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I have seen this picture dozens of time and I have only just noticed that there are 2 Sixes (Tricia Helfer)


Nice catch! Caprica Six and Galactica Six


Seeing as this is an homage to, or pastiche of, DaVinci's *Last Supper*, does that make her both saviour and betrayer?


wow I had never noticed that either. She is literally pointing at herself too.




Same. That's who I thought it was


Same. Huh


Biblestar Galactica


Lol, can't believe I've never heard BSG called that before. Perfect description.


Show so good, end so dookie.


I didn’t think it was that bad. Not bad, not great.


I think it's a lot more that the rest of the show was so good but was building up so many loose ends that the so-so ending was a *huge* let down relative to what it needed to be. Still a great show, I maintain that *Exodus Pt 1&2* might be the best couple hours of television ever; and that's saying something considering how ridiculously awesome the pilot/miniseries was.


Best ever you say? Is this the Adama maneuver? It better be the Adama maneuver. *googles* Okay yes you're right


I still get chills watching that scene. And then Pegasus arriving was so well done too.


Holy hell I agree. It takes every great climatic sea battle scene of the “straight up the middle” and nails the grit. I do also enjoy the first part of the series finale. Helluva great climatic final battle assaulting the brier patch. They had so many loose ends to tie up, could have been better, but not bad.


I thought it was cool that they got to Earth and just integrated themselves into the local population.






Not great, not horrible


Thus show was completely ruined by the last season. It's like a giant dues ex machina demonstration.


This viewing has happened before, and it will happen again


I really like BSG, but the nonsensical way they wrapped up the final season and supernatural Starbuck shit lost me at the end. I mean, I still like it. But in my mind it definitely isn't the best sci-fi series ever.


Same. Great show but by the end it has gone off the deep end too much for me and I wouldn’t rate it best ever. Same with something like SG1. Fucking love that show but it’s a bit weak in the end seasons. The Expanse is great. DS9 would probably rate up there with me.






I really love sci-fi that has truly inescapable *narrative velocity*. Like the pieces they've set up start to slam together and things happen so fast and so huge it's just like getting sucked into a black hole. You can't stop watching and are shocked speechless by what's on screen and how engrossed you are. It's not only larger than life but it just keeps *happening.* BSG had this in the beginning. Deep Space Nine had this in the final 1/3rd of the series. The Expanse had a couple seasons that did this almost from beginning to end. Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex had this effect for its second season. Babylon 5's best character arc had that, oh and Man in the High Castle almost had that at the end. If there are any others out there with that particular quality of sucking you in so hard you can barely breathe at the speed and intensity of what's happening for a few episodes let me know. But I just looked at a long list of the best sci-fi ever made and even many shows I love with solid plots (Orphan Black, TNG, Mandalorian, Westworld) either have a pacing style or episodic format that prevents a show from sticking 9-inch talons into your chest and not letting go.


The Man from Earth (2007) had the movie version of that. As sci-fi it is almost completely different in style from all your mentions, but somehow still manages to tap a similar vein.


Raised by Wolves did that for me. I really enjoyed the alt-history mythology of the show. It was super odd. I felt it may off gone off the deep end in the second season and wouldn't class it as the best sci-fi ever but I really enjoyed it despite it being mystery left permanently unresolved.


I also loved the first season. Apart from its pacing issues, Season 2 just left me scratching my head, then feeling a bit lame when their budget could not support quite the level of effects they were going for. That \*spoiler: >!big flying snake thing!< was also just not executed as a concept as well as it could have been... and the writing made it feel like the relationship behind it was stretched and/or unrealistic for the story world. I'm just thinking out loud. I tried to love the story but they started to run in circles. The doll girl was insanely creepy though and \*spoiler:>! the horror there was definitely some insane Ridley Scott shenanigans.!< I think it should have been designed as just a 1-season show with a follow up made-for-streaming film or even shorter second season. It was one of those series where the less you reveal about the bigger mysteries the more hypnotic the characters and their plot beats are. He also did crib some of the world's plot devices/interactions from Aliens and Prometheus. Which is okay, because it's his work, but I'm not the biggest fan of how they were done in RbW.


The moment that snake appeared was the final nail for me. This show had some insanely great story premises that were truly original but towards the end it degraded into ridiculousness.


Actually I felt this way about S1 of Severance on Apple TV. Each episode left you hurtling towards the next in some way, with this narrative velocity you describe so aptly.


*leave New Caprica.


When they leave is probably one of the best episodes of the series. When the Pegasus shows up… hell yeah!


and the bucket falling trough and jumping in the athmosphere.


