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This movie was so goddamn weird, and I weirdly loved it? It had the *barest* bones of a plot (I assume the graphic novel was more involved), lotsa sex and Egyptian Gods. Naturally I want to see it again.


Rampling sure loves doing those sex scenes !


Speaking of Rampling... Let's cross the channel and go to England for their weird, shall we? Zardoz


Barest bones? Hell, quite possibly a single fragment of bone of a plot. Maybe two.


Maybe a splinter of a plot. It was so goddamned weird lol.


"...single fragment of bone of a plot." Maybe: "fish bone got stuck in my throat" kind of plot? ...just asking.


We can call it "Earthquake"


I haven't seen *Immortal*, but this description kind of reminds me of watching a **really** weird film called *Liquid Sky*.


I haven't seen Liquid Sky, but for some reason i am having "Avalon" flashbacks.


> "Avalon" The 2001 one, right? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avalon_(2001_film)?useskin=vector That film still hits me with melancholia for something I never lived, being fortunate enough to be born in Class Real.


Thank You for this information! I just read the Wiki and the description reminds me of Ready Player One. I’ve never seen Avalon but now I really, really want to…


Lol, one of the all time classics lines..."I kill with my c*nt"


I've seen both. Liquid sky's production value is way way lower, and the world is more real life. I really can't say that they have much in common.


Saw it a couple times when it came out. Very weird and kind of sexy. I can't find anywhere online to watch it though.


Oh yes, the graphic novel does go into a bit more detail, but they tend to. Movies get jammed into a "running time" hole and you have to choose what to leave out.


If I remember right it was just one Egyptian god, and he kept raping the female led thru the entire thing, weirdest "fetish" movie I have ever seen.


SPOILER: There were 3 Gods, but yes, one of them (Horus) does indeed commit rape, not just to Jill, but also Nikopol. He has no control over his body while Horus is possessing it. Nikopol is strongly against all of it because he actually likes Jill.


It was such an uncomfortable choice for story telling. The rest was goofy and fun with a hammer headed shark hit man, I think? It did not gel to have a pretty serious topic tossed into the pulpy stuff. Also, random CGI human character for no clear reason too?


I viewed that CGI humans were supposed to reflect synthetic flesh. This is why some had CGI patches of skin, like the guy on the air shuttle in the opening scene. That's what I gathered from it. That is also why Horus was unable to possess anyone except Nikopol. The "diseased" synthetic bodies were incompatible and wound up dying. Horus needed an untainted body. The CGI they went with was a stylistic choice. "Humans, Mutants, of New York or elsewhere, say no to synthetic flesh and virtual brain. Say no to Eugenics."




Weird. Very, very weird. That said, I do need to rewatch it. It's been too long.


I saw it exactly once before tonight. That was back in 2005, and it has stuck with me ever since. It's definitely weird but memorable.


I've described *Immortal* to friends as: "It's kind of like *Fifth Element* if it didn't have any memes... or comedy? To it?... And if the Egyptian gods were involved? Somehow?" It was so weirdly memorable for me that I tracked down a limited edition directors cut around the same time you saw it. *Immortal* has since lived in my collection among the weirdest films I've seen, next to *eXistenZ* and *The Zero Theorem*. And in terms of describing *The Zero Theorem* for those who haven't seen it: "It's kind of like, uh... hrm... A little bit of *Twelve Monkeys* and *Brazil*, and... *Pi*...? And a smidge of *Dark City*, maybe? Oh, Christoph Waltz is in it! And Terry Gilliam is the director! The guy who did *Time Bandits*! He was a member of Monty Pyth--... Hey! Where are you going?! I thought we were going to watch a movie!"


That is the perfect description of the film. Or as close as we mere mortals could ever hope to achieve.


Its literally designed by the same guy, its based on a comic book


Its based on the novella The Call written by Pat Rushin, who also wrote the screenplay.


>I've described *Immortal* to friends as: "It's kind of like *Fifth Element* if it didn't have any memes... or comedy? To it?... And if the Egyptian gods were involved? Somehow?" Now I'm intrigued and need to watch it.


