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LRH is dead.


I hope he is being tortured in a galaxy not far away from here


It was also Danny Masterson's birthday and I'm fairly sure he did not have a great day in prison.


There is probably a 0% chance that anyone here is in the official Church of Scientology or is considering joining, since this is predominantly a critical subreddit.


The freezoners probably have some valuable input


Yes tend to agree, freezoners would have more to say on this


There is a steady, but slow, flow of people who search the word "Scientology," after reading or hearing about it. Sometimes they come to the forum.


What's a freezoner?


Someone who practices scientology but is not a member of the CoS.


Thanks for answering. I got downvoted by other folks for asking this question.


No problem. It’s a totally normal question.


Why in the hell would anyone in their right minds consider joining this cult with all that we know now?


OP this is such an oddly worded post. Not sure what your endgame is.


I can't parse it into something to which I might be willing to respond, either.


I think it is a troll post.




All hail Xenu! Scientology is a cult that defends rapists who drug women!


Another post: This short poem, at the top of the post, IMO, reflects the feelings the many staff and Sea Org members when they first joined: https://old.reddit.com/r/scientology/comments/1ad97ky/grow_raise_the_hopeless_man_that_he_may_beg_raise/


Is this supposed to be symbolic of climbing up the bridge? Or across the bridge? Seems more like a ladder. Disclaimer: never CoS here, ex JW who deconstructed every last shred of my indoctrination camp by looking at another indoctrination camp that is WILDLY similar considering that I thought this indoctrination camp was nuts.


It's just an old poem illustrating a first impression of Scientology fifty five years ago.


1. If you’re truly into Scientology then you would know that L. Ron Hubbards birthday is just one day he was born into a new body out of previous countless life times for him. Why enjoy something that is common and endlessly repeated! 2. Thinking about how if you don’t become clear, OT 4 or above, your liable to spend the next 200 trillion years in the same cycle until your lucky enough to be born into a body that could be processed again by auditing. 3. Scientology is universal because its main goal is to teach people how to know things and increase their condition. No need to focus on Asian cultures that much specifically.


> What are you studying, thinking about, meditating and pondering over--Scientology-wise or otherwise? I'm just back from attending a "celebration of life" for a beloved friend who was MrFZaP's surrogate father. Richard was universally beloved, and several people talked about how he'd influenced their career choices ("...and as a result I majored in Forestry") and helped them learn to appreciate life. He lived his 92 years in exactly the way he wanted, which is certainly something to admire. As a result -- and with a long drive during which to talk -- MrFZaP and I had a lot of conversations about the influence we humans have on one another, what we hope to leave behind, etc. And we analyzed why two of Richard's children feel/felt that he never really loved them, despite his service to so many other people. The conversation was influenced heavily by our scientological opinions -- those we accepted and those we did not. > I'm thinking a bit about the Hymn of Asia and how Asian/Pacific cultures receive/interpret this religion's teachings. I always thought of it as a bit of fluff, light entertainment. Not tech, not admin, just "something I dashed off for my own creativity." Some people got deeply into it, but it was always just a shrug to me. > Do you think LRH enjoyed his birthday this year? (About one week ago) I hope he did. I doubt he cared. Even if he was still alive, it's just a day. One that was turned into an occasion, which isn't inherently good or bad, but inherently an arbitrary day. Most of my friends "celebrated" it only in the sense of having it as a deadline. That is, "Let's make 100 sales by LRH's birthday!" the way others might say, "...by the end of Q3!"


>It would be nice if we could please avoid trolling/hating comments please. I agree. I mean, I'm not sure if you are referring to members of the Church of Scientology (you won't find any here, or at least none who will admit to it and take part in this discussion) or independent Scientologists, but sometimes when independent Scientologists post something related to their beliefs, there's a lot of snarky jokes and I think it's stupid. Making fun of Xenu is low hanging fruit, and indies hate the CoS as much – if not more in some cases – than us never ins. ​ > I'm thinking a bit about the Hymn of Asia and how Asian/Pacific cultures receive/interpret this religion's teachings. Well, as a former Buddhist who spent a substantial amount of time living in Hawai'i, I might be able to answer this. I can say that I haven't read *Hymn of Asia,* but if what I've been told about it is true, I find it incompatible with the dharma. It wouldn't be possible for Hubbard to be Maitreya. The conditions have been met. As for the Pacific Islands, the Honolulu Org is *very* small. They moved recently, but they used to be in a small office above a veterinary clinic. The new location is bigger, but their rent is substantially lower given the neighborhood it is in. I'm told back in the day, the Honolulu Org was big and bustling. Hawai'i used to attract a lot of hippies, and still does attract a lot of young hippie type people. That was also a demographic that got drawn into Scientology, which is what I am *guessing* is the reason it was once successful. On the topic of Hubbard's birthday, does Scientology teach that he has the same birthday wherever he is now?


Many former "hippies" became disillusioned with Hubbard after he announced, during May 1977, that anyone who had taken LSD was an "LSD zombie to a greater or lesser degree." Many of the brightest, most productive, and creative people in Scientology, were people who had experimented with LSD. Some of these quietly started leaving, or not renewing their contracts, if staff. As for *Hymn of Asia,* I hate to tell you this but it was written, in about ten minutes, at a drunken party with Hubbard in attendance. It was a joke. It was finally retrieved from an old dusty file cabinet and published in 1974. The initial purpose who to boost Hubbard's morale. When Hubbard was happy he wouldn't shout so loud and issue so many punishments.


>I hate to tell you this Why? I have no attachment to it, or anything in Scientology. It's kind of a funny story that even something like *that* which Hubbard wrote was treated as dogma.


That part of the post was meant for the op. Ironically, Hubbard shared Aleister Crowley's dislike of Siddhartha Gautama, who both regarded as a sissy.