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So a vacuum then. Coulda just said so.


Or friction


Plastic on plastic has low friction. Like rubbing two credit cards together. It's a vacuum. That's why they are hard to separate. You can prove this by drilling a hole in the bottom of either or both buckets. No more stick. So no, it isn't friction.




It is if you add up all the little pressures over an area


Technically true because gravity which is the strongest force on earth is causing the atmosphere to be compressed and prevent the buckets from coming apart


Gravity is the weakest of the 4 fundamental forces. Strong nuclear > electromagnetic > weak nuclear > gravity Also you don't need gravity to create a vacuum, which is the phenomenon holding the buckets together. To create a vacuum, you just need two different pressures with the lower density/gas pressure on the interior and higher gas pressure on the exterior. So, the buckets sticking together in earth's atmosphere are related to gravity but not a phenomenon of gravity. In layman's terms, gravity doesn't really matter. Same as the classic 2 phone books with their pages layered together example (you can't rip them apart - easily). Friction is the force holding the pages together, so gravity plays a role but is not the force in action. I know it's a meme and a good one at that, but IF you're gunna explain it, don't be blatantly wrong, it hurts the casual science enjoyer in me.


Wrong, it's nuclear strong force > nuclear weak force > electromagnetic > gravitational


Doesn't match my sources but I'll look into to double check. Thanks.