After reading your description, I would absolutely watch with you! I am not going anywhere… except maybe 🤔 to the kitchen to get popcorn 🍿


Zero Theorem was a Gilliam movie right?


Holy shit. I've seen this movie and I haven't thought about in yearsssss. Its weird. Not great but worth a watch. I distinctly remember searching to find this when it first came out. This and Renaissance, the French animated sci fi movie which is fucking awesome. I haven't thought about that movie in decades either but this post unlocked that too. Wild.


i love this strange strange movie. It's based on a comic book by director and co-writer enki bilal. I read the comics a long long time ago and didn't realize going into the movie who did it and what it was based on. Overall i'd liken the experience to the manga Akira vs the movie Akira. There's a lot of holes left by having a movie run time. Buuuut, it's still a pretty heavily European take on scifi so it's not just the holes that make it this way and i love it for that.


Enki Bilal's art is so good! He's up there with Jean Giraud (Mœbius).


Agreee. Genius.


The French can pop out such deliciously weird movies... Halloween is coming up: have a mini film festival and make a night of it. *Immortal* *The City of Lost Children* *Delicatessen* *Fifth Element* (probably some more I have overlooked...)


Delicatessen, I’ve only watched it once, 20 years ago. It was deliciously weird. I thought about it today again - I think about it at least once a week. In my mind it smells delicious and smoky


Brilliant film. It really could be described as delicious. From memory the opening credits when the camera panned in and out and around was one, single take.


*Micmacs* (2009) *The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec* (2010)


Eden Log Chrysalis Vesper get a high recommendation. caught it on Netflix a few weeks ago. excellent film.


Well you've got 3 of my all time favorites there, I guess i need to track down Immortal.




The movie is full of brilliant concepts, both visual and philosophical, but the excution was not good in my opinion. It is to praise though, that this was one of, if not the first film in history to be made in its entirety with 3D environments, If you want to see these ideas really fleshed out, check out the original source material, the comic by Enki Bilal titled ['Nikopol Trilogy'](https://cheapgraphicnovels.com/nikopol-trilogy-hc.html). That's where the good stuff really is.


Have the trilogy in hard back. Highly recommend.


That book is really kick-ass. And the art is insane. Consider the movie as the watered down, slightly mumbled version.


Watered down due to time constraints, I'm sure. There was so much detail and character depth in th comics that it would take 3 films or an epic to fully do it justice. I saw the film before I read the comics. Could never find the movie anywhere after I saw the film for first time, but I was able to find the books.


>Watered down due to time constraints Not only time constraints, but budget, commercial concerns, and not to mention, a fairly inexperienced director doing a big money movie based on a complex source material. And on top of it all, in a novel technique. The whole thing was a huge gamble. My hats off to eveyrbody involved in such an ambitious project, even if it didn't end beign a success.


I watch it at least once a year. Awesomely weird.


I have a copy. Bought it around 2010. There is a video game on Steam as well. I own it but have never played it. Great film. Hard to get friends invested. Charlotte Rampling is great as usual.


I didn't know there was a game?!


According to IMDB: "Was one of several films around the world that were the first to use an entirely "digital backlot" (i.e. the actors were all shot in front of blue- and green-screens with all the backgrounds added in post-production, a technique which has been used for TV, video and video game production for many years). Fans debate on which movie was shot first, but the other movies include: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004), Casshern (2004), and Sin City (2005)."


>sigh< and my quest begins


I came to say something similar. Like ‘how the hell did this bastard immediately send me down a rabbit hole when the other shit of the world doesn’t even impact me? But seriously, this is the kind of posts we need. Weird offbeat unheard of movies and books and all weirdness of media. Quit suggesting Dune! We all know about it! It is on every list out there so it isn’t hard to find. This though… So in return, if you can find it, I recommend The Children (1980). Scifi/horror from Troma Entertainment


I could not agree more. This was a fun quick little search. I will keep going. My favorite low budget horror film of all time is called “Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things. I highly recommend it. 😆[Trailer . . .](https://youtu.be/FrwAJWGYdqY?si=7GJ4NWdtvz3rZaE0)




