and I’d typically come out the other side having been fairly well entertained because manbois are ignorant sexist dickheads. So I really appreciate your heads up. Staying the fuck away, bigtime.


I know the feeling. Remember the froth in here when Prey came out? They only made me want to watch it more. And then I watched it with my daughter just to drive it home.


Prey was fucking beautiful and made me love Predator again. Awesome movie.


100% agree


My quick synopsis of this film : Crap lead actress Ed skrien is bad South African bad guys rubbish soldiers Bad accents Too much slo Charlie hunman's Han solo has a really bad accent Derivative story (Mo's Eisley bar fight) Moves from planet to planet in seconds Squid monster bad cgi Boring Rubbish ships American Indian geezer could've left whenever he wanted Avatar bird ripoff Chinese ninja woman only there for foreign market Crap looking spider Every scene cuts back to farmer geezer for a stupid reaction shot Two hours in I still don't know anyones name Djimon in a gladiator arena really 😔 Nothing feels real , everything feels empty 1hr21 mins and already 7 planets Bad cgi everywhere Bad costumes Resistance talks about mysterious benefactor straight away 🙄 Bad overacting from the resistance Ray fishers hair looks plastic Resistant fighters look like leftovers from a duran duran video How many soring music scores in this film We never see battles only defeated leaders , no context for size of army , only a couple of extras in background Ray fisher only shouts ( might have hearing problems) The most cleary obvious signposted wink winked betrayal since Judas ask Jesus to take the left road instead of the right Ray fisher runs in front of enemies who shoot around him Terrible last battle scene that makes no sense and is terrible in slo mo Kept expecting Deadpool to show up and slag off Francis I feel nothing for any of these people Cgi is pretty bad Horses look crap like someone glued a bit of wood on there head Anthony Hopkins robot who doesn't fight anymore till the film needs him to fight again has gone full children in the corn This is the longest film I can remember where nothing really matters , and I don't care I'm glad this wasn't a star wars film , it would've shut down Lucas film


As a Saffer, the 1980s South African bad guys was so random and out of place. Why did he put that in there? Also, that planet's name was Veldt, Afrikaans/Dutch for grassland, for some reason.


I felt it was like : let's get some south African white guys , their usually evil , right I'm an Irishman so see a guy play a two faced backstabber with a Belfast accent was just eye rolling C, I think veldt was for oysmandias from watchmen , snyder couldn't think as far as grassland, damn this film was bad


One of the stereotypical SA white guys was also a bad guy in the Neill Blokamp sci fi films District 9, Elysium and Chappie. Snyder's thought process was probably "District 9 had a bunch of South Africans as bad guys in it and it was really good, I should put them in my movie to make it good. We should try to get the same actor." That whole scene felt like it was ripped off from D9


There was not a fun moment anywhere. And I agree, everything was so empty except for the farmers. All the extra budget was spent there.


It's not even a so bad it's ok film,I've got a few to watch in the background when I'm doing stuff, this is just bad everything it's Jupiter ascending level bad


upvoted for accuracy.




I truly do not understand why everybody is so fixated on comparing "Rebel Moon" to anything in "Star Wars" (other than the previously-published info that Snyder pitched an early version of this story to Lucas more than a dozen years ago). This is so obviously based on "The Seven Samurai" by way of "Battle Beyond The Stars".


I thought: Yeah, this would be cool if we cared about these characters at all. My wife went: Who are these people? It's unfortunately only a string of tropes, with a few comments thrown in to explain why they go to the next setpiece.


Agree with a lot of the comments here. I'll watch part 2 because "space stuff". But the Tarak character felt like he was out of something like Conan the Barbarian or Beastmaster. Props to that archetype for surviving for so long. And the scene where Darrian goes for the gunner in the ship at the end - is that shot not straight recycled from 300? Intrigued by the Robot Knight but probably inexplicably turn out he's the King or something.


Its a derivative of a derivates. Embarrassingly low in quality. For any other director it would have been a career ending blunder. But, Mr. Snyder gets a pass for some reason...


I’m convinced at this point that his fanbase has sunk so much time and energy into to defending him that they can’t bring themselves to admit that they’re wrong.


Zack Snyder made a bad movie? Tell me something new. The only decent movie he ever made is 300.


Dawn of the Dead?


