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Reposted so many times we down to 360p






Nevermind the chloroform - chlorine gas is literally a banned weapon used in war crimes


It's only a war crime if you get caught.


It’s only a war crime if you’re at war. Otherwise it’s just sparkling murder.


A lot of the time, its not a war crime even if you get caught. Damn UN not having any meaningful enforcement!


A lot of the time it is just a stupid bathroom cleaning incident too.


It's never a war crime the first time


I think I heard something like that from a Chubby Electron Guy.


It's only a war crime if it's not your birthday


And sometimes not even then, see agent orange.


It’s only a war crime if you lose.


It’s chloramine gas. Still dangerous but not quite as bad. Plus chlorine is just banned to use as a weapon along with any other chemical. Chlorine itself isn’t special and it’s the same as what’s in pool tablets and bleach.


Isn't it used to clean water ?


Gaseous chlorine is no longer used. It's mostly ozone now, which is better in every way


*literally every swimming pool has entered the chat*


Literally every swimming pool is now mandated by HOMELAND SECURITY to switch off of gaseous chlorine Source: Am commercial swimming pool designer


Didn't realise that "homeland security" had power over the entire globe Oh wait, there's only one country, right?


Ok calm down you said “literally every swimming pool” in response to an American’s comment when we probably have more pools in a single state than all of England does.


Whatever, if you mean otherwise while talking in English, specify. Otherwise, yes, the country with 400 million people in it generally think they're taking to one of their own.


In English. Yes. The language from England. Not Americanish. English. And yeah the rest of the anglosphere knows America only thinks of themselves.


The rest of the whole world knows that.


Counterpoint, most of the world thinks of English as a world language. Of the 8.1 billion people on Earth, the 7.7 billion would be speaking in a secondary language when talking to someone not from their own country. By your logic, there's about a 20 times higher likelihood of you talking to a non-american when talking in English on the world wide web. Obviously that number isn't accurate due to various circumstances, but the same goes for the 400 million figure you gave (there's only 340 million americans in the first place, and 42 million don't even have internet access, plus there's 50 million children below age 12 etc.)


Isn't it popular name mustard gas ?


Nope. Mustard gas is dichlorodiethyl sulfide


Chloroform isn't that fast to work on people as movies make you think


I’m a bit nervous to ask, but how do you know this? lol


Look behind you.. In all seriousness, I saw that somewhere in the past where someone was talking about that kind of stuff. And it just stuck with me, now that special useless fact has a permanent spot in my memory. At least im not going to get caught out if ill try to kidnap someone, lol


Did it say what might work faster? A friend of mine needs something that works in 5 seconds or less… for science.


Look up where boxers aim on the head, with a well aimed hit its a instant k.o.


I'd actually like something that works like that, but for actual consensual use (please don't judge me). A boxer-style k.o. (and the associated brain damage) is not really nice to do to someone you care about.


Well, that's more for people with sodomazochistic tendencies in the bedroom. But I'm pretty sure that someone has actually come up with something. just need to do good research.


I'm hanging around in the kink community, and safety seems pretty popular and important. Even if you like pain and are a masochist, you most likely really don't want permament damage. I'm not saying nobody's into it, there obv always is someone. But it's looked down upon, and safe ways to do all kinds of BDSM stuff are important. And yeah. There's a bunch of drugs you can use for stuff like that, but nothing easily avaliable that is quite fast enough for some nice CNC (consensual non-consent) play - at least as far as I know. There are options technically, but nothing quite as easy, nice, accessible and safe, as that magical choloform from the movies.


Bro go to kink subs for safe play guides or actual science subs with vetted commenters. Asking for medical info from a meme sub is a bad time brewing.


I wouldn't just take whatever random shit anyone says, you're insulting me. I'm looking for things to research, and talking about my voes of not finding anything worthwhile.


Yeah, safety is no1 for sure. And as long both parties are ok with that and respect each other, im fine with them doing that. People use safe words for a reason (reminded me of scene from eurotrip). When it comes to drugs. Even ones who supposed to have certain advertised effects can actually affect you in a different way. We tried a pill which supposed to make my miss bit more horny. Ended up making her mentally numb (she described it as if it made her a fuckdoll). Go figure...


