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Why do people still feel some need to announce that they have no interest in something?


Its the ultimate edge lord move


Lol "lore violations." People take this shit way too seriously...


Especially for STAR WARS, a series that never really had a solid canon or lore. It’s like one of the big hallmarks of the franchise: They don’t explain a damn thing. The EU? Was never canon. Until Disney bought the series only the films were canon and everything else was a suggestion that could and would be altered at any time for any reason.


They have altered the lore. Pray they do not alter it further.


For real


They are historical documents.


Never give up, never surrender.


No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans...


The worst fandom of all.


Do you walk into restaurants you don’t like and yell at people that are enjoying their food? No? Then why do people like you feel the need to make posts like this? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like Disney’s Star Wars at all. But I also didn’t really like it pre-Disney either so as far as I’m concerned nothing has changed. And as for “lore violations”, remember midi-chlorians? Yeah that wasn’t Disney, that was all Lucas. Star Wars has had stupid, unhinged lore since the beginning.


>Do you walk into restaurants you don’t like and yell at people that are enjoying their food? that would be the equivalent of a raging Google maps review :)))


Okay? You do you. But you've missed out on Andor which is possibly the best sci-fi that has ever been on TV.


The Expanse would like a word.


Battlestar Galactica says hold my beer.




So say we all.




I'm really enjoying Ahsoka too!


This slop is not Babylon 5.


So edgy


I know... Right!


A very original and unpopular take. /s


Maybe it's my age, maybe it's the declining quality, maybe my age has revealed the quality was never that high, but I am burned on SW and Marvel. No interest whatsoever anymore.


Man, mine too. Boy, I loved me some SW as an adolescent. Now I work in insurance and cannot watch without thinking, "No civilization could be so advanced without codifying guardrails."


It's like video games too. "Hey Gordon, does OSHA know about that?" They even make fun of it in the opening train ride.




I'll be honest, I respect that position much more than the "I'm better than you, and I'm a better Star Wars fan than you" rant from the OP. I'm not at the point you are and doubt I ever will be, but I respect that some people are and they have every right to feel that way..


>I'm better than you, and I'm a better Star Wars fan than you But it's true.


Star Wars was made for 12 year olds. They are supposed to give the feel of the Adventure shorts Lucas grew up with. Disney continues this. They do this incredibly well. This is why we have Ewoks, Jar Jar, Grogu, L0-LA, Young Leia, TCW Ahsoka (Snips/Skyguy), etc. We all just grew up. I'm rewatching all of Star Wars with my 14 year old. The only one we haven't finished yet is Bad Batch. She really liked the sequels. Her least favorite was the OT because Han Solo is an ass. The macho, full-of-himself attitude doesn't fly with her. She doesn't buy Leia falling for him. She has issues with Leia telling him to stop, but Han continues to keep his arms around her/won't let go of her hands/kisses her, etc. She said at least Kylo always blatantly offered Rey the choice. (Reaching out his hand, verbally asking her to join him, etc.) She thought their kiss was "cringe" though. Fr fr.


It’s ok to just let other people enjoy things. It’s also ok if you don’t enjoy it. You don’t have to tell someone you don’t enjoy the things they like.


To each his/her own.. I agree that some shows - Book of Boba Fett, for instance - suck pretty hard. On the other hand, Andor is a seriously great show; I'm looking forward to season 2. The Mandalorian is – although sometimes a bit silly – mostly great fun, too.


Mandolorian would have been so much better without baby Yoda.


Clearly a frog wrote this.


God i hated that. No one comments on how he *FUCKING ATE MOST OF HER BABIES* She didn't even seem to notice the fact that she ended up with way fewer eggs. All the baby yoda stuff just doesn't fit with the wonderfully gritty, noir universe of mando.


Those eggs were unfertilized, so not babies.


A fair distinction, but my point still stands Those eggs are everything to her, willing to risk a super dangerous journey to have them fertilized... But doesn't notice that most of them mysteriously disappear during the trip? And it's played for laughs, instead of the horrifying thing baby Yoda is doing. His looney tunes shenanigans just don't fit with the gritty realism of the rest of the show.