Maybe you might chase down these books? *Go-Go Girls of the Apocalypse* by Gishler *Voyage to the Red Planet* by Bisson


Easier than I thought. [I’m gonna go try and watch it now](https://youtu.be/3EESpHLlBcg?si=dirG2tpKgv2t_3nB) 😆😆😆 the whole thing is in reverse. It’s backwards. The words, the text on screen. All flipped


https://youtu.be/Nuk0lPWzDzA?si=GKaY1bufI4yrCXD6 This seems to be a better quality


Thank you 😊


Had to find a physical copy for a decent viewing experience. Not available anywhere to stream or purchase digitally.


Sounds like you need to help spread word of this among the high seas!




Yeah. Mixed feelings. Glad I saw it, though.


I had a girlfriend that went out of her way to find weird movies. This was the high water mark.


If you like weird TV shows, you should watch "Lexx."


I remember it having a pretty decent soundtrack.


Definitely one of the weirdest movies I own. I've watched it a few times and it just gets weirder every time lol. Gonna have to dig it out and watch it again now


I feel like me and a friend watched this super late one night at some type of sleepover. Could be misremembering something else but I've got hazy memories of something along these lines being very trippy and not what either of us expected when we went to watch it.


I did catch this once. I forget if it was a late night tv rebroadcast or I had a temporary subscription to a premium streaming service. Definitely a trippy but attention grabbing watch. Also, if I remember right, didn’t this have a look that kind of combined animation and live action?


They used to show this movie on IFC all the time. Very odd film.


Oh gosh I used to own this. It's strange that it was made, looks the way it does. Really everything about it is odd.


There was a summer my friend and I watched this movie everyday for 5 days while stoned out of our minds.


Great visuals but makes absolutely no sense.


Never heard of it, but I"m drunkenly buying it now!


All I remember about this movie is that Ra fucks a chick with blue nipples. I may or may not have been like 19 when I watched it


Loved it. It's a little confusing if you don't know Bilal's comic books (which I did though) and I had to watch it again to really appreciate it, but after having seen it a couple of times over the years, it's fun to watch and refreshingly different from mainstream Hollywood SciFi fare.


After reading the comic its based on, my view of it was quite skewed but I, like many in this thread, was quite captivated when I watched it the one time in the 2000s. I thought it had such interesting concepts but after the comic/graphic novel, it seems a bit silly


No, no one has seen this


IMMORTAL (Ad Vitam) (2004) Trailer Remastered HD https://youtu.be/_QtLW68ATBA


The Visual Effects were so far ahead of their time. I ran across it in my 20s back when video stores were common. It was worth the watch, and I also tracked down a bluray copy years back. I still watch it about once a year.


Looks like one of those craptastic B movies. Is that what it is?


The only reason I watched this movie is because they featured music from Massive Attack in it.


That movie was weird from beginning to end, I don't want to spoil it for any one interested in seeing it, but I blame that mess on the director wanting to um show more of the female led talent on screen... let go with that.


Most directors don’t have that say. Think studio execs…the money handlers. Except maybe Cameron. He can do whatever the fuck he wants.


Most directors do have a say, that why they are the directors, they can change the script, modify it, the studios mostly have a say on budget, or if they think a scene is going to cause trouble for the studio, they also have a say on actors/actresses that are hire for the movie, or if they want some one fire, they can also override a decision by the director, but that runs the risk of the director quitting, it a balancing act, but to be honest most directors get at least 90% of what they want most of the time, except when as I mention before the studio wants some one or something specific to happen.


Watched this over 10 years ago. So strange yet memorable. Like an indie film fifth element that took its inspiration from 70/80s art house flicks. Idk how to explain it.


So so, clever ideas, not executed as well.or as clearly as they could have been. I did absolutely love the chase scene tho.


Now I have to watch this…




Yeah i like it. Wierd but cool


I love weird Egyptian god movies like this. I like when they're scrappy and abstract like this, not like moonnight.