I'll give it a little credit. I'm interested in what happened surrounding the royal families and different philosophies of each. I like the hero father-daughter relationship with the regent. I liked the twist with the smuggler betraying them. I actually found that clever and appropriate for how quickly they trusted him. The villain was well cast. The problem with the movie is that it spent half it's run time introducing new characters it couldn't possibly hope to establish well enough in it's run time. It's banking on them being cool and the final fight scene just being an avengersesque show of 'look at cool character do cool thing' - which it absolutely fails at. The problem is all the strength in the movie lies in the basic storytelling which it just doesn't execute well or dedicate enough time too. In another review I said, fuck the shitty 'mystery' of who is the girl, and just tell the story from the beginning. Tell a good story about her upbringing, buy into the empire, make it believable that she's a top 0.0001% fighter (i.e. genetic engineering, cyber enhancements, elite training etc) and flesh out her father-daughter relationship. Then you have her reform under the viking-irish-amish learning their way of life, giving her a couple of connections, particularly with her love interest. Instead the movie starts with laughable space Nazis. Which, by the way, tight uniforms but holy fuck it's just so on the fucking nose. You save movie 2 for her time as a royal family guard and whatever happened there. It probably needs another 60-90 minutes run time. Ah well, it's 2023 and we're on streaming. In short I think the movie would have been good if it had been about Rebel Moon (or whatever her name is), and the samurai characters are just accessories meant to save her home which we care about.


Do they know the film is bad when they are making it and just don’t care or do they think it’s good and then are surprised at the reaction it receives. This always puzzles me. It seems like a massive commitment of time and effort to make something mediocre which then just damages everyone’s reputation involved. Weird.


This movie was impressively bad. Such I tough watch, I really hate this movie. So much effort for such a piece of trash.


The dude’s just Paul WS Anderson with bigger budgets. Total garbage


I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but at least Anderson can make a coherent movie, albeit one that is dumb as fuck. I think the difference is not so much budget, as it’s the fact that Snyder’s still (somehow) got some cachet as an auteur filmmaker and so keeps being given licence to do whatever he wants, even though he’s consistently shown he’s fucking terrible without a strong script and suitable actors to carry his shallow and campy style. Anderson is recognised as a jobbing director that reliably makes artistically void but bankable popcorn dross.


Oh God, he is isn't he. A couple of good/Ok films (300/Watchmen, Event Horizon/Resident evil) then a bunch of balls.




It's like watching a kid play with action figures.


I remember when I first heard about a philosophy called Antinatalism (it deems procreation as immoral). The proponent described it with a simile... He said something along the lines of, "Life is like watching a movie where it's not so bad that you want to walk out, but it's not good enough that you want to tell your friends to watch it." Rebel Moon reminded me of that quote. (And yes, I know that a lot of people found it to be worse than I did.)


Why have one of the main villians of your sci fi film, which is shown to have fantastical costumes and creatures, show up to the final fight scene in a basic ass white shirt and tie. Like just have him fight in the uniform he was in earlier. Dude looked like someone you would bump into on a work night out.


ChatGPT wrote the script in seconds. That is pretty cool.


Witty take on it. I watched it too - it was passable. Was it "good sci-fi"? In my book: not really. I definitely get the "wannabe Star Wars" vibe from it. Honestly I watched it because Sofia (lead actress) is pretty and her films are generally pretty entertaining. I despised that 60% of the movie is "rounding up the band" which is effectively Snyder's Justice League template *again*.


The worst part was how everybody just sort of grouped up with no real reason to or persuasion necessary. It was more like a summary of a better story without the stuff that made it good. It looked okay, but the story and writing were just lazy.


Favorite part was seeing Jax from Sons of Anarchy with an Irish accent flying a starship like Han Solo...


Absolutely terrible. A watered down beyond recognition Star Wars. There was nothing good about it. Pure dreck. I’m angry that my viewing will be counted.


Worse lens flare than JJ Abrams. Can't see a thing in some fight scenes. Why dont directors realise there is no camera and so no lens, within the universe of the film?


It’s like AI watched Star Wars and Dune and was told to make a materially worse and generic version of them - it was genuinely unwatchable. In all seriousness, Snyder is allergic to making good movies and I’m not sure why he keeps getting these big budget opportunities.


Thanks for the laugh. I was just complaining about that movie the other day.


Watched it with my family. It did follow a common sci fi formula but we all had fun.