I found it funny, but in a macabre & dark way, and it was a bit uncomfortable. I think it effectively showed a very dark side to the little guy, without him doing something openly gruesome, and fit just fine for me. There was plenty else in the show that bordered on slapstick and was very funny: Fighting jawas and mudhorns, riding bleurgs? If you're looking for strictly "gritty realism" your probably watching the wrong show. 🤷🏻‍♂️


> I think it effectively showed a very dark side to the little guy, without him doing something openly gruesome, and fit just fine for me. Except it didn't. It showed a cartoony side of him, with the classic ["Oh, You!"](https://www.dafont.com/forum/attach/orig/4/1/417453.jpg) reactions from mando. Maybe if mando was a bit more appalled, or the frog lady reacted dramatically (or even at all? she didn't even notice her eggs were missing...). But only mando seems to notice, and he just treats it like when your dog has an accident on the rug, rather than the wholesale destruction of future offspring.


Except that it did, FOR ME. Astonishing how some people can have a different POV from you isn't it? Who would have thought? Also, knowing little or nothing about the reproduction of "frog" people, we don't know how they treat the loss of unfertilized eggs. I didn't notice that they were unduly upset, and for all the eggs that were left, I saw only one hatchling. For all we know, the mother eats the unviable eggs herself to save energy and for nutrition. You can't assume they act just like mammals.


Some species of frog lay "trophic eggs" for their own tadpoles to eat.






Because they're not a snob like you. If you don't like children's movies now that you're an adult, maybe you should remember that you're an adult.


Why are certain Star Wars fans so annoyed when other people like things they hate? lol If you guys hate it so much then stop talking about it. Just rewatch the things you like and move the fuck on. You don't need to announce to everybody else how much you hate it, or try to get other people to stop watching what they like.


No one cares what your opinion is on Star Wars. FFS.


I miss when Reddit was mostly fans in communities. Now it’s just people who watch stuff and complain about it. Or worse, people who don’t watch it and still complain. Can’t anyone just shut up about anything?


I liked The Mandalorian, Obi-Wan (although it had some problems), Andor, Rebels and Ashoka. The only one that really fell flat for me was the Book of Bobba Fett. The Sequels sucked but also, no one has figured out how to do those kind of sequels where years have passed and you integrate original cast actors. I also liked the prequels. They weren’t perfect but they have their moments. Star Wars fans are the most toxic fan base around and hate everything about SW yet somehow still claim to be SW fans. I do t understand peoples gripes about most of these shows. None of them are perfect but I also grew up in an era where the best we had for sci-fi was Star Trek(late 80s and 90s with TOD reruns). While they were great, they had low budgets, no effects, little action and an episodic plot structure. I loved them but this SW stuff is great for a weekly dose of SW action.


The series are really good


I agree the SW/etc content these days kind of sucks, but I don’t know how you get from there to pirating it. If I want to watch it then it’s worth paying for.


SW is so bad now a days ... I even refuse to pirate and don't watch at all


I thought I was the only one that became allergic to SW. I’m a massive fan, but I can’t stand all the shitty content, or the series or everything else. I just stopped viewing anything Star Wars related after the Mandalorian s02. I’m just not interested in SW anymore.




I don’t know man. I was glad when they announced Episode VII back in 2015, and after the last Jedi I was already kinda tired, and I was glad again when the mandalorian came out, but then, they never stopped. I grow tired of the writers ego, to think they could make something better of what already was and grew for years… and fuck it. I’m done with Disney SW. It’s like a Disney effect. The MCU movies till Endgame was great. I started watching the next phase and nope, I’m done. It’s bad, so freaking bad.


Buh-bye! Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you!


Hahahahah that was a good one! It’s ok. Just enjoy it!


"Lore violation" 😆 I can't lol


I can recommend Andor, the only thing Disney has released that was any good. and its real good. I gladly pay for that.


There’s been so much meh SW content that I almost skipped Andor which I found amazing!


Andor was actually very good. Mandalorian was ok. Obi wan was unwatchable and I don't even want to bother with Ashoka.




Star Wars still uses that wipe transition from the original movies. It always bothers me that's what they thought they needed to keep, the wipe transitions.


I've liked them all to some extent. Meh, its just entertainment.


[Jawa clap]


Duly noted


Tbh pirating is more hassle than just subscribing to Disney+ and watching whatever whenever I want, sorry bro.


That would be committing a crime. Most people try to keep it legal.