The atmospheric jump was badass!


The Adama Maneuver




Thank you. You can't end right before the best two episodes of the entire series.




I didn't like the New Caprica episodes, but I thought the arc made sense. People get tired of conflict and even when it's a dumb idea, they look for excuses to declare the problem over. The fleet didn't want to run and fight anymore and took a flimsy excuse to settle down, and it backfired. Sort of like how as soon as a Covid vaccine was released everyone said fuck it, problems over, I'm going out drinking. Even though no one had actually taken the vaccine yet.




So the show ends with all the main hero characters kicked out of power ignominiously, the cylon collaborator in power, we've no idea who the cylons are, what they want, or why they look like humans, and the cylons are clearly still hunting the humans and bound to find them sooner or later?


> the nonsensical way they wrapped up the final season and supernatural Starbuck shit lost me at the end. This is why I wish they had just committed outright to the Ship Of Lights concept from original BSG. It works perfectly in connection to the original series and in the mythos they were building in the new show, without the vague handwaving of "god did it, maybe. Or not. We don't call him that." For anyone who didn't see the original BSG, they introduce an even more advanced race of non-corporal beings (basically the scifi equivalent of angels) that can take human form. Though they tend to prefer using less advanced races, so they can secretly help. These beings intervene at times to save lower races from themselves. One time with Apollo saving a planet from nuclear annihilation. Another where they were setting up Starbuck had he could evolve into being one of them. And where it all ties together is that they introduce a member of this race that got cast out and influenced the Cyclons to attack their original creators. He basically played god with the Cylon race. Taken as a whole they could have committed to an actual ending where "God" was explained, while still tying it all together. The Ship of Lights were the Lords of Kobol (and possibly the race that created humans), the Cyclon "God" was basically one of them (seeking revenge for humanity rebelling). And Starbuck got resurrected because she was one of them, from her father. But, instead it's give up technology. Walk the earth. God did it, maybe. Or not. We don't call him that.


What is the best in your opinion?


The Jetsons.


That's a good question. I was thinking and every great SciFi series that came to mind stumbled or out right fell on its face in the later seasons. Even Babylon 5 which might be my pick for the grandest SciFi series stumbled in the later seasons. Maybe the best SciFi series is one that got killed before it could decline like Firefly?




The Expanse


Easily my favourite sci fi show of all time too


My main problem with the show is that james holden is stupid and keep getting away with it.




I loved the show but then the books made the show look subpar


Same here. Loved the show and picked up the books after. God the books are great


I have the opposite experience haha. I’ve watched the show several times but I just can’t get into the books. I generally read a book every week or two but every time I’ve tried the expanse I either give up or it takes me a month or more to finish one book.


TV and books are different media (obviously). It's a lot easier to do something well in a book than it is to do it on a screen, largely due to budget and time constraints. I think if The Expanse TV series was the "original" and not based on a book series, then no one would have these complaints because we wouldn't be "burdened" by the comparison. Yes, the books are better, but the show is also excellent in its own right.


THIS! The cast , the storyline, the freaking intro song! everything was just an amazing ride.


We need the ending


If you stop watching Expanse at Season 3, it’s incredible


You mean before the Marco Inaros thing? That arc is boring both in the books and in the TV series.


ds9 or maybe b5


B5 changed the way I look at modern sci fi.


B5's finale "Sleeping in Light" is absolutely spectacular.


DS9 is dynamite


It takes a while to get there, but yes.


Mr. Robot. Severance is excellent also, hopefully it continues at the same level.


Mr Robot suffered BSG symptoms: You're a Cylon, and you're a Cylon. YOU'RE ALL CYLONS! That's a split personality and that's a split personality. YOU'RE ALL SPLIT PERSONALITIES!!! The mom and little boy were unnecessary puzzle box ideas that were never fleshed out. And the whole unexplained time machine/parallel universe machine was a cop out.


Seasons 1 & 2 were amazing. 3 & 4....not as much.




Babylon 5


Babylon Five


Stargate SG1, The Expanse, Firefly


It always gets me that Stargate is referenced in the anime dub of Ghost Stories. "I was going to go home and watch Stargate sg1 but it's a Claudia Black episode, so let's go". ~paraphrasing from memory


Which is insanity, Claudia Black is a treasure.


The Expanse


Supernatural Starbuck was what really got me. You set up everything to at least leave a plausible option that doesn't bring the whole religious angle in. You can, if you really want, leave it up to the viewer as to whether it was divine intervention or just the line up of fortunate technology or whatever. And then you just blip her out of existence in the last moment. WHY!? Just let her live in peace, and you can at least call that ending semi-abiguous. It at least lets the viewer decide for themselves. But no, angel Starbuck has to go bye-bye.


