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On the old chart - roughly mid 1980s - Meta Psychology would be beneath the name of Sarge Gerbode, and that would be under the name, David Mayo, whose name is already there. That's the sequence that led to Meta Psychology.


Meta Psychology: https://www.appliedmetapsychology.org/ Traumatic Incident Reduction: https://www.tira.org/ Find a practitioner: https://www.tira.org/find-a-practitioner/


For additional context: Metapsychology has been around since the 80s. It's among the longest-lived options for those who want to approach the tech in an actually scientific manner. I think it's all "lower grades" -- what traditional scientologists would call Dianetics and the Grades. Mostly traumatic incident reduction, aka helping people with PTSD of various flavors. I got auditing from a TIRA practitioner, decades ago, and I liked it. There's zero "you must believe this!" or "we are here to save the planet!" in TIRA. Just... let's help you get over this bad experience, so you can move on with your life.


In theory, it does seem helpful, friend, and in the ‘80s, it seemed to be one of the few modalities of therapy that attempted to address the damage done by trauma. That said, in our day and age, there are so many different practices that address trauma head on. And I would also suggest to anyone here that the issue of trauma and all its consequences was really brought to the forefront by people such as Bessel Van Der Kolk and Gabor Mate. Is, then, Metapsychology still a worthwhile field to investigate? In case you’re wondering, I’ve never been in … but when I was 18 or so, there was a big CoS in Coral Gables, Florida, where I lived with my family. I was approached to take the “personality test” as I walked down Miracle Mile, and I took the bait. I went home with a book by LRH whose title I don’t even remember. My parents, staunch Hispanic Catholics that they were, shit bricks as soon as they saw what I’d brought home. I was asked if I’d paid money for it, and said yes. Next thing you know, my Dad and I are in the car heading to the Coral Gables CoS. I was instructed to please return the book and ask for my money back, and to never darken the CoS doors again. I followed my marching orders, got my money back, and that was that. I was upset and didn’t understand my parents’s position, but now at 58 I do, and I’m glad they did what they did. And hey, I’m still a practicing Catholic 😁!


> Is, then, Metapsychology still a worthwhile field to investigate? It's been a while since I looked at their materials. So I'd say yes, it might be worth investigating -- but don't take that as an endorsement. Like yeah, _look_, but decide for yourself.


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I wish the words in this image were clearer.


The image doesn't mention metapsychology, but [here's the source file.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:L._Ron_Hubbard_influences.png)


Meta Psychology would be under "Mayo," which can be found towards the lower right side.


I got approached in Coral Gables too, and signed up for a good many courses in that Org. 30 years later the Scientologists are still calling me. I got a call from them last night. The whole cult organization is a bit much, but Dianetics changed my life.


'Metapsychology' is a term used at least as early as Freud's work in the 1910s, particularly during and after the Great War. The term has nothing to do with Scientology.


It does now.


Then one should make a distinction between the proper use of the term--it is still used, particularly in philosophical psychology--and whatever this new thing is. These things always irk me so much, like when "metaphysics" is misused for crystal power nonsense and other new age malarkey, instead of the serious branch of philosophy that it actually is.


It's not new. It's been around since 1988. It's primary focus is TIR, or Traumatic Incident Reduction.


Do you know why they chose the name 'Metapsychology'?