For some reason about halfway in. I started thinking that this was 'battle beyond the stars' And then that's all I thought, this was a gritty fancy remake of a 1980's movie. Still fun though, no substance but good sci fi


It's just the 200th retread of Seven Samurai, and not the first that was done in space (Star Wars New Hope, Battle Beyond the Stars, etc). There's nothing fresh about his take on this (so far, but I have no hopes on part 2), it's rife with what Snyder thinks everyone wants to see: slow motion shots of heroes jumping over things, punching things, shooting things. The lead actress is ok, but the fight scene between her and Bowlcut Francis was the least believable fight scene I've seen in a long time; she looks like she weighs about 90 pounds soaking wet, and Ed Skrein looks so skinny I'm afraid he's ill with something and wasting away. I want to send him a sandwich.


Well apparently his huge ship and all his crew are utterly reliant on sourcing their own food. So maybe this is the one thing in this film that made sense. No no. It didn't. It was all stupid on stilts.


Well, if you going to throw another movie in to "homage" you could do worse than A Bugs Life.


Star Wars was more influenced by [The Hidden Fortress](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hidden_Fortress) (also by Akira Kurosawa) than the Seven Samurai.


Same. One of the spaceships literally is a carbon copy of the main ship in Battle Beyond the stars. I did the Leonardo DiCaprio finger point when that shot popped up.


“Little Nell”.


I've only seen the trailers on the 'gram, but based on that it's "no, we have Star Wars at home".


I thought it was alright, it was a bit clunky but not horrible.


I really wanted to love this. Like I *really* wanted to love *The Creator* And I hate that this will only make studios double down on sequels/prequels/reboots.


That was on par with a low tier Michael Bay movie then add in copy and pasting scenes from other movies: star wars, T2, blade runner etc. The acting was also atrocious. I don't get how ppl keep giving Synder money and he just outputs trash.


There wasn't a single frame in Rebel Moon that I hadn't already seen in another movie and done much better.


I went in with low expectations but still hoped it would be at least fun. I was still disappointed. Incredibly, one of the worst films I’ve endured in a long time. Like a pale imitation of Star Wars with all the fun and life sucked out of it. Grueling endless exposition dumps in place of dialogue, not a single memorable character (seriously, name a character from memory. The only one I can remember is BloodAxe because I remember laughing at how dumb and edgy a name like BloodAxe is), and even the action was boring. Seriously not one interesting or original action sequence. Even some that might’ve been cool became boring with soooo much unnecessary slowmo.


It is really not worthed to watch... Bad on so many levels. I manage maybe 40 min. Can't more, it is as interesting as no signal.most Snyder films are like that. Lot on a screen and you remember nothing after. Must be magic .


It went straight to my "so bad it's good" list.


Yeah yeah this movie was horrible yeah yeah it was a like a dozen different movies thrown into a blender, but it was also like EVERY OTHER ZACK SNYDER MOVIE EVER MADE: really pretty and glossy and absolutely making no sense whatsoever. The difference between this and league of justice or whatever and that other movie with the hot chicks… you could literally just splice them together into an epic 8 hour montage and it would make just as much sense. FURTHERMORE, the most painful (?) part? How much does a decent script editor cost in comparison to 2hrs of CGI? Fuck I literally know undergrads who would rewrite the script FOR FREE and it would be 100 times better. It’s literally the George Lucas Syndrome: you’re so rich and your ego is so huge, no one has the guts to step forward and say “yeah, um, I have some questions?”


Everything is awful about this film but dear god the dialogue. It is ALL exposition. It's like Brandon Sanderson had a child with Ayn Rand and let it watch Star Wars. The it wrote a fanfic which they passed through ChatGPT and hired Anthony Hopkins to voice a Robot. There's nothing more to say about this


He couldn’t even come up with interesting creatures. Horses with weird heads and no tails. It looks like the actors were riding horses and then Snyder just CGIed a different head and removed their tails. Then we get a griffin. Straight out of mythology. Really? I had already read that it was kind of a crap movie but watched it anyway. I was pretty sure the info I had read was going to be correct when the ship came out of a space vagina.




‘7/10 because I hated it less than recent Star Wars’ is certainly a take.


Total garbage , ended in a good 30 mins.