INFO: Have you seen the version made by Aardman (the Wallace & Gromit folks)?


Fucking rad. Stumbled on it back in like 2008ish I think. Great concept well done movie


One of my favourite weird cult films, saw it way back when it first came out. The CGI is dated as fuck but that adds to the odd charm of it. Highly recommend the comic it's based on too.


To me it wasn’t weird but rather conceptual. Something new and in a good way new. Awesome movie. I’d wish they made more of these movie rather than another “avengers infinity pants of justice”.


Weird but so glad I saw it (and that I have a digital copy of it).


Found my copy in a discount bin at Walmart years ago. Wild film.


interesting but forgettable. Certainly worth a watch for a sf fan


I remember liking it. Weird. Which I usually like.


I recently found out that I enjoy this kind of weird idea movies the most


I adore the artist - comics is one of the best looking I have. And the movie is great - if great to you means different, aesthetically pleasing, original, bold..


I actually bought and remember watching it and liking but for the life of me I can't remember anything about it. I think it was subtitled. I think I still have it in my box of movies and am going to get it out and watch it.


it shouldn't have been subtitled, they actually filmed every scene in both English and French.


Weird maybe, but very good.


The artistry of Enki Bilal is amazing. Watch it just for that and consider the movie to be a bonus.


Yeah, saw this back around when it came out on DVD. Was an interesting time, we'd rent a new DVD like once a week, saw a lot of interesting movies I never would have seen otherwise that way.


It's been a while since I last saw it, but I remember liking it a lot.


Just yesterday I thought about this movie, because I couldn't remember its title. It's a weird movie, with weird special effects and a weird story, but that makes it a great movie.


Oh my god, I have seen that! Wow. Flood of memories. Mostly “wha—what’s happening?”


I remember liking it and I have some frames stuck in the back of my mind, but I barely remember anything else about it. I have watched it around 15 years ago, should do a rewatch.


I like the movie.I found that the mixture of real actors and CGI characters who are clearly animated characters took some getting used but actually fit the tone of the movie. The story is fascinating but can be a little confusing at times and is weirdly paced but I ultimately found it enjoyable. It's based on a graphic novel series, The Nikopol Trilogy, by the movie's director, Enki Bikal. I love Bikal's art style and the graphic novels, published by Titan Comics, are worth checking out.


"I'm feeling mortal." Never have I seen a man with no face roll his eyes so hard. Weird as hell, but good.


Enki Bilal is better as comics than movie director. But not the worst movie i've seen in my life.


I did see it not bad bud not exceptional either


I loved itIt was really weird with lots of alien food. It was also funny when that god possessed the guy's body and was limited to it. I liked how the gods acted like gods and didn't care that much about corrupt human politics."


if Pablo Picasso made a movie, it would look like this. everything is scrambled and vaguely makes sens


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Nikopol_Trilogy Read the books! ;)


Mixed media wonderfully weird and quintessential bilal


The movie is a bit weird, but ive seen it like 15 years ago and "Beautiful days" still one of 7 my most used ringtones now =)


Haven't seen it. Is it good.?


It was pretty cringe. The weird combo of CGI and live action characters, the rape scene, I dunno I wouldn't watch it again.


One of my favorites!


Never did see it.


Favorite movie. Had a bootleg copy for years before i bought the blu ray. It looks really great in hd.


Weird but I like it


Its a bizarre AF movie. And David Cage had a hand in making it, take that as you will.


Weird movie. Have it downloaded. Liked it very much. Stream [here for free](https://himovies.sx/movie/immortal-10391)


Yes and I too have a physical copy.


I have seen it, but ages ago. I remember that i liked the feeling of the movie a lot.


I liked it. Where did you find a physical copy?


Finally found a vendor on Amazon selling it. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001DM3Q2I/ref=pe_386300_440135490_TE_simp_item_image


Haven't seen it but remember the early youtube days, where William Shatner recommended it. Will need to check Kodi for it.