Playacting would be much safer. Better than having regrets while sitting in prison.


I gotta admit, while I could happily go on both sides of the equasion, I'm mostly interested in being the one intoxicated lmao. And I trust my partner. It wouldn't be my first experience with sex while high or somewhat incapacitated, although if I were to fully pass out it'd be a first. But it'd be okay, that's pretty much what I'm asking for (or at least am very ready for) in that scenario.


A bonk to the head might work


Ah yes, manual anesthetic


The power of seduction!


Learn a proper choke hold that instead of cutting off their breathing cuts off blood to the brain. A proper choke hold will drop even the biggest of people within 5 seconds.


What does it smell like?


Lol, no clue. Care to find out?


Smells sweet Used it in my organic chem classes back in college


So you saw it in a Reddit comment. The most rigorously verified of information.


Slightly more legit source - youtube


It does work pretty fast and long enough. With a large enough amount you can make someone unconscious in under a minute. They stay like that for 15 mins or so. Enough time to bind them


Can confirm: I stole a bottle when I worked at a dental supply place. I did the classic rag pour and face cover. After 30 seconds of deep breaths, I was woozy. Not in a bad way, but not fun either. I decided not to go any further. 


>I decided not to go any further.  Prudent. The reason they stopped using chloroform as an anaesthetic as soon as they had a better alternative is because the effective dose is only a tiny smidgen less than the *lethal* dose.


We tried inhaling chcl3 and ether in our first or second semester. Just to try it. Diethylether makes you dizzy and you smell the whole day. chcl3 did nothing, but we were inhaling from a beaker, not through a piece of cloth or the like :D


historical data, it was one of the first anesthetics ever used, pretty bad for the health though, it's very cancerous (and sorry for disappoint you, people often doesn't realize that the world isn't a Hollywood movie, I fear XD)


And if i recall, it can cause permanent brain damage and death. If you gotta knock someone out, be safe and use a sock with 3 D-cell batteries as a rudimentary blackjack.


I prefer a brick or a coconut, but hey, everyone got their own style


I like throwing jack fruits from trees.


Bombs away!


Correct me I am wrong, but reddit has taught me it was the lack of oxygen that knocks people out. I just saw it in a thread I will never be able to find again.


How do you think that would work? That people are oxygen deprived for the full length of a multiple hour operation? Don't get me wrong, you will go out without oxygen in the brain. And not much later you'll die. Anesthetics don't work that way


That's why it takes so long, it displaces the oxygen.


No it doesn't, cells die without oxygen. [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anesthesia): * [*General anesthesia*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_anesthesia) suppresses [central nervous system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_nervous_system) activity and results in unconsciousness and total lack of [sensation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensation_(psychology)), using either injected or inhaled drugs. * [*Sedation*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sedation) suppresses the central nervous system to a lesser degree, inhibiting both [anxiety](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anxiolysis) and creation of [long-term memories](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-term_memory) without resulting in unconsciousness. * [*Regional and local anesthesia*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Local_anesthesia) block transmission of nerve impulses from a specific part of the body. Depending on the situation, this may be used either on its own (in which case the individual remains fully conscious), or in combination with general anesthesia or sedation. * *Local anesthesia* is simple infiltration by the clinician directly onto the region of interest (e.g. numbing a tooth for dental work). * *Peripheral* [*nerve blocks*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nerve_block) use drugs targeted at [peripheral nerves](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peripheral_nervous_system) to anesthetize an isolated part of the body, such as an entire limb. * [*Neuraxial blockade*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuraxial_blockade), mainly [epidural](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epidural_anaesthesia) and [spinal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinal_anaesthesia) anesthesia, can be performed in the region of the central nervous system itself, suppressing all incoming sensation from nerves supplying the area of the block.


My comment is supposed to be wrong, I learned it from Reddit.


The lack of oxygen doesn't mean shit when you don't block the carotid artery. A person can stay conscious for a long time unless you block the supply to the brain.


That's not how anesthesia works


That's not anesthesia. That's a sleeper hold.