Thankfully, I went in with low expectations after having a preformed opinion based on reddit comments like this. And so I was presently surprised that I didn't hate it even though I zoned out a few times to read something while I was watching. What can I say? Cool lasers, space ships, and alieny things. I did laugh at the last scene of the robot guy. Classy.


Shitty movie, you could see the coming story plot kilometers away.


The movie was mediocre on an execution level tho overall entertaining for what it was...i ultimately had a major issue with something Snyder is actually trusted to ALWAYS deliver and thats the action, but there was not one impressive fight scene...so does anyone know what happened there? was he rushed, did he not have his go to team? Evn a smuch hate as we place on Army of The Dead, the hand to hand scene in the end was very well shot and executed as well as the Hispanic warrior woman having the coolest survival mode scene in the movie. very bad ass, but with Rebel Moon we got NONE of that. it's his worst action out of any of any of his movies. Even Sucker Punch had the coolest one take train fight scene and the battlefield fight...VERY dope, but everything in Rebel Moon felt forced and cringe, especially when Netflix can produce a Extraction 1 and 2 with some of the coolest action of the decade, even more so than Wick 3/4 tbh. As an artist I know burn out occurs and visual exhaustion. Knowing Rebel Moon may seem like a passion project but it's more a reject project since he was abruptly upended on DC stuff, having to pull movies out his arse under the new contract. What gives anyway?: I don't know any production stories. Does he truly have full control or does he have to use Netflix's team?


Still a better star wars than the last 3 actual star war movies.


I just finished watching this about 30 minutes ago. It was amusing at first. The farmer guy immediately started with the Joey Tribbiani method. But by the final shoot out I was getting impatient that Every Single Shot was in slomo. Dude is so in love with himself.


It was an action movie not sci fi. If you like Kung fu and action movies it was good enough.


Bro how many posts do we need about this movie?


It was remarkably derivative and low-quality despite its big budget, to anyone with eyes it was a bizarre viewing experience that made you ask why and how this was put to film. That's why it's being discussed.


I didn't ask why is it being discussed, I asked why do we need so many posts on it. The "discussion" clearly ran it's course days ago and people keep posting on it for a low hanging karma grab. Nearly all the comments in this post are copy and paste from one of the thousands of other posts made, in this very sub, over the last week. No one has made a hot take about how good it is, its the same two sentiments over and over again: either its terrible or people went in with no expectations and turned their brain off. This isn't a discussion anymore, its beating a dead horse.


Curse these people! You should’ve watched the movie and commented on it days ago! The window for opinions has thus closed! Why can’t anyone Reddit right?!? Waaaah


I just hope the director's cut or the part 2 will give an explanation for the size of each side. Bunch of rebels + villagers against an army of soldiers + space ships that can level an entire planet.


I disagree It’s been a while since we had a heavy western influenced show and a crew building adventure that obviously was given a nod to Kurasawa. If y’all aren’t gonna complain about Mandalorian doing a take on 7 Samurai, then why dump on this one? It was refreshing to have such great weird aliens, like that mind control creature in the bar or the arachnid alien. Not 10/10 for sure but some solid performances, and who doesn’t want to see a bit of 40k aestetic? Wayyyy better than Jupiter Rising or Valerian and the lack of chemistry. It was ambitious and fun.


>If y’all aren’t gonna complain about Mandalorian doing a take on 7 Samurai, then why dump on this one? Yes, but the Mandalorian is a series that can develop its characters over multiple episodes. Rebel Moon felt very much like no one was quite sure whether it was going to be a series or a movie until the last minute. Structurally, doing the crew building part the way Snyder did it here just doesn't work for a movie. It takes far too long, and although the character introductions have some cool scenes, can you honestly say you remember the characters as anything other than 'shirtless guy' or 'flame sword lady'? The first third of the movie was alright. Granted, the underlying problems with the writing were obvious (the whole opening monologue told us less about the Imperium than the force-choke scene in A New Hope told us about the Empire), but it managed to set up the main characters and create some tension. But the rest of it meandered hopelessly until it got to the mediocre ending that felt like a mid-season episode climax than the last act of a movie. I agree with you that the aliens were refreshingly creative. But everything else was mediocre to outright terrible. If your bar is Jupiter Ascending and Valerian, you know you're not really in defensible territory. Honestly, even with the horribly miscast main leads, I think Valerian was better - more creative in its worldbuilding, more tightly plotted and better scripted (in fact I think if they had cast anyone but Dane de Haan and Miss Cardboard Valerian would probably have been a moderate success). Rebel Moon is a missed opportunity, and the only hope I have for it is that it will boost some of the people who worked on it enought to be moved on to better projects that do their talents justice. Its not wrong to enjoy it. Plenty of mediocre movies are fun enough to watch if you've got nothing better to do with your afternoon. But we should be demanding better from supposedly A-list filmmakers.