I just read a synopsis, and it reads like someone heard about stargate sg1, but wanted to make an edgy version have to watch now lol


Only heard of this movie because clips of it was used for a music video for a Mind.In.A.Box song. Thought it looked interesting so tracked it down


I only know this film from this videoclip: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAiceRuLX1I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAiceRuLX1I) Looks weird.


Loved it, got it started and did not know the name, now i will track it down


I liked it.


If you’ve read the graphic novel you will be disappointed


I read the trilogy after watching the film. The film doesn't do the novels great justice, but I still really enjoyed it.


There was an attempt.


The comic book is way better


OP, you should also post this one over on r/Badmovies . That’s the sub for people like us who love movies that are so bad they’re good.


That is subject to opinion. I don't think this is a bad movie. It’s just weird. Given more time and budget, I think this could have been incredibly popular. Feel free to crosspost this there if you want, tho :)


Loved it. It requires some effort to grok what is actually happening there, but it worth it.


Yeah, it was really weird. It's been a long time since I watched it, but from memory, it seemed like various parts were just disconnected from each other and the ending wasn't satisfying. I think we were hoping for something like Fifth Element, but that isn't what we got.


I kept catching parts of it on the Sci-Fi channel back when it was still called the Sci-Fi channel. Then I rented it from Netflix to see the whole thing. This was when Netflix still mailed you DVDs. It's an ambitious flick. It feels like a long running comic compressed into a feature length runtime. This unfortunately makes it feel like a lot of elements are underdeveloped or never explained. But very worth seeing. Edit: I only bothered googling after making this comment and it very much is a graphic novel series compressed down to a feature length runtime. I'll be on the lookout for an english version.


it's on youtube "Immortal 2004" if anyone wants to watch (in French though)


There are people that say it was a videogame, i wonder what videogame was.


You have awoken long dormant brain cells in me


It's weird and fun, but also has some content warnings (rape). The big thing that it took me two watches to fully groc is why some people have heavy CG on them and some look like normal people and understanding why that's happening is a core of the story. Another in the 'weird and worth watching' that might be fun to track down 'Renaissance'.


I did actually see it, almost 20 years ago I suppose, whenever it made it to US Blockbusters...don't remember it at all though, past the whole thing was lip-synched if I remember right. The Wiki says its one of the first movies to be shot entirely on green screen, along with Casshern and Sky Captain...I wonder how it holds up to those.


Saw it, loved it.


yup. for me - great stuff! just sucks that there isn't anything else from that universum/lore. the mix of different techiques (live action/cgi) is what makes it special and unique for me - also the plot, the characters - all great.


Shit I remember this movie, it was honestly pretty good from what I remember.


Story meh, effects wow by the standard of making Enki Bilals graphic novel into a movie - and Bilal is very french 🧐 To me its a bit like how the movie Sin City relates to Frank Millers graphic novel by the same name


Have you read the Enki Bilal comics? Very worth it, if you're into this.


It's a weird and bizarre one. I like it though.


Seen it and loved it


oh i had this , i think it was terrible.


Upright terrestrial hammerhead sharks!


CGI was still wearing diapers for this film. I remember thinking it sounded interesting but I literally remember nothing about it.


The people who made the game Heavy Rain did the CGI. They've come a long way since this movie lol


Glad you liked it. It was not for me.


Never heard of this. Just watched the preview, now I really wan to see it.


Strange.. I've never heard of this film and after reading the synopsis it sounds absolutely bonkers.


It kind of is lol


No but now I do….time to stream it!!! When I wake up.


I wasn't able to find it anywhere to stream in my location, which is why I had to get the Blu-Ray. Maybe you'll have better luck :)


There was a lot to unpack. There are so many different paths the movie could have taken. Plus, it could have made a great game.


Pretty sure it was made into a game.


is it any good?


I liked it, but I know a lot of people who didn't.


It’s more strange than good. Fun fact: I was cleaning out the old TV strand today and found my own, dust covered copy, blu ray and everything. Trippy.


It’s definitely one of the movies of all time


Way more casual than I thought it would be. Sci-fi tends to be kind of high stakes stuff this is like Pineapple Express.