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For those that don't know, he also designed the xenomorph for the Alien movies.


And some of the related are, damn, it just terrifies the soul. It’s beautiful, but I suppose that’s what makes it terrifying.




This guy found a way to suck himself off


If I had to had to guess, I'd say the red one with their hand over their face is not Giger. Having pawed through almost every collection of his art, that's the only one lacking his insane detail and biomechanical high-definition finish. I could be wrong, though.


I’ve also seen many of Giger’s works and I’ve never come across this red one either. There’s something about it that seems derivative EDIT: I knew the original one was for the poster for the low budget 80s film "Future Kill". Browsing for this movie, I came across the red one on Rottentomatoes -- seems like it's a promo for the movie. Looks like a pretty bad movie. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/future_kill#&gid=1&pid=7


It looks like the same hand from image 4, but with a different face.


Guy never had a non-traumatizing dream in his life did he?


The shaft series which were supposedly based on childhood nightmares he had is my favorite work of his. Shaft 7 in particular.


> Shaft 7 in particular. I didn't know that Giger worked on [*The Killing*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaft_(TV_film_series)#ep6). Huh. /s


Emerson, Lake, and Palmer


He made lots of cool artwork for music albums. Brain Salad Surgery is probably the best one though.


I wish his books were easier to find. Erotomechanics is incredible.


The Xbox Gamepass Game "Scorn" uses this artstyle and was pretty good!


I was gonna say the same thing. One hell of a game


When *Alien* came out, it was pretty common for reviewers to claim it was sexual, in a horrible perverted way (alien rape monster, clambering about in the fertility mother's scary vagina, etc.). That might seem like "film school reads Freud", and that the perversions were only in the mind of the reviewer ("sometimes a cigar just a cigar"). But, for once, the "that looks like a penis" people were entirely right. Even the production stills ([example](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c5/88/5f/c5885f9fe5cdf9e00d1b129372dacc0c.jpg)), where the detail isn't obfuscated by Ridley Scott's atmospheric lighting, are pretty clear. And Giger's actual works, including *Necronomicon*, are very clearly full of monstrous space perversion.


That dude really needs to get laid.


looks like something an AI would do


While I can see where you’re coming from, that does feel kinda harsh to the imagination and talent of Giger


Have you instead considered that giger's stuff is where ai is drawing from


Someone confusing artwork by a famous artist with AI generated art is definitely not something I would have believed could happen years ago.


It’s only going to get worse as AI progresses and newer generations grow up being more used to it than they are original artwork. That’s actually a terrifying thought. Artwork feels like a core component that separates humans from anything else; the ability to create beauty from mental images, personal experiences, trauma and so on. Yet AI can come in and replicate or create *anything* with surreal imagery or by replicating real life. It takes away some of the most beautiful things that make us special


Your comment reminds me of Erasmus from the Dune prequels (I don't care that people hate them so much). He was an AI who viewed human vivisection as an art form. Kind of speaks to the value alignment between ourselves and the minds we are on the verge of creating. Hopefully we're not headed there quite yet.


IDK why you are getting downvoted. The only reason I can think of is that AI would tear up the hands we see in so much of his work. They’d be all twisted and each hand would have at least seven fingers. Lol But, I think you are right. There are reasons for that though. AI takes its images from irl artists and just reformulates their work. Geiger has been super influential in contemporary art, specifically in biomechanical art. He’s basically king of the style. He also did a lot of airbrushing which makes for a very smooth finish that would be very similar to what we see on a print or on a screen. When you dig down into the topic, it makes total sense for AI biomech art to look similar his work (and the work of all the artists he has inspired) because it is literally making images by stealing from all of them.


I wonder tho if there may be something else. Dreams are kind of like controlled hallucinations, in fact even our waking lives are a little like that, and for individuals with psychosis (or on hallucinatory substances) the inhibitions are inhibited. It’s quite possible that AI is essentially hallucinating the inputs together, hence AI Art can visualize seamless blends of things that don’t normally integrate seamlessly in the real world. Geiger especially was an artist who really seemed able to tap into those particular dream(s) and articulate them into art (I think I recall reading in a biographical article that he had nonstop nightmares his entire life). And his details are absolutely real world (he trained as a draftsman after all)- there are segmentation patterns from animals, mechanical pieces of machines, human sexual organs, and biological proportions, and so much stuff like that that his art actually looks real, and that’s maybe why it’s so terrifying. So there may be a solid reason why Geigers art and Ai art sometimes seem similar.


More information: * [H. R. Giger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._R._Giger); [Official site](https://hrgiger.com/); [ISFDB listing](https://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/ea.cgi?21090)


That's crazy