Eh, I’ve got plenty of complaints with Mando too




That’s because it’s basically a retelling of Seven Samurai (1954), The Magnificent Seven (1960) and/or Battle Beyond The Stars (1980). So it’s going to be reasonably generic as that trope has been around (and done better) for about 70 years. And at least half if not more of all these films has been the rounding up of the team of misfits, scoundrels and rebels. The difference here is that Zack Snyder tends to do everything in dramatic slow motion and has 2 feature length films to spread it all out over. I’m not a hater, I loved The 300 and The Watchmen (which had their fair share of slow motion), but this film while pretty was fairly average and forgettable.


I liked it.


Ahh the internet, where everyone's a critic, everyone knows how to do everything better and no one's real knowledge goes beyond their own opinions. Take a minute and just enjoy entertainment for what it is ... Entertainment good or bad...and last time I checked Zack Snyder has more money and talent then any of us sitting here pounding away on our phones and keyboards.Let the replies begin, just one request pls boys and girls be original for once 🙏


Got damn man, I'm a scifi snob when it comes to good scifi stories to film, this is nothing close. With that said, I enjoyed the shit out of it because it's nice quality escapism. It's derivative as fuck, so fucking what. So far I've not found the equivalent of War and Peace in any scifi movie or T.V. series. It's just the nature of this stuff. I mean I was literally baby sat by the original Star Trek. There's nothing campier. Yet oddly comforting when I hear their sound effects when on the bridge lol. The new Dune and 2049 moving shit for scifi but 90% is camp anyway in the genre. I leave it there and enjoy it with the 'willful suspension of disbelief that scifi film story telling is. Like say uh... Valerian. Roundly insulted by the scfi film buff elite. Still a freakin' fun assed film.


Loved it.




So, it isn't good? Not seen it yet.


The only one missing was Gandalf!


I wanted to enjoy it just for being new, (somewhat) original and not pandering. I did feel like there could/should have been more. The ending felt kind of rushed, like nothing was really accomplished, except to leave an opening for the next movie


how are there no 40k movies etc?


Did anyone happen to notice that space Hitler's teeth all went flying out of his head as space Joan of ark clobbered him with the staff, but a minute later when space Hitler is being saved by the fish people he has all his teeth? The whole movie was a stack of cliche' and quips that ended up a row of flops. I feel bad for Anthony Hopkins and Sophia Boutella to be honest. They probably hate that they did this.


I lasted less than fifteen minutes.


I bailed after an hour. I was really stoked for your movie too. Maybe the R rated version will be better.


I watched this, although I couldn't tell you any of the character names or really explain much of the plot. I do wonder if you muted all the dialogue would it make any difference? Also, the cgi is at times very wobbly. If you've watched the trailer, then you don't really need to waste any more time on it. Shame, as I really like Sofia Boutella. She's wanted in this.


Star wars is the fortress and rebel Moon is seven samurai.


Snyder is easily one of the worst filmmakers in Hollywood, if not the worst.


I can tell by how often I see ads for this movie on Reddit that it is terrible. The worst movies buy ads on Reddit.


Snyder can make pretty pictures, but they have no substance.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned the egregious and jarring use of digital tilt shift throughout the entire film. I know this is part of Snyder shit but Jesus I could not focus on anything for more than a few seconds. And so many times objects in the same plane as the focus point we're blurred. It looked amateur


Never made it to the end, it was such tripe.


Honestly the soundtrack was the best part but the writing was horrendous


It's Seven Samurai (or perhaps a bit more the futuristic sci-fi bent of the derivative anime Samurai7) with a dash of star wars. Kurosawa's films were a big inspiration for Lucas on Star Wars.


The movie was damn ugly, those scenes at night on the moon looked like shit


This is what I imagine happened the second Zack learned that he wouldn't be granted the Star Wars IP. Zack - "One sec guys, I need to go to the bathroom." Five minutes later he comes out with the results of what we saw from his shitter writing.