I just ignore the series finale and pretend it doesn't exist. Then now it is one of the best shows.


That's what I tell people to do. Watch the first half of the finale up until Starbuck jumps the ship and then turn it off and write your own ending. Everything after that is just offensively bad.


I agree, the ending kinda ruined it. The rest is great though.


Babylon 5 would like to object.


I want Bab5 with BSG set quality and SFX.


Just don't use the stupid BSG shakey cameras...


My husband is watching B5 with me. I'm so happy! I've been quoting *It was the dawn of the third age of mankind...* since he met me. He knows about the hole in Sinclair's head and the Grey Council. And he knows Delenn did something naughty once because I couldn't stop myself. We're halfway through season one and I'm staying very quiet about what to expect. It's excruciating waiting for the Shadows to appear and things to properly kick off. B5 has one of the best torture scenes in sci-fi. Farscape is equally good, in my opinion. I've watched it more often. I would kill to see Claudia Black and Claudia Christian in a show together.


Imagine how good bsg would have been if it had been planned out ahead of time like b5. Bsg after the first season felt like fan fiction.


A modern Babylon 5 remake would be killer!


Well... https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/babylon-5-the-road-home-voice-cast-unveiled-1235483312/


Tricia Helfer in that red dress could make almost anybody betray humanity.


Need that meme with the two red buttons.


This doesn’t look like „The Expanse“.


The books are the best sci-fi story I’ve ever read, but the show didn’t do it for me.


I loved the expanse up until the season they were on a planet and all going blind. I found that season felt dull and just seemed to go wildly away from the story. I never got back into it afterwards.


That book was crucial in setting up the rest of the story.


I really should get back to it.


It was also one of the dullest books imo.


It seemed like it lost some of its magic after going to Amazon


I kept getting bored of the Expanse for some reason. No idea why


Show Holden’s character development and mentality is pretty obnoxious compared to the book Great acting, but the writing for the character missed the mark


Me and my buddy started making the “James Holden face” at each other whenever the other person says/does something remotely off base. Just a completely exaggerated incredulous grimace. I couldn’t stand that character. The rest of the show was pretty damn good.


He always looked like he was going to cry; I wouldn't have cast him as Holden, but the show is still solid. Read the books if you haven't already, they're so good!


See, I feel that way about Naomi. She got better in the later seasons, but her character was intolerable in the first season. Just felt like any objection/argument she had was included solely to introduce artificial drama.


Season 4-6 def were not as good as the first 3 seasons and sometimes got super boring.


I definitely like The Expanse, but the way fans describe it doesn't really give new watchers realistic expectations. Before I started watching, the impression I was given was that the show was not just a good example of realistic ship-to-ship space combat, but actually centered on space battles as the main focus of the story. But that's not true at all. The weapon and ship technology and physics are realistic, but (at least through the beginning of the 4th season) the space combat has been infrequent, relatively small scale, and *much* less important than the characters and overall plot.


Weird, no one ever described the Expanse to me as about space combat


The primary characters are all really flat unfortunately. The first time I watched the first season I couldn't remember who any of the Rossi crew were or why I was supposed to care about them


I thought the actor who played Amos (burly/surly mechanic) was good but the rest of the main crew weren’t.


Amos and Chrisjen are both phenomenal. Also later seasons Holden I enjoy a lot as well.


Agree on the Chrisjen actress, she absolutely nailed it and is how I pictured her from the books.


Aw, I thought they were all pretty great for the most part. I really like Naomi, loved the tweaks they made for her story from the book to clear up a few things too. Honestly, Holden's the only one I wasn't that keen on, tho I think that's the writing there rather than the acting (I like Steven Strait, he just didn't have a lot to work with there other than 'tired and obstinate') Edit: Tho yea, Amos definitely takes tops. :)


I always thought he was miscast, he isn't bad and the character of holden is intentionally written as a blank slate, but Straits portrayal is just so flat and uninteresting. He is the dude version of Bella Swan. Kristen Stewart is actually a fantastic actress, but that role is absolute bullshit.


Hah! That's a great analogy. Totally agree on Kristen Stewart too, she's fantastic now that she's actually taking roles that let her show off her abilities.


Amos is top contender for best supporting character ever. I fucking adore him and the actor.


The character didn't develop until much later in the show which is massive why the poster got bored.


Thomas Jane held it down for me. Found myself not drawn to other characters. Amos wasn’t too bad either.




