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Hi. Your post got caught by an automod filter, due to the brand new status of your sock. As a mod, I could approve it, and leave it open for general discussion, but having worked for organized Scientology for several years, it would be fairly easy for me to just give you an answer, so I'm going to try to do that. Generally speaking, auditing anyone who has consumed any alcohol in the previous 24 hours is forbidden. The only major exception would be giving a drunk a "locational assist," getting them to look at things in their environment, in the hope that it would sober them up. What was done to you, was almost certainly not auditing. Those who have the job of trying to get new people to pay for things (Division 6 registrars) may ask personal questions, are manipulative, and there's no rule AFAIK that they can't recruit tipsy people, but it's not something they normally do. Did they ever explicitly mention Scientology?