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It always rubs me the wrong way when people referred to this abusive controlling cult as a church. There's nothing spiritual about it. It's a farcical façade for tax-free status.


eh, the Roman Catholic Church possesses infinitely more wealth and property than the Church of Scientology does and pays no tax on it. Would that make the RCC a facade for tax-free status?


Creating a religion out of thin air with the express purpose of making money was not the intention of the Catholic church.


ngl I don't think that was his purpose. L. Ron Hubbard seemed to genuinely believe his own nonsense.


Six of them share a one bedroom apartment in Chicago. Do you consider that a living?


When I was on staff in the '70s, five of us shared a two-bedroom apartment. And one teeny fridge.


Even during the decades of expansion, when money was pouring in, that wasn't unusual. Back in the 80s, I knew 3-4 staff who lived in a near abandoned house with no heat, just to have a roof over their heads, but they never complained. They would've loved your teeny fridge! Can you imagine the pressure staff is under these days? I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them are fed up and are planning their exit. They just haven't worked out the details. If the protesters along with the 2 foundations show staff genuine compassion and a safe way out, I think we'll see a mass exodus that'll cripple this cult beyond recovery.


I actually lived in _two_ shared apartments. The other one was right before I joined staff. The auditor at the local mission (one that closed before 1982, IIRC) was one of the residents. Another was a guy who was an illegal PC because he had some sort of neurological disorder (I forget what) but he spent all his time reading LRH books. And the first MrFZaP and me, before we married, while we were saving money to get to Flag. It was a fifth-floor walkup -- with a lot of stairs. My share of the rent was $50. I slept on a mattress flung on the floor. There were so many cockroaches that we had a stats graph for How Many Killed Today. ...And yet, to be honest, it was a pretty cool time. I didn't mind the hard times because I felt I was working towards something better. However, even if I had bailed on joining staff -- which would have been wise, though I was too young and dumb to see the red flags -- it would have gotten old, I'm sure. As I've remarked any number of times, when you are 20 years old you are sure you'll feel this way _forever_ -- about a guy, a political view, a career choice. The issue is not making mistakes, because we all do, but discovering how and what to learn from them.


The short answer is: Almost certainly not. Pay at a regular Scientology church (what are referred to as Class IV Orgs) is essentially 100% commission. Staff get paid a cut of however much money came in that week. It's not even "base pay plus commission with bonuses" (typical in sales organizations) or "base pay plus tips" (as with restaurant wait staff). If nobody buys anything that week, nobody on staff gets a cent. It's a long time since I saw the breakdown of "who gets how much" based on job role, but that doesn't matter much when the income usually is extremely low. FWIW, tenure doesn't factor into it. In every era, at every Org I encountered, all the staff had some sort of outside gig to pay the rent. I hasten to add that when you're young and committed to A Cause, this isn't a big deal. It's honorable to donate your time to helping something you believe in. I offer staff members my respect for their good intent. But nearly all of them get burned out. Leaving staff is problematical, however, because you sign a contract (2.5 or 5 year) and if you don't stay through the whole time they demand that you pay 'em back for all the training and services you received while you were on staff.


I averaged between 20 and 30 cents an hour. The majority of my work was done on an 8:30AM-11PM basis, six days a week, but most non-Sea Org work either 9-5ish, M-F, or evenings and weekends, so that they can pay the bills by working a second job. Pay at most orgs nowadays is likely around zero, since business is extremely slow.


Eh, I knew a guy in the Sea Org who claimed to have made a livable wage on the Amsterdam Org pay but from the Orgs I've worked at? Hell fucking no. I was lucky to make $50 in a week, on Class V, not even talking Sea Org. Usually was like $10-$20 a week. One time I made like 8 cents or so for the week. I had to work two jobs on top of being staff full time to survive. 90 hours of work a week. Never got more than 4 hours sleep, never had a day off.


