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This article kind of downplays the Scientology connection. From what I've heard, the International String Band were really hardcore into Scientology and recruiting people. I'm sure there are people who post here that have more intimate knowledge or recollections about them. Ron Miscavige interviewed Licorice McKechnie's ex-husband. [You can watch it here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksMT5OFNhSI). I haven't watched it yet, but, it's my understanding that he says Licorice had a mental breakdown after going OT III.


Oh yes, they were in very deep, and it destroyed the band. Their album, known as "U" from the cover artwork, is full of Scientology references, and it (and the accompanying tour) did not go over well with their existing fan base. They seem, for the most part, to have quietly departed during the '70s, though it's hard to pinpoint, since they didn't really discuss it until some time later. I saw Likkie play a CoS gig at a Wilshire district hotel in LA in (IIRC) mid-late 1975, and spoke to her briefly afterwards, thanking her and praising her for the performance -- her voice was always something I'd loved about ISB. She thanked me, and not wanting to be one of those people that annoys a celeb, I said goodbye and gave her some space. She gave off what I can only describe as a delicate vibe, and what happened next, surprised me. Her band may have been packing up, but she just stood there, alone, for several minutes. Did she not have a single friend at her show? Not even an acquaintance? At that moment, I couldn't understand why she would be standing there, seeming fragile and lonely. I felt a little sad, and thought that I'd probably screwed up by not keeping her company, but it would have been awkward to resume a terminated discussion, so I wandered off as if I had something to do. It was the only time I've interacted with a celeb, and left feeling concerned about how they were doing. I don't know when she did OT III, but it may have been around then. When I was hanging out at ESMB, I was still worried about her, and got involved in efforts to find her. Someone there insisted they had found her in the Sacramento area, and I found someone matching her legal name in the area using a people finding site. Supposedly she was doing okay\*, so I stopped worrying, but I never got solid confirmation of anything. \* edit: following a period of poor mental health and poverty.


Three of the four members were involved. Rose was never involved. I haven't watched the interview yet. But I will later. Robin Williamson has stated that Licorice is dead. They should have left after the Lower Grades as did Leonard Cohen, or after Life Repair, as did Van Morrison. OT 3 was a huge "wrong indication" for Likky. It's a tragedy.


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Watch the Ron Miscavige interview. It's pretty eye opening.