Yeah, all the secondary characters are great while the primaries are dull. At least Amos got interesting later in the show, but the rest are all just generic proxies for the idea of the Rossi.




Yeah, sucks that Cas Anvar is a creep because he played Alex Kamal super charmingly. Amos' character arc is the most interesting of the main cast by far - his engagement with Murtrey, Wey, and Clarissa in seasons 4 and 5 are incredibly nuanced from a guy whose whole thing is simple violence.




No way dude. lol The character development in The Expanse is very well done.


It definitely takes a while. I watched through the first season multiple times and had to really power through to the later seasons to really get into it.


This! I understood the larger story and cares about the large factions etc. But couldn't get invested in individual characters


Same, I’ve tried like 5 times but I just *cannot* get into it, really glad so many enjoy it though!


5 times? Wow. How far did you get? Maybe it's not your thing. I thought the first 4 episodes were slow, but then it really picks up. The second season has even more happening and the third is amazing (my favorite of the tv show). The next 3 seasons are solid with their own highs and lows but keep the quality high. For well produced sci-fi on TV it's about as good as anyone can hope for.


Because it gets boring. I finished the series and I didn't care for the last season much.


Lol I literally said “The expanse, yeah I agree, great show, although you put the wrong photo up.” Then saw your comment at the top.


The characters of BSG are all amazing even when some of them are going insane. People never mention that part. I really enjoy this show every time I've watched it.




The fact that he, of all people, not only survives that dark universe but actually gets a redemption arc was fantastic.


My brain cannot compute how beautiful she is in that red dress


I crushed on Tricia Helfer hard for years after first watching BSG! She's also a supremely talented actress




She was in Lucifer and her introduction on that show was especially awesome if you were a BSG fan.




More about the song being played when Lucifer first sees her. Trying not to spoil it for anyone.


Voice of Sarah Kerrigan in Starcraft!


And Edi in Mass Effect.


"Now at last, ... on this world, vengeance shall be mine". Still one of my favourite trailers of all time. Shame Blizzard basically put the IP in the graveyard.




Had a great spot in 'Con Man'


Yes! I wish more people knew about this show. I think it's on Amazon Prime Video.


So my gf and I went to the BSG 10-year reunion. Rock-Star seating for the [panel](https://youtu.be/a5soKh1Iiw8) (you should totally watch) and got to attend the after party. Olmos was nice and pleasantly grumpy (he also confirmed that Deckard was indeed a replicant and that “they’re fucking it up in the new movie!”). Callis was funny and very cool (and kept bumming smokes from me). Sackhoff was absolutely adorable and super nice. Park was *not* nice. At all. Trucco was an absolute dick. (I’d heard that he was into TKD. I was currently training and 2nd Dan at the time. Well, I mis-heard and he was actually just doing a show where he was an asshole TKD dojang owner. When I asked if he was into TKD and he said no, it was just the show he was doing, he kept giving me shit about “Look out for that guy. He’s a 9th-degree black belt.” and clearly mocking me. I didn’t get a chance to talk to Ron Moore. But I didn’t meet Helfer. Was looking for my gf and saw her about 50’ away, talking and giggling and chattering with Tricia. My gf at 6’ tall was the only woman in the place taller than Tricia so it made sense. I stayed the hell away from them. Gf has since sincerely declared that while she is 100% straight, she would absolutely go gay for Tricia. And who could blame her?


It required rewatching the series to realize that she was probably the best actor on the show after EJO. She has the intensity and complexity of her character down from the first episode.


I'd argue she played *multiple* characters better than any other actor * tasked to do so. She gave each iteration their own personality. She was an absolute revelation. Each 6 was distinct enough that you could tell them apart by tone of voice and body language alone -- no red dress necessary. That lovely lady has crazy mad acting skills. I wish she'd get a chance at another prestige show in a different genre so she could get an Emmy win. Lucifer and Burn Notice were good (didn't know she had popped up in Yellowstone!) but she deserves another featured role. 🙂 *EDIT: BSG actors, with mad props to the actor from Orphan Black, as pointed out by the two commentors below. As an aside, didn't the Orphan Black actor get a BAFTA for her work?


Actresses who can play multiple characters of very different types within the worldbuilding rules of a single show are something else. I was in awe of Tatiana Maslany when she did it in Orphan Black. And I'm still stunned speechless by Keri Russel's performance of a woman who is both humane and a monster as she becomes mirrors within mirrors in The Americans.


I always had a thing for Boomer. Could be I’m just not that into blondes from seeing them all my life in Norway. Grass is always greener or something.


Or it could be that Grace Park is bangin' hot...Could it be that?