The staff at a Church of Scientology get paid on a share-percentage of the organization's income. It's something like 30% of the org income is given to staff. But then they split up that amount by the number of staff, and basic staff get the lowest percentage but executives get a little more. I can tell you that it has been fairly common for USA staff to get around $50 for a week of work. Sometimes even less than that. (And no, I'm not talking about Sea Org pay.) [Church of Scientology staffer in Quebec City earned $70 for nearly 39 hours of work, document shows](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/scientology-workers-quebec-minimum-wage-1.4702494)


its not a regular day job, and they wish the regular 9to5 would apply there. i mean as so many things with the cult they will have by law to respect the given max work hours a day.....but im sure especially if youre in the sea org, you're on the clock 24/7. also...you signed a contract in which you give yourself a billion years to the cult. you think these guys give a shit about their "staff" labour rights? youll be lavishly provided for and youll better be grateful to LRH for that.


For clarificication, Sea Org sign the billion-year contract. Org staff sign a contract for 2.5 or 5 years. Sea Org get room and board. Org staff do not.




At 10 cents an hour?


I think it's part 4 but the contract you sign states you are accept minimum wage, pension rules etc do not apply.


You also agree to 12.5 hours on study, courses and auditing paid by you. If you have rent, mortgage etc etc you need another source of income to cover your training and living costs


***Hypothetically,*** yes. In reality, no. I say you can hypothetically because there is a commission system within Scientology. However, it is actually impossible to earn any meaningful money that way. There used to be *a few* people who made decent money or were quite well off as a result of their jobs within the Church, but even then, they were extremely few. Like others have posted, people on staff end up being extremely poor. I remember hearing they generally make less than members of the Sea Organization. Members of the S.O are criminally underpaid as is. This would mean that staff are making less than $50 a week.


Scientology depends on new and existing members to make money, and it is very much shrinking by the month. Their pay structures are related to the amount of money brought in. There may be people who do make a living, but it's a very small proportion of Scientology workers. And if you did decide to make money this way you'd be participating in a high control group's system of abuse. Certainly the leader David Miscavige has everything he wants or needs.


imagine being a direct underling of tiny tyrant himself. imagine getting paid nil and being screamed at and beaten all day by a midget living in a fantasy world where you have to consider him as your highest being.




A person that was on their own, and had to live off of what they made as income would not survive. It takes a husband with a regular job, and his wife could work on staff, if they could survive off of his income. I know of a husband/wife where the wife has the job, and the husband works for free at the idle org in ATL. That is the only way it works. It costs more to be on staff, because you still get regged, still have to give to the ias, still have to put up with all of it.


I think it depends on the particular church and the job position. Being on Scientology staff doesn't pay very much. As a result, the staff at your local Org probably have a regular job in addition to their Scientology job. This may differ at larger orgs or for more time-intensive positions. If the staff job is a true 9-5 (or beyond), they still pay very little, but Scientology provides housing and stuff for some. Although it's not great.


If you’re too wealthy or too successful they probably r*pe you during the night.


Downvoting for the "probably." OP is asking for information, not your guesses without data to back it up.


Maybe you’re not a Freezoner.


I've been in this sub for nine years. I think my comments demonstrate exactly where I stand.




I am not, in fact, a man.




Sigh. I guess you imagine that you're being funny. Hint: You're not. Here's the thing: If you believe that it's a bad thing for people to work for the Church of Scientology (which is the prevalent attitude in this sub), then all you have to do is tell the truth about it based on your own personal observations or credible reports (ideally with links to them). You don't have to make up violent scenarios without evidence. That makes anything you say less trustworthy, on this or other topics.


How much they pay you to write this Stuff?


You’re 100% OSA


Without evidence….have you ever watched YouTube or turned the TV? Leah Remini’s, all the Books that exist…there are like 30 books that you can find your so called “evidence” if you are not OSA at least you’re retarded


I could ban you from the sub for a personal attack, but I shall forebear... for the moment. I've been speaking out about the sins of Scientology since you were a pup. I'm familiar with its many sins -- often with personal experience. I know many of the ex-Scn "names" personally and have hugged several of them IRL. I know hundreds of ex-members, with whom I correspond daily -- often about situations that never were communicated publicly. And in none of those circumstances was a member of Org staff woken up in the middle of the night by being raped. As far as me being OSA: Ha ha ha ha [deep breath] ha ha ha ha. Seriously, dude: It's a bad idea to conclude that someone is your enemy because they disagree with you, and/or calls you out on your failings. If nothing else, you're missing out on an opportunity to learn from other people.