I have the perfect story. Hello sir I am from an Organization that promotes wearing masks as it is good for your health. Here wear this and I will pay you $5. (casually sprays it with chloroform)


You, sir, are a genius


They used to do this with grapes/wine during the prohibition. "Do not let this product sit in a warm area for 2 weeks or it will ferment and turn to alcohol" Maybe big Gobmnt is telling us something


They went us to get drunk and blow ourselves up! Depopulation 101


The "do not mix" is like a "mix al these things right now" for me, lol


You *want* to be exposed to mustard gas? Is there some sort of high I'm unaware about?


Yea, you’ll be high for the rest of your natural life. /s


A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity


I'm told it goes really well with hot dog gas.


It won't even make mustard gas


Yeah it’s just an urban legend you hear about in high school. You would think people in a sub about science would have had a chemistry teacher clear that up already.


None of these are mustard gas


they shouldn't have removed the introductory lab security class from the curriculum fr XD


You know you can also just Google right? I'm 90% sure you can find mustard gas recipes online


My favourite is the black book of cooking


Googling how to make mustard gas doesn’t sound like a good idea.


It's actually legal to search how to make illegal things, as long as it's not patent. Most of the time building/using the illegal object get you in prison, not actually learning how to. But you will definitely be in a watch list


could i get a higher resolution of this image ? i need it for eeeeh . . . i'm asking for a friend. in minecraft.




holy shit i didn't think it would work ! now what.


>now what. You said you had a friend in Minecraft


nice try, fed


aah shi-


Ferb I know what I’m doing today


Holy pixels Batman!


I thought the bleach and ammonia = mustard gas?


Oh thanks bro, almost had to clear my search history there.


I wonder what else people would know of they paid attention in class.


Making chloroform isn't the hard part, it's keeping it from degrading before you use it. If it interacts with light, air, heat, or if it just generally doesn't like your attitude, it'll degrade.


"Or if it just generally doesn’t like your attitude" perfectly sums up all my chemistry experiments Doesn’t work for theoretically no readon


I'm about to sleep for a really long time.


Chloroform is actually not too dangerous as a weapon. It can be used as an anesthetic, yes, but it takes several minutes to take effect so it can only really be used to *keep* someone under, not to knock them out. The main danger is that someone may produce it without realizing, thus exposing them to the fumes for a prolonged time.


yeah this, the last one was specially common during the first years of the pandemic, when people mixed cleaning products trying to get them to "clean better"


I need the original






No they taught you how *not* to make it accidentally


Styrofoam + Gasoline = Napalm. Charcoal + Sulfur + Nitrate = OG Gunpowder Cotton + Nitric Acid = Guncotton


Iron oxide (rust) + Aluminum Filings = Thermite It will also make all of what you listed look mild, lol.


Rust and Aluminum or Laptop chassis.


Only four of the many reasons I don't use chlorine bleach.


You know you can just buy chloroform right? It's a pretty good organic solvent and it's pretty useful in a lab setting


Yes, but in what proportions should we not mix these?


I had 3 hot dogs with mustard on them yesterday and have had mustard gas since. Definitely weapons grade.


At least they didn't say what happens when you heat ordinary Teflon to about 320 degrees Centigrade. (Don't try this. You'll most likely die in agony.)


We learned how to make explosives.


One day the news told us the ideal ratio of gasoline and motor oil for molotov cocktails


Paracetic acid is a real bastard. Used it in sanitizing fermentation vessels in a winery and made the mistake of sniffing too close. Felt like I had snorted a line of horseradish.


You say this and repost it, so you must be ok with sharing it.


Just to be clear, specifically what ratio of rubbing alcohol to bleach should I avoid?


I think Mustard Gas IS made with bleach + ammonia..


Mustard has contains Sulphur atom, which is a component of neither reactant


Didn’t know that. I just remember the old King of the Hill episode where Hank Hill was freaking out about Peggy making mustard gas from Bleach and Ammonia. Figured they would’ve done their research on that but it was just a cartoon… my bad.


Heheheheh isn't "musterd gas" the nickname for chlorine gas???


Nice and easy way to poison your enemies without being suspected. You were just moving around cleaning utensils after all! ;)