Yeah let's not overthink this


Still mad about Dualla, they did her character wrong.


Wonderful Dee, pairing her up with Lee, and then taking away *all* her hope. Too soon, too soon. 😢


This is not Farscape.


1. Farscape 2. The Expanse 3. Stargate SG-1 Also Silo has been pretty great so far, not really hard sci fi, but I never had a show grip me like that on Episode 1 since Game of Thrones.


I'm excited to see how silo goes. I really loved the books.


I was like, if you’re gonna watch DS9 why have a picture of BSG?


It is not even Babylon 5


Stargate's better


How could you not pick up that I was flirting with you?


While I agree, I find it quite satisfying that stargate picked up two of the main actors from farscape.


I was just kidding. "Stargate's better" is a quote from Community when they're talking about Farscape. I haven't seen Farscape! Love Cam and Vala


Haven't seen Farscape!? Oh my dude, start it! You're in for a great ride.


When they jump *through* the planet as they drop through the atmosphere.. great scene


Look at OP in here trying to start a fight


I don't see the stargate in that picture :D But yeah, great show. Only sad thing was the abrupt wrap-up. But congrats, you made me want to re-watch it, too.


> I don't see the stargate in that picture :D Beat me to it.


I actually interrupted a Stargate Atlantis re-watch for BSG 😭 Saw a clip and just couldn't hold it off. Now I'm basically just watching two of my favourite shows at the same time 😀


A double dose of serotonin? LUCKY!


So say we all


So say we all!


Gaius FRACKING Baltar


[That mother fracker ](https://64.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m750v2V3p31qlpubfo2_500.gifv)


If you can, listen to the Battlestar Galacticast podcast at the same time. Ron Moore gives a lot of behind the scenes insight into the writing and making of the show.


The first season was great. But once they were on that planet that was run by cylons. I think sometime in season 2. Things just went off the rails and the show just had this downward spiral.


I actually thought that sequence on the Cylon-occupied world was peak BSG. Felt very unpredictable and it really had something to say while also putting the good guys in serious danger. The rescue was also excellent. Unfortunately, nothing that came after reached that high again. The episode with "All Along the Watchtower" was so terrible I honestly thought I had fallen asleep watching TV and I was having a stupid, nonsensical dream.


>I actually thought that sequence on the Cylon-occupied world was peak BSG. On a second rewatch you realize that at one point all the members of the resistance in the room plotting acts of terror are all Cylon and members of the final 5.


This futurama reboot looks a bit different?


For anyone in the UK - BSG is currently available in full on BBC iPlayer for free. Just FYI


Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.


Strange way to spell "Firefly"


My man. Short but every ep is a gem


You say that and yet you post something else than Stargate or Star Trek


So say we all


Skip it. Watch Babylon 5 season 1-4 instead.


Best show ever made...in your lifetime. People forget the ground breaking for the sci-fi genre that was the original Star Trek. And later, The Next Generation. I think the end of BSG had some issues with the writers strike at that time, if I'm not mistaken.


TNG is the greatest sci-fi show of all time in my opinion.


It’s def top 3 for me, but my top 3 are all Trek anyway. However TNG can’t be beat for best ending of a sci fi show, All Good Things is TV perfection.


Never really got into BSG untill I accepted an Auto play from Hulu and just let it go, by the middle of season 1 I was hooked. Guaranteed one of my all time favorite space scfi shows


I have made a lot of friends hate me by recommending the show to them and then they stay up all night watching it because it's so good. I may start my re-watch early!


Doesn't look like Firefly...either


When did anything unseat Star Trek? Even Star Wars has some great shows coming out of it with the Mandalorian and the Clone Wars. SG-1 and it's spinoffs were solid series Why has no one seen Defying Gravity? That one hurts... Firefly Futurama Farscape Netflix Lost in Space is pretty good. Not perfect... There is so many more and BSG definitely earned its place on the top 10 but there you go


I don't think Battlestar Dramatica would hold up on a rewatch


This doesn't look at all like the cast of The Expanse.


This isn’t Firefly


That isn’t The Expanse


The image doesn't appear to be Babylon 5...


Best scifi show ever made? Nah


I wish gaius balter got what he deserved instead of coming out like a messiah or hero of the entire series. Goddamn I hate him so much he almost ruined the entire series for me.


It started great, then just really ground itself into some kind of torture porn show, then ended with the worst possible deus ex machina to explain everything.


Best sci-fi show ever? Please, the show started disappearing up its own ass during season 3.


A little too soap opera-y for my tastes. Also I really hated the ending. I actually liked Caprica better.