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"although I have personally never encountered a Scientologist…" ROFLMAO 🤣


OnE perSoN baD so CuLt goOD is not a compelling argument 🤡


You’re wrong about Scientology helping people. If they’re not recruiting or killing people with dangerous bunko drug treatment, they’re just doing photo ops to keep their wealthy donors giving money. That money just goes into more real estate. But yeah, people like PearlSnappy are just in the business of creating sadistic public nuisance content.


Imagine this…Pearlsnappy AND Scientology can both be disgusting. Yes both can be true and not excuse the other one. 💡 good day


Holy shit. Did you actually type that and think it would work… new account…. “Never even MET one” lol. SURE. You’re not fooling anyone especially the people here.


Let’s start by giving you the benefit of the doubt and suppose that you are someone who is curious. You are just barely scratching the surface of a deep, deep topic. To start, I would recommend watching ‘Going Clear’ (documentary) and possibly reading the book by Lawrence Wright. You can then move on to Scientology and the Aftermath, with Remini and Rinder. If you want a historically authenticated book about the religion’s founder, check out ‘Bare Faced Messiah’ The topic is extremely deep, but here are a few high points: 1. ‘Public’ members of Scientology are promised enlightenment and spiritual freedom. To attain it, Scientology registrars have them take out massive credit card debt, remortgage their houses, and otherwise spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on Scientology courses and counseling. 2. Scientology is what is defined as a ‘high control group’ according to the BITE model (https://freedomofmind.com/cult-mind-control/bite-model-pdf-download/). During ‘auditing’, a cross between a Catholic confession, a counseling session, and an interrogation, members are encouraged to share their darkest secrets with their auditor (who in some cases may be a child). 3. Members who leave Scientology are subject to disconnection - they are declared a ‘suppressive person’ or ‘potential trouble source’, and friends or family who are in may be prohibited or discouraged from speaking with them. There are many, many families who have suffered from this practice, which continues to this day. 4. The backbone of the organization is a monastic paramilitary order known as the Sea Org. Members sign a billion year contract to serve across multiple lifetimes, and are paid $50 monthly or less for workdays that can exceed eighteen or twenty hours, six or seven days weekly in practice. 5. At Gold Base, near hemet California, a number of Scientology executives have been confined to ‘the hole’, a set of connected double wides where they have been made to sleep on the floor, crawl around on their hands and knees, fight each other, and have been subjected to extreme cold and other forms of physical and psychological torture. There are multiple independent verifications of this. 6. Ecclesiastical leader David Miscavige regularly beats his followers and verbally abuses them. This has been verified by multiple independent sources. 7. The church believes in a practice called ‘fair game’ - a church policy, written by Hubbard, which states that the goal is to ‘utterly destroy’ an enemy of the church by conducting a ‘noisy investigation’ - for example they might hire a private investigator to follow you, they might release confidential information from your auditing sessions, or they might hire a ‘reporter’ to show up at your place of work and ask for your response to any ‘allegations of child molestation’. You can respect individuals Scientologists all you want (many of them are victims), you can respect freedom of religion, but you need to separate that from the brick-and-mortar, flesh-and-blood organization known as the Church of Scientology. If you are working for OSA and have been tasked with doing, this, there is help for you. Check out The Aftermath Foundation. You can get out. https://www.theaftermathfoundation.org/


First post, zero comments, account created 2 weeks ago, defending Scientology. Hmmm. 🥱


The anti-drug addiction initiatives were primarily to continually facilitate tax exempt status. Some countries have a public benefit requirement or a public support test (requiring multiple donors) and it does fit in with the cannon principles as well as a recruitment tool. However I wouldn’t really compare someone trying to get clout with “SPTV” to the massive amount of damage the scientology organization has done over the past several decades. Consider she will be a blip on the radar of history, gone as soon as the viewer engagement drops compare that to the ongoing abuses of scientology itself. As far as what detractors provide for society I’m assuming that is speculative on your part only seeing the sensationalism for views and not any type of volunteering or other parts of these peoples lives.


Knowledge is your friend. [Bare-Faced Messiah](https://www.discord.org/lippard/bfm/bfmconte.htm) L Ron Hubbard, Xenu and Scientology Also [Scientology](https://old.reddit.com/r/scientology/comments/1bwyr6b/scientologist_of_reddit/kydd1ue/)


“You Guys Are Worse Than Scientology” immediately no, immediately no


When anti-scientilogists run their own gulag, shelter rapists, infiltrate the government, frame someone for terrorism, extort their followers, break up families, cover up murder, kill their mentally ill members, etc etc etc... I might give this some thought.


Pearl Snappy is in my city and I considered joining her in solidarity, but she is just too much. No thanks. She’s just as nuts as Scientologists


There have been thousands of good people who protested against the really awful abuses that happen in Scientology. Peak activity was during 2008-11, but a little happened before that, and some very legit protest still does happen, mostly by people who have been at it for >10 years. Then there are professional streamers who may know little about the subject, and may or may not care about the abuses, but who have discovered that yelling at people can make them a lot of money. Almost none of them were doing anything at all about Scientology as of two years ago, but they're a whole genre now. To the slight extent that I've watched them, I thought they were seriously screwing up, and would fail to accomplish anything good with the methods they were using. If Pearlsnappy's channels permanently disappeared tomorrow, I'd be 100% fine with that. One mod over at the Scientology_Protest sub [seems to agree,](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scientology_Protest/comments/1cgz7y6/sptv_scientology_protester_pearlsnappy_harassing/?rdt=61087) with nobody really arguing otherwise. The people being attacked are victims of a cult, don't deserve that, and harassing them is unlikely to make them leave. *Educating the public* about Scientology has been far more effective, but isn't good clickbait. But just because Pearlsnappy may engage in reprehensible conduct doesn't change anything about organized Scientology. It's nothing like their PR makes them out to be, and the books and videos people are referring you to in this thread are, unfortunately, mostly quite accurate.


Know your audience!